• Phantasy Star Online 2 Gameplay Video and Screenshots

    The first gameplay videos and screenshots from Phantasy Star Online 2 were revealed to the public earlier today at the Japanese Infinity Gran Prix event. You can view the video below or on this Livestream page.

    Jump to the 1 hour 59 minute mark to see the PSO2 Gameplay Video.

    Based on the text in the video, Phantasy Star Online 2 will include:

    • Randomized dungeons
    • Weather Effects
    • Third-Person Shooting Mode for Shooting
    • Jumping
    • Random Mission Events


    In addition, the 4gamer website has several high-resolution screenshots! The screenshots feature close-ups of the user-interface, character designs, and cut-in-chat. If you look closely, you'll see Section IDs on the player outfits! You can the screenshots here and on the 4gamer website.

    Four players in a Forest setting
    Four players in a Forest setting

    Credit goes to xBladeM6x for providing the video link and Mike for providing links to the screenshots. You can join in on the discussion in this forum thread!

    Comments 62 Comments
    1. Pioneer1111's Avatar
      Pioneer1111 -
      Wait... we get to jump now?
    1. Rukyius's Avatar
      Rukyius -
      C...cant m...move too m...much.
    1. ColonD's Avatar
      ColonD -
      Monster 1: What's that hopping up and down on the horizon?
      Monster 2: Hunters, they don't walk or run anymore, just jump excitedly.
    1. Overlord Zenon's Avatar
      Overlord Zenon -
      No offense, graphicly looks fine, but its coming off as a more generic MMO now then anything, same generic Hit numbers, tiny Gui, the ability to jump now, and the forest looks a little liner, lets hope this is just an early build, and they try to have some diverse monsters, and not reuse animations of multiple models, as well as recolors
    1. TK38's Avatar
      TK38 -
      Playing PSU never quite did it for me. The casts looked too organic and not robotic enough. The new humans went from looking like mad court jesters and gruff biker chicks to looking so overly saturated with cutesiness that it wasn't a matter of if but when I'd start hitting my head against the monitor. As for what I've seen from PSO2 so far, I'm not too thrilled about the new human hunter outfit but it seems to be a step in the right direction. Overall, I remain optimistic that there will be multiple aesthetic options to choose from and that those options will be ones that bring back some of that PSO goodness.
    1. Aeiku's Avatar
      Aeiku -
      Generic or not is fine to me as long as it has the awesome adventurous feeling from the first PSO I'm happy.
    1. Endu_Landale's Avatar
      Endu_Landale -
      Agreed, I think we need to keep optimistic over several early alpha screens and a short video.
    1. Ovada's Avatar
      Ovada -
      I wouldn't mind if they took a note from Vindictus and allowed grappling, or at least had a photon art that allowed me to throw things. Maybe I have a rage problem, I don't know
    1. Ovada's Avatar
      Ovada -
      I personally liked the organic look, but in my head- I just wanted some sort of cast-like parts for my RAmarl.
      I think casts did look like robots, but they didn't feel like robots, if that makes any sense. In PSO, they had better vision, regenerating parts, built-in trap dispensers, etc. In PSU, they were basically humans with heads that rotate differently.
      I would love to see some cast-only parts, making me more like a tank XD
    1. knight200x's Avatar
      knight200x -
      FINALLY !!! we are going to to have a REAL RPG to deal with here :P !! CAAAAAAN'T WAAAAAAIT !
    1. Athorian's Avatar
      Athorian -
      All of this has me SO hyped! PSU made me want to cry after playing PSO for so long. But the music in this video is PSO like, the combat system seems ALOT more fun, and the character skins...So awesome! 0.0 I hope they keep consistantly releasing content to keep the hype up!
    1. Aeiku's Avatar
      Aeiku -
      Meh...grappling would be a let down to me wouldn't feel PSO-like.
    1. PepperCat's Avatar
      PepperCat -
      Those boobs defy physics... I APPROVE!
    1. gratefulgriz's Avatar
      gratefulgriz -
      I really hope they bring mags back
    1. Lichfiend's Avatar
      Lichfiend -
      Thank you Sonic Team for going back to the PSO style armor. One of the biggest disappointments for me in PSU was character design, and I'm very happy to see them going back to a style more appropriate for the type of game they're making. HUmars in tank-tops and gym shorts looked absurd. The speed of combat looks fun, and I always welcome jumping in online RPGs. Here's hoping they give us something to fill up that action bar with.
    1. Overlord Zenon's Avatar
      Overlord Zenon -
      I hope they do both, adds more varity to character customization
    1. HsBlaze's Avatar
      HsBlaze -
      Me too! I didnt see mag on them but they should
    1. Blizz3112's Avatar
      Blizz3112 -
      Maybe they use a different system... Also... jumping! That's some getting use to... XD ...
    1. Seasqwaa's Avatar
      Seasqwaa -
      Agreed. I love PSO for PSO.
      Yep... if that makes any sense.
      I hear people relating it to Vindictus, Blade and Soul, Tera. Particularly all games that
      I think are pretty bad. Or at least, not something I would enjoy
    1. ZeldaSerenade's Avatar
      ZeldaSerenade -
      That was the first thing I thought too. I was wondering if anyone else noticed the "generic MMO" interface. Hopefully the gameplay will make this irrelevant.
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