View Full Version : what character are you using now?

Jul 2, 2008, 06:30 PM
If you've played a while then you probably have an alt character. I've have gotten bored of both my human and beast and currently am using my Newman and cast. Which one are you using? I never thought that I would have a favorite apart from my human but now I think it is my cast. Have any of you abandoned your main for an alt?

Jul 2, 2008, 06:35 PM
I can't say I'll ever abandon my main, or my other main/submain (my CAST), but I've found myself using my other two alt characters lately. Funny thing is I always swore I'd never use them for anything other than their PM's. Rather, I ended up raising two types on each of them, and I actually use them from time to time for various reasons.

Jul 2, 2008, 06:37 PM
Stud right now, actually. I was going to wait until MAG 2, but that either isn't happening or is a long way's off, and I'd just be playing my main and leveling skills, anyway. I'm enjoying using him, too.

Jul 2, 2008, 06:40 PM
i use my alt. vanilla most the time now. but im not as active cuz of the lack of events im recieving

Jul 2, 2008, 06:51 PM
I prefer my alts at the moment. I really like AF and GT and its nice to not see 'EXP FULL' every time I kill something. Besides I need 10 levels of WT on my main and I'm not too keen on getting them (sorry just not a fan of WT, and its techer ability does not impress me) Its a refreshing change from doing nothing but tech leveling as well.

Jul 2, 2008, 06:57 PM
I've been playing as my Caseal, trying out Protranser with her, though I have still been playing my other three to level their PA's.

Jul 2, 2008, 07:01 PM
I have been playing with my force recently however like today with three star for male beasts and all I stopped leveling her to go onto my beast and go hunting with him:D

Jul 2, 2008, 07:06 PM
I've been playing my alts more recently too. Leveling up my Lv. 90 main is hard and trying to get 99 + 25 PA frags is even harder (for Megid and Megiverse respectively.)

My alts have more things to do and spamming WB with them is more fun than spamming WB with my main. Neither of them are greatly fun, by the way.

But I'm going to force myself to play my main tonight, rather then playing offline like I usually do as of late.

Jul 2, 2008, 07:12 PM
Ryn (cast figh) is my main has been for while now
originally it was Arryn (newman FT) but i remad her only a few weeks ago
also have Kairus(human Tech hybrids) who i got out on last week of mag
and finally made a 4th im happy with Ryoko (cast AF) she needs the most work.
so i currently flickering between them but still using ryn most.

Jul 2, 2008, 07:17 PM
(Re)-leveling a Newman melee-orientated character. I deleted a Lv112 a while back, then began regretting it about a week later :lol:

Didn't make the same character- I made a PSU version of my PSOGC HUnewearl, Terra. Currently WT with her, plan on leveling her more, and getting WT to at least 10 before I go Fortefighter/Fighgunner too.

Jul 2, 2008, 07:20 PM
alts are all fun because theres no fun making an already "super character" more super when you can make another "super character" lol

Jul 3, 2008, 01:09 AM
My inferior male bot will hit lv120 soon. His Dus Robado just hit lv40. The only reason I have him is for the bragging rights of having all 3 fighting styles under me, unlike some people who never even played a force type. It's also to shut up anyone who dares to ask me, " Don't bash melee till you try it Raine", um............ yeah.

I'm also considering passing the Guntecher role to my 4th slot. I'm leveling bullets for it right now. My 4th slot won't use the same weapons as Nova, and will avoid using the same bullets, That way they're different.

Jul 3, 2008, 01:29 AM
I am using my alt (male CAST Fortegunner) a lot more lately. Since I can't really do much more with my main, figured I'd try and get Arbalest some new gear. That in turn made me want to play him. He can only use Hiro's (main) twin handgun bullets and I just finished leveling up his shotgun bullets to 21, but he's getting there.

After spending most of my time as some type of melee type (pretty much used every weapon type except longswords and axes), using something different is a nice change of pace.

Jul 3, 2008, 01:51 AM
I am currently using Dante in DMC4. :wacko:

But seriously. I have lost the urge to level my main lately. He's just been sitting at 125.

Jul 3, 2008, 03:03 AM
Since the Lv100 cap, I've found myself abandoning my main character more and more. Her level is maxed. The classes I want to experiment using with her are maxed. Her PAs are maxed. I have enough Meseta to buy sanely priced rarez.

I have all four character slots filled up, and am working on the lowest-level character now -- a soon-to-be Lv82 Female Newman Lv18 Fortetecher. Thanks to the Winter Event and MAG, less than half of her Technics have reached Lv11. Also, thanks to said events, barely over of half of my Lv115 Female CAST Lv20 Fortegunner's bullets have reached Lv11.

I have some work left to do, but I quickly see and end-game approaching.

Jul 3, 2008, 03:23 AM
I've been using my Newman Techer a lot lately. Her Techs have been far behind for a while. I've been feverishly leveling them since the PA Update. She's a bit more respectable now.

My 2nd alt, Human AF, I'm not sure what I'm doing with him. For now he's my Range synther, but I haven't been running him nearly as much as I should.

