View Full Version : one more magic PM Q.

Jan 7, 2007, 03:59 PM
ummm i was looking at a fully grown mage PM and it sayed TEACNICs atk/heal dose this mean that you can teach your PM new magic spells or is this normal

Jan 7, 2007, 04:00 PM
I think it means that when summoned in combat it will attack and also heal. You cannot change the battle stats of your PM in any way thus far. If it has a sword and a twin saber combo, you are stuck with that.

Jan 7, 2007, 04:06 PM
It just means it will constantly use magic and stuff. It heals but it's rare I think they are fixing the 450's actions though on that. All Ive seen her do was cas Deband and Foe.

Jan 7, 2007, 04:24 PM
On 2007-01-07 13:06, MayLee wrote:
It just means it will constantly use magic and stuff. It heals but it's rare I think they are fixing the 450's actions though on that. All Ive seen her do was cas Deband and Foe.

o.o deband. You mean Jellen maylee XD.

Deband is a defense up buff while jellen is an enemy attack-down debuff XD

Jan 7, 2007, 04:31 PM
Er, Jellen. >_>