View Full Version : why do the weapons look generic?

Aug 15, 2008, 03:33 PM
why is it that when you buy/find weapons in PSU, the weapons don't get That much cooler looking as you work your way up in rarity?

and this only applies to certain types of weapons, bows look much cooler, on average, the higher rank of bow it is. axes look better, look stronger.



without cheating by looking in the top left corner, can you tell which of these three is a 2 star, and which is an 11 star? thats a big difference. you should be able to see that difference.



same here, i know I'm taking very specific examples, but i don't really want to have to re-post every weap for viewing. and i'm just stating something that I wish could have been done better. i.e. PSO, where weaps were more bland and basic, then as you get higher in weap rank, they got crazier and cooler looking.



again, i know i'm specifically picking images that are similar, but thats the point of statistics isn't it, you show true facts in a way that proves your point?
i'm not trying to tick anyone off, i'm just asking, does anyone else feel like me.

like when I get a great new weapon, that it looks no better than the last one?

I just think we should be feeling awesome everytime we get a new better weapon, especially since we pay 10 bucks a month.,...

Powder Keg
Aug 15, 2008, 03:40 PM
Tune in tomorrow at 4:30 EST when we complain about not being able to make your hair rainbow-colored.

Aug 15, 2008, 03:57 PM
lol so u picked a bunch of common weapons other then the sng...

yea generic imaginary weapons oh my

Aug 15, 2008, 04:04 PM
I got over that fact after I first started playing PSU offline v.1 ;l
I mostly only have S ranks now anyways, and I try to have a unique variety of weapons on me, too, which isn't that big of a problem with S ranks.

Aug 15, 2008, 04:12 PM
isnt that an opinion?

Aug 15, 2008, 04:17 PM
Yeah, it's an opinion. :)

Aug 15, 2008, 04:19 PM
I would like to make my hair rainbow colored.....

Aug 15, 2008, 04:24 PM
I want food to be useful in contrast to stamina.
Make stamina fall down each few days or weeks in 1 unit. And you can refill it with food. Or something.
And I want stat materials back from PSO. God, HP Material etc. rocked.

Aug 15, 2008, 04:34 PM
Well the fact that the weapons look generic does suck, most of the people here on this site have already realized that.

You think that's bad, wait until you see how the Stique Weapons look. :disapprove:

They're reskins of the 1 ranked weapons.

Then you get to hear about the Promote weapons. :wacko:

Aug 15, 2008, 04:44 PM
I want food to be useful in contrast to stamina.
Make stamina fall down each few days or weeks in 1 unit. And you can refill it with food. Or something.
And I want stat materials back from PSO. God, HP Material etc. rocked.

Kind of like Mabinogi actually. Cept every swing/special move takes away stamina and stamina also drains over time. You have to eat food everyonce in a while, but food also helped raise your stats (not marginally, but you could at least kind of "pool" points up).

Aug 15, 2008, 04:49 PM
Kind of like Mabinogi actually. Cept every swing/special move takes away stamina and stamina also drains over time. You have to eat food everyonce in a while, but food also helped raise your stats (not marginally, but you could at least kind of "pool" points up).

Never heard of that game before. XD But hey, that would make food not completely useless. :3

Aug 15, 2008, 04:51 PM
On the plus side, its a good sign that people are back to complaining about the small stuff. The threads hailing diarrhea about ST screwing everything up are few and far between now.

Aug 15, 2008, 04:54 PM
sega is lazy on most the weapons, some do have different looks, like the spread needle you put up.

Aug 15, 2008, 04:58 PM
Well, actually SN/G is a cheap kubara-knockoff from its origin. :wacko:
It's like Rattlesnac being released before the actual Rattlesnake.
That's why I don't understand why some people complain so much concerning that stuff, but would do a lot for SN/G.

Aug 15, 2008, 08:25 PM
I always had a soft spot for the shigga desta. Its only 10* and everything but look at it... Its huge, look at all the cool looking barrels. Thats what I like to see in higher ranked gear unless it purposely has a minimalist design.

Aug 15, 2008, 11:33 PM
I don't really care how they look. I played other dungeon crawlers that do the same thing so it doesn't really matte to me.

Aug 15, 2008, 11:49 PM
Its no different from PSO version one. I remember getting ahold of the Dragonslayer in that game and being all juiced cause it was my first rare only to find that it looked exactly like the calibur I was carrying(basically an A rank weapon)with a slightly different tint. Then, much later on I got the Dragonslayer in PSO ver1+2 on GC and the thing looked like something out of Soul Caliber. If PSU lasts long enough perhaps it'll get the same treatment, who knows.

