View Full Version : Some headaches amusement.

Mar 22, 2008, 11:26 AM

Being without Caffiene for extended amounts of time can cause headaches?
and in the other extreme, too much caffiene can cause you to grind your teeth...
but wait! Did you know doing that can cause tension headaches?

Also. When you have taken alot of pain killers in the past (say Vicodin) being off of it can cause headaches?

But yet! When taking too much pain killers can cause a resistance to them, as WELL as a "rebound headache" which is a phenomenonm where the headache returns around the same time your pain killer wears out.

Sayara's response:

Mar 22, 2008, 11:30 AM
Alas, those are the side-effects to substance addiction. Withdrawals and needing to up the dosage in order to feel "normal." It's sad we live in a world where addictions can happen even with legal substances.

Mar 22, 2008, 03:29 PM
Like I drink 1-2 cokes usually, and the only reason i drink the 2nd one is cuz when i finish the first i get a headache a half hour later D=

Mar 22, 2008, 09:32 PM
I don't think i ever seen this problem before,

i need like 3 to get a "fix".

Mar 23, 2008, 10:14 AM
Have you spoken to a medical professional about this? My entirely unprofessional and unsolicited thought is that you need to find a way to stop consuming so much caffeine and stuff. ._.

Mar 23, 2008, 12:43 PM
Not yet, because partially i understand that i am going through all 3 of those options.

1. I am off of caffiene for 2-3 weeks cuz i had my wisdom teeths pulled, one of the instructions was to avoid caffiene, asprin and stuff, im withdrawln on that.

2. I have that habit of grinding my teeth with or without caffiene overload. Thats a matter of me being less uptight.

3. I was on Vicodin about a week ago, im off of that now so the same thing with caffiene.

It all adds up :<

Mar 25, 2008, 04:14 PM
On 2008-03-22 09:26, Sayara wrote:

Being without Caffiene for extended amounts of time can cause headaches?

Actually I knew this... When I get headaches, a can of pepsi works better than some advil. Of course when I wash the advil down with pepsi, the headache is gone for the rest of the day ^_^

Mar 25, 2008, 04:53 PM
Yea, but that doesn't last very long. Coffee is't an addiction nearly as bad (and harmful) as zigarettes, so I think we're good.

Never heard of having to go off caffeine for wisdom tooth surgery. Aspirin I uderstand as it can thin your blood IIRC (although in a healthy person and normal dose I don't think it would make the life or death difference)...

Mar 25, 2008, 06:42 PM
dont drink cofffe or soda at all. dont do drugs. problems solved.

have some water or fruit juice. it will make you feel better, not worse.

Mar 25, 2008, 06:57 PM
It's sad we live in a world where addictions can happen even with legal substances.

Legal or illegal doesn't matter. Addiction is a well known and well understood phenomenon in people, and it needn't even be a physical addiction. Mental addictions can often be as damaging, and sometimes as hard to kick. The currently debated "Internet" or "Technology" addiction can produce physical withdrawl symptoms in some patients such as jitterieness, irritability, sleep loss, etc. Consider the cases of people who have actually died, or killed, over video games - especially MMO's. To make no mention of spousal abuse, tardiness/absence from work, etc.

It isn't "Sad" that addiction exists, it's just how it is. Everyone has them, to some degree. What is "sad" is the lengths and measures some people will go to to sate their addictions.

Mar 26, 2008, 01:15 AM
Oddly enough, I never get headaches. On days I don't drink a lot of soda, on days I do, and anything in between. I only take a pain pill once in a blue moon, something over-the-counter like Advil. I have bad ankles so they act up once in a while to the point I can't walk on one and a pair of Advils seems to do the trick.

Mar 26, 2008, 02:14 AM
On 2008-03-25 16:57, Sinue_v2 wrote:
it needn't even be a physical addiction. Mental addictions can often be as damaging, and sometimes as hard to kick.

That's gotta be what I have with pop... I get headaches... I've gone a month without drinking even one can when I started medicine I wasn't supposed to have caffeine with, and the headache lasted the whole month... however when I had a can of caffeine free coke, the headache went away.

Which is why I drink caffeine free pop now. I'm not ashamed ;p

Mar 26, 2008, 02:14 PM
HA! my friends think I am an idiot because i agree with the whole caffine theory,
I know it must be true though

Apr 3, 2008, 07:37 PM
Some people have reactions to certain things (aka addictions). I mean there are people who quit cold turkey and nothing happened to them while some have side effects, so it varies from people to people. I think I consider myself lucky, I get a headache every four years or so.

Apr 4, 2008, 01:21 PM
I get one every time I dont have enough caffine...