View Full Version : Carnival music

Feb 2, 2009, 04:12 PM
I know it's bad and all, but is it a remix of the Mission Counter music? They sound similar, but I'm not quite sure.

Feb 2, 2009, 04:41 PM
I want that disc i love that music its the best since 1 up club music..... makes me want to just lobby afk and think all day lol.

Feb 2, 2009, 06:28 PM
What, the one in the lobby or in False Images ?

I always cut all the sound when playing to PSU so I haven't actually heard it myself, but a friend told me it was "Lunga" (the BGM you have when riding them on PSU v.1 offline story mode). Well, he was mostly complaining about him having to endure it forever when he was waiting for me to show up. :wacko:

Feb 2, 2009, 10:03 PM
That IS the Lunga music! Makes sense why it seems to familiar, now.

Feb 3, 2009, 05:26 AM
I want that disc i love that music its the best since 1 up club music..... makes me want to just lobby afk and think all day lol.

I feel the same way. That song makes me feel happy, like the way "This Is My Happiness" did during 1-up cup.
I hate the Puzzle mission's song, tho. I need to change it.

Feb 3, 2009, 08:57 AM
I feel the same way. That song makes me feel happy, like the way "This Is My Happiness" did during 1-up cup.
I hate the Puzzle mission's song, tho. I need to change it.

Haha i totally agree this carnival lobby music is joyful. I want the disc now

Feb 3, 2009, 09:16 AM
The carnival music is pretty decent, though I wish it was longer. It's a little too quick to repeat so it does lose a bit of its luster after a few repetitions. Maybe an extra minute of music before repeating would've been perfect. Still, it's appropriate for carny music, so yeah I can see it's meant to repeat. Just needed a little more.

The music in the puzzle mission is ok to me. I always like that one part in the music that sounds almost exactly like the typical action scene BGM for Predator(TM). I can almost expect to hear lines from Arnold in those parts.