View Full Version : Challenge: Exercise

Apr 4, 2007, 08:10 PM
Paranoia Fleas Silence Sleep Sequester Request

Yes, I'd like to request 10 burgers please, hold the cheese if you will, I'm also a bit petrified of dill.

Will, shill, shall, mal, Colin Powell (?), Take over the world with that rainbow flag, snore away, it isn't so bad

My tostitos are gone, they have been scooped away, I can have no chips today

Chat, cat, mileu, miles, try to walk in these shoes why doncha?

Light, blights, the sacred scone of omnipotent Rome can take you home as long as you don't roam -- only have so many minutes, it isn't any of my business, but I suggest you don't park in the white zone

Airplane, haircraze, blowup dolls and pasta balls, soda malts, credit cards, waste do not want

Test test, hold the three, I can't find my way down this chimney. Meticulous spelling, outrageously compelling, commit a writing exercise today!