View Full Version : FanArt: Mein Contest Entry

Dec 13, 2007, 10:08 PM

This is pretty much my first pencil-drawn art that I've ever done for a contest, and as I don't really let out my drawing side of me as much, I decided to see how well I'd fare.

(Oddly enough, a simple edit of a screenshot with shorts on Nissh did fairly well in the last contest, wtf.)

Anyhow, this is yours truly in PSU, wielding Dark Strauss, with his arms almost crossed like an Egyptian pharaoh or something. Skuda gave me the idea on the pose, so I kinda ran with it.

This took me about a half-hour to draw, hence the messy pencil shading. And yeah, I know things may not totally look right. I'm only inspired to really draw something once in a blue moon, am I completely know nothing about Photoshop, seeing I don't even have the damn thing.

Anyhow, since voting's over, I'm opening this to hear what the masses say.