• Memories Of The Green Star/Blue Star Memories

    lollipoplolita writes, "

    Memory Of The Green Star is now up only on JP servers and translated in English and is known as Blue Star Memories. This is the Ep 1 & 2 quest that crosses over to Ep 3 and lets you have key items to download the two Ep 3 quests, Bullet of Future Assassin and Anticipation of the Future. Some of you might remember that you can get two E cards, Cipher and Richie, one from each of the Ep 3 quest. Discuss this in our forums. Read up on the Memory Of The Green Star/Blue Star Memories guide to find out how to get both key items.

    Credit: EvilDroog and Jack

    Comments 7 Comments
    1. fireant's Avatar
      fireant -
      I did the EP1 and 2 quest but I am not able to download the part of EP3
    1. 's Avatar
      Same, it looks like ST screwed us over again
    1. fireant's Avatar
      fireant -
      I think they just were not ready to give it out yet or had no idea that some one would find the english version on the JP ships. This could just be a work in progress
    1. Brant's Avatar
      Brant -
      did any of you guys fight the Ep2 Ship boss, that Dragon? I did and got the Bullet of Future assassain.
    1. 's Avatar
      Was'nt this a PSO 1&2 Plus only affair before anyways? I guess they had to muck with it a bit to get it to work for us, hence the test run.
    1. 's Avatar
      can u get both download quests or only 1?
    1. 's Avatar
      Blue Star Memories arrives April 6th. I"m looking forward to it.
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