• Phantasy Star Online 2 Servers Will Not Be Linked

    Japanese gaming website 4gamer.net recently interviewed Satoshi Sakai, producer for the Phantasy Star Online series. In the interview, Sakai talks about the creation of Phantasy Star Online 2, future updates, and the regional servers. In particular, he mentioned the North American/European servers will not be linked to the Japanese servers.

    This turn of events will surely come as a disappointment to those that were expecting globaly linked servers.

    Credit goes to Neirene for bringing us this news. You can discuss this news in this forum thread.
    Comments 83 Comments
    1. Shade_Koopa's Avatar
      Shade_Koopa -
      Man this sucks, they just killed a great game already. If they actually gives us all the conten the JPN version gets, I don't mind that the US version about 5-6 months behind them. But if they are just going to give us scraps of what the JPN version has, then they already killed the game. This announcements alone will have half of the US players going over the JPN servers; US PSO 2is already dieing.
    1. Akaba's Avatar
      Akaba -
      Yeah, pretty much. I will set up a US account but chances are I probably won't put too much effort into it as if it's managed anything like the US servers for PSU were they WILL go down before you know it.
    1. BogusKun's Avatar
      BogusKun -
      Welcome to PSU2.
    1. slipknotver's Avatar
      slipknotver -
      you cant keep comparing pso2 to psu cause psu sucked anyways. even with the updates it was never better then pso and didn't have the community pso had.
    1. slipknotver's Avatar
      slipknotver -
      you have nothing to base this off of. psu is not pso2. talking about two different games
    1. AncientRemnants's Avatar
      AncientRemnants -
      OMG, people are so ungrateful, we're even lucky that SoJ even cared enough to put this out in the west cause they could have not sent it to us at all. who cares if the updates aren't up-to-date with the eastern servers. (who i might add made the game first so u have to expect that they aren't going to send it here at the same time before they iron some bugs and glitches out first, thank u japan) Coming from a person who never got anything he wanted in his life, im very grateful that japan even gives 2 sh**s and fu**s about us to even have a release for a game thats not p2p.
    1. Darkus's Avatar
      Darkus -
      I have to agree.... unless we're getting the same content, I'll probably hang around the JP servers.... like pretty much everyone else. but time will tell.... well at least we're getting a western version...
    1. Darkus's Avatar
      Darkus -
      even with the language barrier, that's another thing I loved about PSO, making friends from everywhere... but oh well. :/
    1. Rei-San's Avatar
      Rei-San -
      This isn't about being ungrateful. We all love PSO2 and are glad that they are showing SOME love towards an international release, but what good does that do if the game is unplayable?
      we feel that the international servers will do little to keep the interest of the community afloat. If you want to play PSO2 in english, then by all means go ahead. But why would I play a watered down version of the game when we are happily playing the JPN version that has literally EVERYTHING in comparison? Now unless sega proves us wrong then I will likely change over, but that's a stretch. >.>
      I personally get how you feel. Be thankful for what you have and don't be so greedy, cause what you may may be gone from your life.
    1. Daemon Gildas's Avatar
      Daemon Gildas -
      Ugh, this can only end poorly, methinks. Normally, I wouldn't think anything of it, but consider how SEGA has treated its non-Japan community with PSU, I'm not holding out much hope.
      Honestly, I think I might still lean towards joining the Japanese version, although I'm more that willing to give the Western release a try. If it takes more than two months to get an update after Japan does, however, I'll definitely be migrating.
    1. LoveRappy's Avatar
      LoveRappy -
      100% glad they are seperated.
      this better mean the NA/EU versions will not have GameGuard either.
      hopfully the English version will be on Steam and use VAC instead.
    1. Dragun9500's Avatar
      Dragun9500 -
      Yes. 2 diffrent games. By the same developers. With the same problem, regional servers. And its not about the games. Its about Sega of America not giving us the full content. I also have heard this about another game PSO BB. (Not sure if its the right one) The point of people saying PSO2 is going to be like PSU is not becasue of how the games are, but becasue of the Western developers not showing enough dedication to it customers. And also people keep comparing PSO2 to PSU is becasue PSU is the most recent Phantasy Star game. And the best example of SoA not doing what it's supposed to do.
    1. AncientRemnants's Avatar
      AncientRemnants -
      well thanks for understanding me... i can see where your coming from but i think that people need to at least give it a chance before judging something on past games that are just that, past games. what im trying to say is to just take a chance with this game and play the JP version too if you want, and if it fails then so what. your not losing anything but in-game stuff anyway (unless u get some stuff from the item mall which i dont think that it will cost that much anyway). If people are going to complain about the servers being deserted then dont let it and keep it alive. thats probably why they shut down the servers cause everyone was on the JP servers and not helping there own servers (if im wrong then please tell me).
    1. TecherRamen's Avatar
      TecherRamen -
      Its too bad sega cant get with google and embed translation protocols so that they wouldnt have to rewrite any text, it would just be converted automatically and then cached by the game. This would also really improve google translate's JP-Eng translations. if google translate was a little better the language barrier would be almost non existant, a lot of the in game text thats in the chat log can be coppy-pasted into GT anyway including interaction with the Japanese community...
    1. lcronovt's Avatar
      lcronovt -
      They need to do the first step not us, if they show interest in the game it would grow because they would make an effort to do so. And like you I'm gonna wait and see if they really overcome those past mistakes. But for now I'll keep playing in JP server just because of what happen in the past games waiting to see what happens, if they really make the effort like Riot with League of Legends that has 4+ regional servers all updated and a growing community, there is a high chance that everyone would be playing in there own region.
    1. slipknotver's Avatar
      slipknotver -
      that still doesn't prove pso2 will suck. just because they did wrong b4 doesn't mean it will be the same and to just jump to conclusions and to post on here crying about the game is already over etc. etc is annoying. get over it even if it doesn't get all the updates i will still enjoy playing it just like i did pso when it didn't get all the updates.... pso still rocked and if you don't like it you don't have to play cause many of us will.
    1. Meyfei's Avatar
      Meyfei -
      Bare with me im on a shitty laptop. and this is the worth the ban:
      i swear i wanna bash some fucking sense into there useless skulls -.-
      Sega of america dont give two fucking shits they'll do what they always do FUCK EVERYONE OVER! pso2 wont get any advertisments cause they'll throw it's advert funds to some shitassed americanised game their slackass programmers make instead.
      Seriously cost wise and efficiency using 1 client, 1 update, 1 cashshop is ALL worth it. but fuck no. lets bitchslap everyone and let SoA get some free chump change before fucking up a new game AGAIN. Inb4Xbox import -.-
    1. Fontes's Avatar
      Fontes -
      It's all the same to me. Never planned to play this with moon-rune speaking people, anyway.
    1. Meyfei's Avatar
      Meyfei -
      do Americans always have there head up there asses?
      Incase you didnt know there language was around much longer than english so if anything we're the moonspeakers
    1. AncientRemnants's Avatar
      AncientRemnants -
      YEA!!! FIGHT THE POWER!!! :P
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