View Full Version : Xbox 360 PSU Amazing Race

Nov 23, 2008, 02:47 PM

6 Teams of 4, 5 Legs, and 1 Winning Team!

PSU Amazing Race is a friendly competition between other players seeing who can make it to the finish line and win. But, you sure dont wanna be last.

Basic Info:
There are 6 teams of 4 people. Each team has to make their way through missions to reach a designated checkpoint. Each leg of the race is about 2-3 missions and are either A or S ranked missions. At each checkpoint you will have to check in with me and my helpers. But heres the twist, Last team to arrive at each checkpoint will be Eliminated from the race and must leave immediatley after you check in. The final 2 remaining teams will battle it out in the Finale to reach the finish line and win the prize.

-Each team will have a monitor throughout the whole race so that nobody is cheating, we now do this due to complaints in the last race
-No elevators are allowed to be used on the Guardians Colony during the race, you must make your way on foot to every designated area unless the mission that we assign you has to be taken by teleporter
-Your whole team must run up and check in with me at each checkpoint, not just one person
-If your team is last at the checkpoint no complaining or whining, and you still need to check in with me even if you are last because there will be some suprises during the race
-Only your team and your monitor can be in the party at all times, Nobody else is aloud to join
-If you receive Forest Of Illusion or Phantom Fissure during the race, we call this a FAST FORWARD, you may do the mission and automatically proceed to the next assigned mission or checkpoint
-Each team will have a Team color that they get to choose and must dress in those colors representing which team they're on
-All team members must be lvl 100+ to compete in the race
-After each leg of the race you will be texted the missions of the next leg
-You are not allowed to proceed to next leg until we tell every team to go!
-Your whole team must be lined up at the starting line and checkpoints when we tell you to so we can give you guys the word
-If your team is last at the checkpoint you must check in and leave the universe and area immediatley
-And last thing, NO SPAMMING!

This is a for fun idea that me and my friend thought up of. PSU is getting really dull and boring so this is why were doing this. We originally did Costume contests but everyone else started to do those so we decided to do the PSU Amazing Race just like the TV show. Its a fun idea and everyone enjoyed the last race we did although we did have a couple of complaints. And people, no complaining please. This competition if fair unlike the costume contests which is just based on opinions. This competition is based on whether you can get through the race or not. If you're last, your own fault and you need to be a good sport about it. Players lvl dont matter either. We had a full team of 140's lose to a bunch of lower lvls so dont get discouraged during the race. Catching up IS POSSIBLE.

Date: December 19, 2008
Time: 8pm (Eastern) 7pm (Central) 6pm (Mountain) 5pm (Pacific)
Each team needs to contact me for an interview! If you dont have a team of 4 dont bother asking me for an interview
Remember! Each team mate needs to be lvl 100+ or higher
And Each team needs to pay an entry fee of 250 meseta PER MEMBER going twoards the prize money, we have an entry fee showing that people are committed and will be there the day of the race!

We are also taking prize donations from anyone so we can make the prize bigger and better so please donate ^_^

THANKS EVERYONE! AND PLEASE SIGN UP! IT WILL BE FUN! Contact me if you wanna sign up!

Nov 24, 2008, 09:14 PM
If we have no sign ups by Saturday the 29th then I guess Im cancelling this competition. I dont understand. We had a bunch of sign ups last time