View Full Version : Hope II

Nov 11, 2007, 08:54 PM
High res Here. (http://jziadi.net/html/Art/Traditional/HopeII.jpg)

This is a Gustav Klimt rendition slightly lost along the way of working. The work was still intended to be of Klimt's Hope II (i would link but that version is an artistic mature rated image [not smut nudity]) but it sorta became my own mess along the way.

Theres a few parts of the image here. The whole towered women thing was done seperately on different paper, markered then cut with x-acto knives and scissors (the blade cut me too ;_; ). Then on a sheet of watercolor paper, I did a watercolor rendition/imitiation of what it SORTA is on the true artwork.

Thats sort of about it.