View Full Version : AotI-XBox 360: Questions about the Butler PM device

Feb 15, 2008, 12:59 PM
I have a Pure Striking bot, and i have bought this pm device... for some reason its not showing up when i want to feed it to him

it says that i need +30 combat, and since combats not even a stat im assuming it means striking?

what do i do?

Feb 15, 2008, 01:00 PM
You need a B Stat of 30, not the same as Striking.

Feb 15, 2008, 01:01 PM
what does that mean

Feb 15, 2008, 01:08 PM
When you look at your PM's status, tab over to the next part with your PM's description. There will be a bar at the bottom labeled B Stat, which is its Battle stat, which gains levels when you take it out on missions. It's basically its combat intelligence.

Feb 15, 2008, 01:08 PM
Everytime you take your PM into battle its B stat is increased (you have to complete the mission to get and B Stat i think).

Feb 15, 2008, 01:09 PM
int he status screen for your PM if you swith to pg 2 ther is a bar at the botttom and that's the b-st. It gioes up by running missions with her.

Feb 15, 2008, 01:17 PM
Go to your PM and view its status where it first shows all of its synthesis levels, then switch to the second tab. That will show your PM's description and its B St level. Your PM's B St level has to be at LV 30+ in order to be able to feed it the upgrade for the butler PM. If it is not at LV 30+, you must take your PM with you on missions to get it experience for its B St. The rank you achieve at the end of the mission affects how much experience it will get:

S: 24%
A: ~15%
B: ~10%
C: ~5%

The easiest way to level up your PM's B St it to do C runs on a short mission.