View Full Version : Seriously!

Jun 8, 2008, 12:42 PM
If I run into one more girl who cries to me about how there boyfriend calls them a dirty skank whore and how he treats them so bad but does nothing to stop it or get out of that relationship I'm going to lose my cool.

I really believe that I am a legitimately nice person. That I'm not a bad person to be around. Yet I have only had one girlfriend in my life (that didn't last), and have no chance with any of the girls that I like. They'd rather be with some low life piece of shit.

Maybe its the fact that I live near Detroit...or people in this 18ish age bracket are fucking dolts.

Anyway, sorry just wanted to get that off my chest. As immature of a rant as it may be, I'm a bit sick of being rejected, heh.

Time to go gank a lowbie alliance...

Jun 8, 2008, 12:51 PM
You should stop being the nice guy if you're tired of being alone and focus more on yourself and your goals. Seems like most of the girls you run into are just using you as an emotional handkerchief. Someone to whine to when it gets rough in their relationship and then promptly forget that you exist once things have been resolved. Just stop letting yourself fall into that position.

Jun 8, 2008, 01:25 PM
If you want these girls, then you have to be at least as abusive as their fathers.
Why are you so attracted to girls with a history of being abused?

Jun 8, 2008, 02:07 PM
I really believe that I am a legitimately nice person.
Time to go gank a lowbie alliance...
...Wait a minute... No, nevermind. :/

Generally, it's a good idea to do one of two things: Actively seek out a partner, or just let it go in stride and continue on with the rest of your life - that is, the things that really matter for what your long-term goals are.

When a girl comes to you with the whole emotional handkerchief thing, well, you have two choices: Do the "good guy" thing and listen and talk about it... Or take advantage of her emotional state like some sort of predator. Your call.

I really see sort of a thing as more of a test of resolve than anything else. I have an entire subset of friends that come to me when they're sad or hurt or let-down... Because I actually care, and put the effort into providing good advice - to the point of one in particular, saying that if it weren't for having a friend that's capable of actually thinking straight, that she probably would've turned out like one of those emo girls who cries about their problems on YouTube. :/

...So think about it that way - you're lessening the potential population of emo girls. That should put it in a positive light.

Jun 8, 2008, 02:34 PM
If you want these girls, then you have to be at least as abusive as their fathers.
Why are you so attracted to girls with a history of being abused?

I'm not attracted to girls with a history of being abused, I was just being general about how it seems so many of them are. The girl I have a thing for right now isn't even in a relationship at the moment but when I posted this I had just finished a conversation with someone to the ground of what I am talking about and how she hates her boyfriend, he does this, yadda yadda yadda.

Yeah, I don't mind helping people out and listening if they have a problem - I just don't understand logically why women are attracted to the "bad boy" image. Thats what I was ranting about. I know I said I was sick of helping them out, which I only said in my state of frustration. Now that I'm back on a level head, I really DON'T mind talking to those who need it, as I said just the whole concept of losing out on girls to some alcoholic fool or whatever.

Guess nice guys do finish last.

I see what you mean though, about just holding back and not actively seeking. I don't know why I let it bother me so much, and I should really not worry about it. I guess its just a history of having no self confidence or self esteem. But that's an issue far beyond the scope of this thread.

Now that I'm done looking stupid, and remembering why I never post about this stuff here, I'm out.


Jun 8, 2008, 02:38 PM
He's not lessening the potential population if they'd eventually remove themselves from the genepool anyway.

Being a good friend is one thing, being the emotional sponge/fifth wheel(the one in the trunk, that people check to make sure is still there incase they need it) is another. Don't fall into the routine of being anyone's emotional sponge, I did it for a friend for a long time; he'd call me at 4am and I did alot for him; and in the end he chucked me to the side as soon as he had other people to hang out with, only calling on me when he needed someone to cry to about whatever.

I eventually told him that I'm tired of only getting the bad side of him; I'd like to have some good times between us like everyone else seemed to be getting when they were having fun. He got offended and stopped talking to me, and it hurt that he could'nt handle my honesty on the subject, but I explained that he would'nt feel too good about a friendship that felt like it was solely based on me going to him to cry on his shoulder and then hop away to other friends when I was all happy again.

Be blunt with those ignorant bitches, tell them how YOU feel for a change, and if they can't handle it; what did you really lose in the end?