View Full Version : spam out

Aug 14, 2008, 01:58 AM
Waaa waaa, loser LS can't beat a boss, bunch of uncoordinated antisocial crybabies.

Here's a thought, the game has...a JP playerbase, go do 12 hour shifts with them. Dozing off while the JP play and stay in a vent channel, when the boss is about to shift forms...scream in it so everyone wakes up and gets to see in case it's the end. Repeat infinitely, up to 60 hour battle is a reasonable weekend excursion. It's not exactly like FFXI gameplay is stressful either, back when I played and killed HNM I had so much time between my 2 useful Paladin abilities I could literally type "/ma cast "Cure III" <somedude>"" or whatever the string was to heal ppl in other groups, throw in voice chat and it rapidly becomes a social affair with 2 buttons to press every 30 seconds.

Square-enix deserves and has my endless praise for being willing to bring the fuck you back to the developer vs playerbase relationship. Too many candyasses in the genre wanting watered down solo 1 hour blocks of fun! crap. Thanks WoW!

"Beyond the Limitation" my ass. Shit back in my EQ days we had 30-50 hour camps for epic quests, even old ass 30 year olds managed to suck it up and take off work for them when necessary without crying to second rate news sites.


Aug 14, 2008, 02:00 AM
I'll see your little pic and raise you
