View Full Version : Help, About an acount

Jul 17, 2007, 07:21 PM
This is on my detail suscription

We attempted to charge you this month, but your card was declined and your subscription has been put ON HOLD. In order to continue your account, you must cancel your current account using the CANCEL SUBSCRIPTION button and then purchase a new subscription.

This has happen before and i resumed the suscriptiom, butno i cant, so i lost all my char data and items if i cancel it an then buy a new one?

Jul 17, 2007, 07:40 PM
Happened to my friend. Said Account was on Hold and he couldn't renew.

So he hit the button and CANCELED his Account. Logged out of the playsega website and waited only like FIVE MINUTES. Then re-logged into the playsega site and it said BUY HUNTER LICENCE. The same thing we all did six months ago. So he did, paid the $49.99 and logged in and...

...BAM everything was left exactly the same way it was. Level 72, all the weapons and items and decor all still the way he left it. No worries.

Now if you CANCEL it says 'WE"RE SORRY you have to go. We will flag your account for deletion" I say DON"T WAIT TOO LONG. As soon as you cancel - quickly pay for and renew just in case. My friend has been playing again for the past month so i'm sure that if you cancel then renew immediately its fine.

Jul 17, 2007, 07:49 PM
THs did that, but now i get the 192 error on THE SAME CARD that i use for my first suscription..

Jul 17, 2007, 11:19 PM
FYI, Sega is currently not deleting characters even if your account is cancelled. I came back about three weeks ago, after being offline for over 6 months, and everything was just as I left it.

As long as you use the same login information, everything will still be linked to the same account. So just create a new subscription - even though it's "new" doesn't mean anything, there actually is no button to resume a cancelled subscription.

For specific errors, check the PSU technical forums, they can help you a lot more than we can.