View Full Version : Scammers?

May 20, 2007, 05:53 AM
Are scammers really that big of a deal? To me the most common scam i see is when somone tells you they know how to dupe something and for you to drop it. I say if your willing to try and cheat then you probably do deserve to get scammed.

May 21, 2007, 12:58 AM
except for the fact that many of those who get scammed are not aware of any type of cheating. they are usually younger players who are not aware of sega's long list of terms and conditions. there is also the fact that there are many games (offline mostly) that have plenty of fun exploitable glitches. not everyone is aware of the difference between offline and online cheats. most of those who get scammed are never begging or even asking how to cheat but instead are often coerced or tricked into believing that without a horde of high end items they are gimped compared to most others. i know that dropping a weapon in a party of strangers is straight ASKING to get robbed but some others are more easily manipulated.

the other huge problem (which might even be fixed already) is the trade window scam. at one point there was a problem where the view of certain short worded items were blocked by an additional window during the trade. it was essentially impossible to tell if someone switched a Sonic for a Scroll. many got scammed this way. im not sure but i believe this was only a problem for certain widescreens and they may have even fixed the whole problem by now. however this scamming still occurs because not everyone checks the window every 2 seconds (which is a MUST if you dont want to get scammed).

in conclusion, many players are still getting scammed (Xbox version mostly, PC version you might get hacked...MUCH WORSE!) i absolutely hate scammers and think they are the absolute scum of our community. anyone who tricks people on a game is pretty sick IMO. they steal from others to make life easier for themselves. hmmmm ripping off others in a video game??? where's the fun or challenge in that?

here is a new website dedicated to cleaning our community.


May 21, 2007, 01:12 AM
scammers are not really wat worries me, but the people being scam are. The scammers like to be infamous and hurt other people's feeling. Bunny guess the scammers doesnt care anyway if they can dig that low to scam another person. Why would a person scam? Bunny thinks it is more fun to be positive and do the right thing then to scam someone and might have the chance to be banned if reported.

May 21, 2007, 01:16 AM
Considering 99% of the scammers are complete morons

I mean really... -_-

Example: Drop a Redbox item! I wana show it off on my website and make you a star

May 21, 2007, 01:20 AM
well i guess the one being scam can learn a lesson and hopefully not get scam again. >.> eh...learn from you mistake?! if they learn from it.

May 21, 2007, 01:24 AM
On 2007-05-20 23:20, BunnyGirl wrote:
well i guess the one being scam can learn a lesson and hopefully not get scam again. >.> eh...learn from you mistake?! if they learn from it.

Thats true ><, Learn from your mistakes