View Full Version : PSU: why does everyone think everyone is a scammer

Feb 29, 2008, 11:13 PM
is it really our job to sit there and find out how much everyone else is selling somehting for, then go out and sell it for the lowest price so someone will buy it, well yea, if you need the cash and want to sell quick but people sell their stuff for their own price

i mean legitemately yes if the person scammed you in the past let people know about it but people that aren't scammers and frown upon those things shouldn't have to deal with stupid people

BLACKLIST can be our best friend but it just means we don't have contact with them, but other players do and they just ruin your name in the community.

we have different universes that we can just go play somewhere else and get away from that but when people sit ther and come up to me and tell me im a scammer because of what they have heard from others and won't trade with me or play in some cases whats the point sometimes we like to play with random people we don't know and have a good time

f* it i could go on forever...what can we do about these little kids that are anti-social

No namedropping in Rants, thanks.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: HAYABUSA-FMW- on 2008-02-29 21:26 ]</font>

Feb 29, 2008, 11:18 PM
i never think anyone is a scammer. i find it rude to assume anyone i know nothing about as anything, unless i know something about them lol.

Feb 29, 2008, 11:47 PM
How do we know you're not a scammer?!

Wait, what if I'M a scammer?! OH CRAP!

Mar 1, 2008, 02:09 AM
I don't think you're a scammer, if it makes you feel any better, but I also have no idea who you are, so it probably doesn't mean too much to you. >.>;

Mar 1, 2008, 03:02 PM
Just like the outside world, your reputation is how people see you. If you're known to give bad deals to people when either you could of even out the deal more, or they could of looked it up themselves, that you will be labeled as you are now. A scammer.
Take it from their point of veiw.

Person A: Doesn't do much studying into item prices and such. Gets easliy offended. Has friends that are the same as them. Loves to rant about others. etc. Just not a real smart person you could say.
Person B: Not easliy offended. Mature and thinks responsibly. May study prices, might not, but knows what's rare and what is not.

If you got a really good deal from person A, they are gonna brag to their friends from their "good" deal, who are also immature, probably, and find out that they got the crap end of the deal. What do they do? They would never trade things from you, and probably b-list you. Go around telling people you are a scammer and that you practicaly stole their item(s). Their friends would believe them and begin to tell others. Horah! Rumors! But the diffence here is that people who acctually make assumptions and then those who believe those people, probably arn't the greatest of people either.
From person B, however, they would eventually realize that they got jipped a bit, but would blame themselves for it, not start spreading rumors about you and blaming you for their mistake. Yes, they'd be upset and probably be very cautious when they trade with you again, but that's just awarness on their part. If they hear from their friends that they did, or had a friend who claims to be jipped from you, they'd get more suspicious. From that point it's either they take their friends advice, or, if they really don't want to lose trust in you, they would look at that other 'scammed' persons trade and decide if it was something small like theirs, or that the person was just really dumb.

It all matters who you trade with, but if you generally try to trick people to get the best deals, don't make a big fuss that others don't want to trade with you anymore. That's something you set up yourself. Best way to handle things is to just make even trades with others, where what you are losing/gaining is equal in both you and the others eyes to what the other person is losing/gaining. Yeah you didn't get that extra 10k meseta, but now they can trust you for future trades.
Just like Person A, don't blame others for what happens to you. 99% of the time, it's what you do that causes your problems. So, be Person B, change your attitude towards things to fix the problem.