Jul 3, 2008, 03:51 AM
I was bored so i remade Kitty but FATTER! :D

i got her to lvl 51 in 2 days lol

Jul 3, 2008, 03:57 AM
My main is a Cast Fortefighter capped at lvl 130 job lvl is 20. I havent used him since I capped him and ive mostly been on my newman Fortetecher lvling all his techs to 31. I got two more techs to lvl to 31, then ima jump on my Cast Fortegunner and lvl his bullets to 31.

Jul 3, 2008, 04:04 AM
Whichever has level 3 luck.

Jul 3, 2008, 04:07 AM
Im using Rayokarna Zell Xec lately. Trying to get him to cap PT, fG and FG and get him to level 100. The PA update was big help, I'm racin through his melee PAs real quickly.

My main (Rayokarna aXcess) I play for serious missions but since hes a PT, WT, GT and FT(Going MF too) I have to cap his classes too. And yes, they are both Male CASTs.

My human (Evan) is staying AT lol. I'll work on him towards the Mission Carnaval.

Jul 3, 2008, 04:10 AM
did play on my alts for say a half year but suddenly it was fun to play on my main again so im taking a break from my alts now.

Jul 3, 2008, 04:40 AM
Returning from a Hiatus, so Im a bit behind the curve.
Got plenty of catching up to do with my pals.
Once I get my job level maxed, then Ill switch to my PT and get her up to speed.

Jul 3, 2008, 04:43 AM
Lately I've been lacking play time but usually I play my main since I'm not 130 yet >.>p. I would be...but yeah...I procrastinate.

Jul 3, 2008, 09:21 AM
I was at the beginning planning to raise my four characters equally, since none of them is either a main or an alt, but lately I've been way more playing with my beast Claudia, in order to make her reach a level high enough to play through every S2 mission, since I think I'll have more fun playing through them with that character than with the others.
Rust isn't far behind though, since I used the two weeks I had on MAG to boost its level. I'll eventually go back on the four-character thingy but I don't feel like it right now.

Jul 3, 2008, 09:56 AM
Up until my current error keeping me from playing I been using my alt so much that she is actually higher lvl then my main by 20+ levels... I find that very sad but maybe I will go back to using my main when I can go on and play again.

Jul 3, 2008, 10:01 AM
Well, i like using my alt "Jag vill ha öl" for testing a new classcombo which makes it stand out more for me.
Protranser is the new class, interesting one.
Now only if i had some more Svaltus Swords and a bit more ATA so i could use Degahna Cannon X)

Jul 3, 2008, 10:04 AM
I've been using my human, to hunt level 100+ jaggos.

Jul 3, 2008, 11:27 AM
I have a 130 CAST Fighgunner and 120 CAST Fortegunner that I switch between. Lately, I've been playing on my Fighgunner more because I miss the melee ;-; I really should pay attention more to my other two characters though...

Jul 3, 2008, 11:45 AM
I will never tire of my main. I do have three alts though. I try to level each alt up without using any of the special events. Nothing worse than a level 90 techer with level 10 techs.

Jul 3, 2008, 12:06 PM
Mainin because my alts are gey.

Jul 3, 2008, 02:02 PM
I've temporarily retired my main for now. Since the PA update, I've been on my fG getting all her bullets to 31. Rifles and lasers are still taking a loooong time though. ._.

Jul 3, 2008, 02:10 PM
i have 2 mains and use them both equally. I dont really use my alts much unless i'm helping my friends with lower characters.

Jul 3, 2008, 02:24 PM
I'm usually putzing around with my main just to level up my bullets and GT class since i slacked off getting all this done months ago. Eventually I'll get around to my FG and FF to take care of them. As for my FT... she'll pop out here and there.

Jul 3, 2008, 02:54 PM
Currently i play my main NewGirl ForteTecher. With the PA Boost this is the perfect time to get all techs over lvl 31+ even the less frequently used like NosZonde and RaDiga.

But I also play my Loli-Gunner a lot. I maxed fG and GT in MAG and tried to get Figunner from 17 to 20 but they cancel the extension =/

Figunner - at least absolute dance is leveling nicely but i had to go back to GT. I have many TECH and esp Rifles and bullets to level up. GT human have small bonus for hybrid. Also i dont use Grenades =P

So she is a GT / Fig / fG. And i use her when the team needs Long Range fire support.

My beast fortefighter - he's kinda on hold. Melee Levels so fast even before the PA Rebalance. Guns and TECHS need to get moving for now.

Jul 3, 2008, 03:00 PM
I play all three of my characters but lately I've been having the most fun with my CAST fG. Leveling bullets is a lot more enjoyable since the PA update, and I need to work on my lasers before the Master classes come out.

