• PSOBB US site revamped

    On top of today's Episode V announcement, Sega has revamped the US PSOBB website. You can find it here. Admittedly there's not much up yet, however it appears that Sega will be putting up both a tips section as well as start listing press quotes about the game. However no new information has gone up as of this time, the data appears to have been a direct copy and paste of the old page.

    Comments 7 Comments
    1. 's Avatar
      Plz dont be an april fools joke
    1. 's Avatar
      Fake Fake. Way to completely blow this day out of proportions. Have a nice day.
    1. Cynric's Avatar
      Cynric -
      Guys, the url is from Sega.com. He can't fake that.
    1. 's Avatar
      Its amazing how easily browsers can be faked to indicate where you really are though...even Firefox and Opera and all of those others.
    1. Meaky's Avatar
      Meaky -
      You fail.
    1. 's Avatar
      but news is good news, and since the site is up for BB, its coming soon
    1. MasterDiver's Avatar
      MasterDiver -
      An Episode 5? isnt soon? let ppl have fun with Ep. 4 before they send out Ep. 5, I mean let it be atleast a year, yes its cool but it will be better if they send it out later if you know what I mean, but if everyone is that crazed about it, Episode 5 all the way!!!
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