Aug 16, 2008, 12:43 AM
the real weapons aren't out yet. Just wait for the 13*-15* to come out, then
let's see if they still look generic. *another 1-2 years waiting* *yawn*

edit: And also, i dont mind generic weapons as long they are well grinded
or have high %.

Aug 16, 2008, 09:07 AM
the real weapons aren't out yet. Just wait for the 13*-15* to come out, then
let's see if they still look generic. *another 1-2 years waiting* *yawn*

edit: And also, i dont mind generic weapons as long they are well grinded
or have high %.
Yep, 1-2 years, or never with segac.......

Aug 16, 2008, 09:19 AM
the first 11* one is the "+" series which are remade and only upgrade stat. and Crea-series weapon is the most common look weapon.
the second compare are because that is PSO weapon.
the Third compare come from different brand. I m sure that if you compare GRM C rank to the first pic of your (GRM A rank) GRM A rank look better. However, you compare them to Youmei and Tenora works, they are just different style of design.

Aug 16, 2008, 09:20 AM
well i have to say that if you buy longswords past 10* they look pretty sick the de ragan slayer or slayic for example, but if you dont have a ton of cash then you wont be getting things like that however some things that are unique kubara look pretty cool Flowens greatsword looks pretty cool, it all depends upon which planet the items are from and how high the rarity is, the weapons u picked dont look different but how much time did you spend looking at the weapons?, obviously not enough.

Aug 16, 2008, 09:51 AM
The new youmei sword S rank in PSP look a bit similar to your signature sword Blade_edge :wacko: (just a bit, but not as epic)

Aug 16, 2008, 10:18 AM
The new youmei sword S rank in PSP look a bit similar to your signature sword Blade_edge :wacko: (just a bit, but not as epic)

hmmm...you have picture of it? Soul Calibur is a really huge sword too, i doubt
Sega can handle it. *joking*

Aug 16, 2008, 10:29 AM
just check it out from PSP thread, I didnt save it.

Aug 16, 2008, 10:30 AM
the other thing the OP has not realized is that the weapons have 'BRANDS', no i don't mean like the cattle markers...... i mean like NIKE or ADIDAS.

if you look at the progression of say a GRM sword 1* upto a hanzo 7* they just change color, then at 10* the huge cutter then looses the katana style grip and hilt and becomes.... well quite silly but its a notable link right back to the 1* and you can tell it is a GRM weapon.

same goes for all weapons in the game EXCEPT for the non copy kubara as they are generally unique weapons (halp and daggers of serafi, rappy family daggers ect)

as a quick run down

GRM have basic looks (just like stats imply GRM are balanced, made by casts for casts)

Yohmei are fancy, spiraled with inlays (just as stats imply, if not an S they are for the cross classes where usually they are an off hand so if not the best stat for the class they look cool, eg an S wand in one hand and a A gun in the other. made with techers in mind usually)

Tenora are basic, savage and hard hitting, just like the animals that designed them. its common to find aggressive details on Tenora gear like jagged patterns and blades it all adds to the intimidation factor. also you will notice guards over the back of Tenora bladed weapons (swords have a big block then the blade, daggers are set in the handle with the fist inside, sabers have a large crest like hilt and axes have a BIG clamp on the back of the blade except dedda) this so the dumb beasts dont do more dmg to themselves instead of the target

Aug 16, 2008, 11:41 AM
I don't really understand the point of this....

It's a sword. It looks like a sword. They look reasonably different enough for me at least. What exactly are you looking for them to do with it?

Aug 16, 2008, 07:59 PM
Hmmm, For me i really dont give a damn what a weapon looks like if its strong and useful thats all it matters too me i consider it pretty minor although, i do find it odd that T. Durandal Replica and Twin DB Saber are both stronger then any of the S-rank twin sabers when grinded to + 5 so, i really dont think this is much of a big deal to me really.

Aug 16, 2008, 09:48 PM
S Rank Rods and Wands both look great, and have special cast effects. So I'm not complaining. Unless it's Kubarac... then I'll complain.

Aug 16, 2008, 10:20 PM
Well you sorta got the soda accas mixed up with the caliburn :x

Aug 17, 2008, 10:22 PM
I don't know, I understand that the weapons are "branded" (@ darthplagis : where do you think that the term came from? from cattle brands... farmers would brand their name so people couldn't claim the cows were theirs. Nike and the others just changed to to advertising.)

anyhow, I realise they have brands, and I realise the the weapons, as they progess, stick with their original theme, more or less, they just get stronger.

my issue is, with all the creative people out there, could they not design things to get more exiting the stronger they get? after posting this, and thinking about all the replies, I remembered that it was the same with PSO, you had the 3 teirs of weapons, each type of weapon had it's C ranks, B ranks, and A ranks that looked the same except with different colors. then sometimes at the high A rank or S rank level you would get a weapon that didn't look like the rest.