Jul 4, 2008, 02:40 AM
I've been using my Beast fortegunner mostly, but I occasionally jump on my cast and human

Jul 4, 2008, 05:02 AM
Haven't really abandoned anyone. Perhaps it's because my main isn't 130 yet. She's 11x right now. I have 3 characters and play them about equally. 2 are human, and one's a cast. I was going to start my 4th (a beast) during the MAG extension buuut... well, you know. =\

Jul 4, 2008, 01:58 PM
Originally I had a beast named !LaMB! But got tired of being an FF, so I remade my my original character from psogc, which was +LaMB+, a human. I ended up deleting the beast, and I do not regret it. I got an extra slot of of it too^^ but as far as playing alts...pffft forget that, I have a goal to get my main to 100%. And ill be busy in doing so. Alts are just for PMs for me.

Jul 4, 2008, 02:01 PM
I'm using Poncho Jr (360)
Although I do miss my Officer (PC)

Jul 4, 2008, 03:18 PM
Since like most ppl, my main is capped, and im content with his equipments XD Im currently using my alt for fun. His name is Ike (based off of Fire Emblem, of course ^^) and he's running around doing whatever. He's ment for a fun char, so all i have as his weapons is his one saber, Ragnell (Creasabra, cuz i cant choose between that or Apocalypsic for ragnell accuracy, which btw, if anyone can give an opinion, that'd be appriated XD) and my only PA is Aether (Spinning strike)

Btw, i'll be glad to party with anyone if your looking for groups to party with ^^

Edit: Oh yah, im on the PS2/PC side XD

Jul 4, 2008, 03:38 PM
Since like most ppl, my main is capped, and im content with his equipments XD Im currently using my alt for fun. His name is Ike (based off of Fire Emblem, of course ^^) and he's running around doing whatever. He's ment for a fun char, so all i have as his weapons is his one saber, Ragnell (Creasabra, cuz i cant choose between that or Apocalypsic for ragnell accuracy, which btw, if anyone can give an opinion, that'd be appriated XD) and my only PA is Aether (Spinning strike)

Btw, i'll be glad to party with anyone if your looking for groups to party with ^^

Edit: Oh yah, im on the PS2/PC side XD

Very Creative. I play on the PC/PS2 servers too. Look for Kenneth Silver. I'm usually running WB around 11pm or something, but I'll do any mission as long as I can buy back the scape dolls that i'll be using. :D I also created a "fun" character too. She's named Lou v2. It made perfect sense.

Hope to see you online.

Jul 4, 2008, 03:51 PM
Sounds good XD I'll be sure to look for ya ^^

Jul 5, 2008, 12:42 AM
I have been playing my lvl 130 newman trying to get all my spells to atleast 21... almost there

Jul 5, 2008, 01:23 AM
Female newman Fighgunner (was fortefighter, but I got that to 10, so why not go for fighmaster, already have my PA's chosen) Maybe when I feel like it, I'll turn her into a mastertecher, but right now, screw the mold!

Jul 5, 2008, 04:25 AM
Lately I've been playing whichever one has higher luck. Keeps me from getting bored playing with the same character all the time. I have plenty of PA's to level on all my characters.

I still have one character sitting around waiting for MAG2, if it ever happens.

Jul 5, 2008, 07:34 AM
Both my alts. *points to sig*
Gonna try getting them above 100 for MAG2... Probably

Jul 6, 2008, 04:23 PM
fortegunner & fortetecher; those are the only two classes that i like playing.

Jul 6, 2008, 06:24 PM
Chii, my cast Fortegunner, though I'm hardly on anymore.

Jul 7, 2008, 01:35 AM
Naryia my FT is slowly becoming my main but Ive been using my original again, Jainsea my FF
to tear up Lonely Labs :p Sometimes its hard to choose among 4 characters D:

Jul 7, 2008, 02:24 AM
I've been playing on Nikita, my Human Acrofighter lately to get her up to at least 80 before MAG comes back (Read: If MAG comes back). Me and my crew for days have been running Lonely Labs and White Beast helping a buddy lvl his new beast.

Jul 7, 2008, 02:28 AM
Lately, I've been using my alt. "XII" Cast. I figured I'd might as well level him since I've already hit the current lvl cap on my main. Plus, I'm really enjoying playing as fortegunner atm. (and SUVs are ftw too)

Jul 7, 2008, 04:09 AM
I've used the same character since I started same class to. I never get bored of my fortefighter. all of that damage x.x

Jul 8, 2008, 12:00 AM
I'm still playing on my main, Ethateral, to this day. I have alts, but I just don't find much fun in them. =P I never have been bored of my FT! <3

Jul 8, 2008, 12:08 AM
My newman, cast, and beast have been very active lately for compatibilty in bruce partys thanks to mission spotlight.

Jul 8, 2008, 04:04 PM
I hate to use the terms "main" and "alt". I have 2 characters which I switch between quite often. Sakurazaki, who came first (lvl128 F Human Figh), and Hiroko (lvl130 F CAST FT) who came second. I like to think of them as equals...hehe

Llord Bacchus
Jul 8, 2008, 05:35 PM
just created my account after having my old one lost to a phishing site (yes, i can be pretty stupid at times - lol)

so, in the last month i've been working on leveling my main:

newman fortetecher level 76 / 19

all i can say is thank goodness for the rebalance of the pa arts or i still wouldn't have a pa over 30 - haha