View Full Version : PSU Club Movie Idea

Oct 21, 2007, 11:13 AM
No one was interested on the official forums so I thought I'd try it here.

I have this in game movie idea where a Bouncer is outside the club and some one tries to get passed him.

The Bouncer looks at his club list and sees that the person trying to get in Isn't on the list. After trying to persuade the Bouncer to let him in a few times . A famous singer "Rena Lockheart" come to the club entrance.

The club Bouncer knows instantly who this person is and says "Oh Rena right this way of course you can enter" Rena tells the bouncer that when he sees her backup singers to tell them that she will be waiting in the back room. He says "Will do" and she passes by.

This gives the person trying to get in an idea and he goes to the custom shop to change his appearance to look like a back up singer.

This is just a rough draft but anyone think this make a good PSU in game movie?

Oct 21, 2007, 11:20 AM
Looks good. Just so you know, any gig plot is only as good as the actors and the playing.

I had an idea for a Club video, but I would need my event to happen to do so. >>;