I think the big difference to me is that since I came into PSO late, and am poor, I never did play it online, untill I played BB. by that time, i had seen alot of the S ranks. as I played through the game solo, with no knowledge of how PSO worked, It took me forever to get to the A and S rank stuff.

anyhow, thanks for all your opinions, and points. I know this is an opinion, but I just wish sega would play more into the variety of weapons that have seen in other games, and that I can imagine, but then again, thats why I'm here, on this end of the monitor, and Sega designers are on the other end.... getting paid alot more than me, to make video games.

One day, sega, one day.


Aug 18, 2008, 03:32 AM
Tune in tomorrow at 4:30 EST when we complain about not being able to make your hair rainbow-colored.

Hahaha! We need more posts like this one in complaint threads for any forum site. XP

Aug 18, 2008, 04:31 AM
thematesV2, i know all about 'brands' and their origin.... LOL i just didnt wanna give the impression that there is a hidden S rank where you could brand the enemies and stuff thats all.

and yeah i was the same with PSO, i was offline only on DC till v2 when suddenly all my top line weapons (my favorite baby being my crazy stat durandal) changed!!!! OMG i thought why didnt they do this from the start.

i agree with you that a tad more variety even at the high end where the weapons are gonna be kept for more than just a few levels, there could be more variety even from in house at the same manufacturer eg. hi im a rep from GRM here is our old line (hold up current 10-12* sabers) and here is our new newman friendly selection with less power to give more PP and that look only a newman can carry and how about these beast friendly models with added blade guards for extra protection.

Aug 18, 2008, 04:37 PM
What baffles me is that, here are all these cool, old-school, and even NEW weapons on the PSP version that look so awesome compared to a lot of the stuff we have on PSU right now...

...Why couldn't they have given these to us in the first place? Unless they plan on making the PSP version online in the future, or give us a new PSU expansion, which I kinda think we're due for. =/

Aug 19, 2008, 03:54 AM
PSO's weaponry exceeded 300 I think, thus there is more variety.

PSU's weaponry is much more limited [and actually TOUSANDS of times more easier to be able to use, seeing as a Lv44, Human Acrotecher [Lv5], can use a Tesbra, 11* Wand]. PSU actually has great designs, even though there are those few limited ones.

Looking at just the basic Store Bought Generic stuff, you will not find much variety at all. GRM weapons usually have a rather simplistic and blocky design, with some very unique weaponry, such as the only Non-S-grade Katana[s], the 7-9* Swords.

Looking at the designs, they are symplistic, but they do recieve a more so "Powerful" look then the last, with some exclusions.

GRM Swords became from the round blade of the C/B's, to the Katanas.
TENORA Swords went from the orc-ish C/B's to the vicious one edge claymores.
Whilist Yohmei Swords look very much like GRM C/B Spear heads, and never evolved.

In truth, the Weapons did look much greater in power.

Kubara stands alone as the Weapon Type with the most variety, holding all Kubara black/white versions of the C-A weaponry, and even the S's, while having some uniques of it's own, such as the Soda Crea, Cresaud, and Flowen's Greatsword.

In the gist of things, every weapon will look "generic" when compared to another of similar shape. Look at the Flowens Sword of PSO Ep1-2, and the Creasword, they're very alike in shape.

In truth, there's not much option in making "effective looking" weapons. Look at the Yohmei Axe, Hadernoh, it has an unreasonable large blade, and a decoration that occupies arm room for Hilt-grip. The TENORA's Can-Opener shaped Axe has a much smaller, more rasonably sized blade, with plenty of room for grip and a extra bar for Defence.

Going by that, Sega seemingly made the weapons look effective and workable for TENORA and GRM, while having Yohmei be very flashy and have many decorative hinderances.

Sega made good weapons, and generic probably was just a resemblence to PSO, seeing as 4 to 6 Weapons of every class had a clone with different photon color. Notable RARE [non S-rank] clones include Asuka, Musashi, and Yamato, allong with Nei's Claw [fake], Silence Claw, and the regular Photon Claw. S-rank Weapons from Challenge mode looked like the very first of their kind, except with a golden photon, which is probably what Sega intends to do soon.

So, think to good old PSO when you see the generic, think the A-grades resemble the links between Asuka, Musashi, and Yamato, and Nei's Claw [fake], Silence Claw, and Photon Claw. And think of the C-B grades as the Saber-Brand-Buster-Pallash-Gladius

Aug 19, 2008, 08:09 AM
The only complaint I have is that the guns should be able to have the "blowback" effect I remember the Laser Cannons and Shotguns from PSO, also Psychowand doesn't open and close anymore, nor does it have it's original special effect where as it drains your HP but reduces TP ussage by 3/4.