View Full Version : Originality Vs. Individuality + Noobs Vs. Newbs

Oct 19, 2007, 01:52 PM
So, I was playing City of Heroes, and I was hanging out in Atlas Park talking to my friends through a private channel (So, my character was just sitting there silently) and suddenly a guy wearing Green, Yellow and Purple comes up to me and says

"Oh, whats the matter with the little goth boy? Crying because your colours are unoriginal"

(btw, my character wears Red & Black) and then he flies off... Now, usually I am a calm and quiet person, I stay out of peoples way and I do not comment on anything that is not essential (i.e. If I know my way around a certain map during a time-trial and we start to go the wrong way, I will mention I know my way around). But that... That pissed me off, so I hunted the guy down and asked him what his problem was, he said

"I hate people like you, people with no originality, you just go with the norm and blend in with the crowd".

I laughed, hard, then proceeded to explain it to him...

"Originality? Originality is NOT dressing like a gimp to make yourself stand out, and berating those who dress "normally". You are pathetic, a loser who isn't comfortable enough with himself to accept his normality, but instead chooses to be "original" instead of an individual."

"DUH, you fucking n00b, they are the same thing!"

"Ha... hahaha, the same thing? Oyg (Oh Your God, for those who don't know.), your an idiot. Originality is intentionally doing something new or different to either get attention or in an attempt to make a discovery. Individuality is quite the opposite, it is being comfortable with yourself enough that you don't need to be original and instead choose to be yourself. My favorite "colours" are red and black (I say "colours" because black is technically not a colour, it is the lack of colour.) so I wear red and black."

The guy went silent for a moment and then logged off, I assume he didn't expect me to have a brain or something. But it is this kind of behavior that I am against, people who are willing to dish out insults over such stupid things but go quiet when confronted with a valid argument. These are the kind of people who will usually call you a noob, despite not knowing what a noob is, or that they themselves are merely proving that they are what they claim others to be. So for those who don't know...

A Noob is someone who acts offensively towards others and refuses to go away, it is someone who claims that "this is how it's meant to be done" despite not knowing, someone who on their first day will claim they have played for years just to get their way, someone who calls a newb a noob.

A Newb, short for Newbie, is a new player, a newb is someone to be taught, someone who might not know what they are doing through lack of personal experience but is willing to listen to the experience of others. I am a newb when it comes to PSU as Shadow is my first character in PSU and PSU is the first Phantasy Star game I have ever played.

Unfortunately, no matter what game you play, there will be noobs, and they will push you to the edge, but for every 10 people who fall and quit there will be 1 who climbs back up stronger and they will go on to help newbs (I'm so poetic, aren't I? lol.) Anyway, I hope this rant will at least stop one person from calling other people Noobs.

Oct 19, 2007, 02:04 PM
Bravo! Way to tell him off! I hate people like that. Which is why I have enforced rules on my forums to avoid noobs. My hat's off to you http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Oct 19, 2007, 02:13 PM
Umm...have we met before? Shadow, red and black...I swear I know you somehow http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Individuality, noobs...PEOPLE I'VE FOUND MAH TWIN :>

Dude, it doesn't matter where you go, ignorance, in some way, shape, or form, will follow. It's like some law of ignorance-the less ignorant you are, the more you notice ignorance.

That's why social gatherings of any kind give me a headache.

I, myself, go with whatever color scheme I think fits, but calling you emo for wearing black and red is out of line. Hello, you're name's Shadow, it's obvious a red/black scheme follows for accuracy purposes.

As for my Shadow, I am currently doing blue/yellow, but when I started, for the first about 3-6 months on PSU I was wearing black and red, so don't feel bad. It's all in how you carry it. (Nobody's ever called me a noob for my style or name, because I dun takk lyke dis lolol isnt this funny 2 look @ and make fun of lol these ppl annoy the shit outta me)

Another thing about idiots is that once they have a perception of you, it's impossible to change it, because they refuse to believe that they were wrong about you. Whether it's in real life or online, the ignorant refuse to accept you jumping outside the box. It's like that, all I can say is get used to it and develop thicker skin. :<

Oct 19, 2007, 03:01 PM
Another Shadow... You must be a clone, or a robot! I am the original! Mwahahahaha, lol.

Ahem... It's true what you said it's impossible to escape ignorance, I've been playing MMO's for going on 7 years maybe and it's always been there. I'm used to it but every now and then a good rant is needed, heh.

Oct 19, 2007, 04:09 PM
Well, you reacted much better then I personally would have in that situation. So hats off to you for keeping your cool and making a valid argument to put the guy in his place. My German / Irish / Italian temper tends to get the best of me at times like that, and all rationality goes out the window.

A lot of times ppl acting out similar to the way you described stem from their own underlying insecurities.