View Full Version : PC/PS2: Looking for Group: Ank Dedda Hunting (Seed Awakened

Jun 13, 2007, 01:00 PM
Hey guys, I'm looking for people who are dedicated in hunting the Ank Dedda board in Seed Awakened S (Minimum level requirement: 60)Dulk Fakis drops it after battle. I'll tell you this, I've fought Fakis S once before. As if getting to him with only 3 other people wasn't hard enough, killing him was the most difficult thing I have ever done on this game. There were four of us, and it was a struggle for survival the entire time, ESPECIALLY once he transformed and we ran out of items! Meteor will at least mame you every time, and there are a few other moves that can threaten your life as well. There is one ray of light here, as long as one player survives for a set ammount of time, the rest of the party will be revived over time. It happened twice with my group, and if not for that miracle, we would have been wiped out a second time. We just barely killed it, completely stripped of all recovery items and moons. Dedda didn't drop that day, but the victory alone over something that difficult to beat was enough reward.

Dispite how difficult this mission is (even for capped lv80 players), I'm ready to get right back into it and continue the hunt. at least one Fortetecher is a must!

For those of you looking for Halarod or Blackbull, those boards have a chance of dropping after the boss too.

The way I see it, the rare drops could be set on random, so that everyone has an equal chance of getting the board, should it come up.

The stipulations are as follows:

Required equipment: 10 Scape Dolls, 10 Moon Atomizers (If you have 10 Moon Atomizer X's, please also pick up 10 normal Moons at the shop, we don't want to take any chances!, 20 Trimates (unless you are a caster), and 10 Photon Charges. (Trust me, the worst thing you could do is underestimate this boss!)

Also, before the mission begins, you MUST announce the ONE board you are hunting, either Halarod, Blackbull, or Ank Dedda. If you happen to get a board that you didn't mention prior to the mission, you are required to drop it, and the people who did say they were hunting that board will roll for it.

Now that the ground rules are laid out, I'm looking for some people who are willing to go the distance.
Any takers?