View Full Version : PC/PS2 Old player, Looking to return.

Aug 24, 2008, 12:08 PM
So, the boredom has finally set in, and I am looking to return to PSU. I haven't played since November last year, but I was hoping you guys could answer some questions I have.

Is it still a grind? As in, are the missions still linear?

What are the hot spots?

Level cap?

Does PC/Ps2 still have a bad community and hackers?

How are the updates going?

What else major has changed since November?

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks :)

Aug 24, 2008, 01:08 PM
-As far as being a grind, that's debatable. Most people will tell you no, as the game becomes friendly towards casual players, but does indeed have it's challenges for the hardcore players.

-Hot spots change every so often, but at the moment it's Neudaiz GBR, which is a run through of select Neudaiz maps with boosted drop rates. You can read more about Neudaiz GBR here: http://www.phantasystaruniverse.com/community_quests.php?item=20080821a as well as the forum discussions about it here. There is also a "mission spotlight" that focuses on a new weekly hotspot mission every so often.

-The level cap is currently 140.

-PC/ps2 server's community status is an opinion, but hackers are nowhere near rampant if they even still exist.

-We just received a rather large update, check out the front page news. Updates per month fluctuate at times.

-Since November? A lot. Try reading up from when you left off here: http://psupedia.info/Updates