View Full Version : FAD Testing idea: your feedback welcome

Mar 3, 2009, 03:27 PM

This is a concept, an aid to my usual written reviews of albums. For the longest time I have noticed that games and movies often get reviews that aren't written, but reviews for albums tend to not have much in the way of a multimedia standard. With this video, I wished to introduce the idea that small clips from the album can be provided with small segments of the written review on the video to allow the user a glimpse of the album as well as being able to follow the review better.

This video is just a demonstration of the idea, so it is a little crude (and horribly Windows Movie Maker'd) and isn't a full realization. I hope that with a little polish it will become an asset to my reviews, while attempting to stay within fair use range. This way I can compromise with labels who issue DMCA takedown notices for those people with full songs uploaded, but also give my readers a taste of the album to help entice them a little further.

The full review can be read here (http://cheesecakerecipe.wordpress.com/2009/03/03/200-million-thousand-by-the-black-lips/) for an idea of how it would tie into my format as a whole. What do you guys think? Too much work? Too Corny? Not required?

Mar 3, 2009, 07:58 PM
19 views and no responses? This is the attitude that killed fanworks.

Mar 3, 2009, 08:43 PM
Sorry, I'm just an average FKL member who doesn't listen to music outside of video games.

It's an interesting concept. I think the main issue with adding audio to a review about music kind of disrupts the flow of the album and songs it reviews. Hearing small clips seems like more of an advertising strategy than a reviewing strategy. Now, in fairness, you've stated the real ones will be longer but I think playing anything short of the full song would just be disruptive and hearing voices over any of this might be grouchy-inducing.
Try it out.

Mar 3, 2009, 10:28 PM
19 views and no responses? This is the attitude that killed fanworks.

so did weaboos and DevianTARTlets

The Lo-Fi produckion adds a layer of crust and crackles.

Maybe thay should'nt be so cheap next time, tightarses.

As for the review...well i don't realy care about music reviews. I don't want some dude tellin' me what music i shoiuld listen to. Music to me is much more subjective to the individual. It might be good music, but only some people are gonna like it. Unlike movies and Vyida Gaems, which are much more black and white in terms of quality. Music is a more of a grey area, and is much more down to personal taste.

But, music video reviews are an interesting concept. And its a good way to point out specific parts of a song, or like that Lo-fi crustyness.

Mar 4, 2009, 02:40 PM
It seems like a good idea. It allows the reader to get a sample of the songs you're talking about instead of just trying to imagine the points you're making about the song. Plus it may save the reader some money if they don't like the sample they are hearing. I wonder why most e-mags don't do that?

Mar 4, 2009, 04:15 PM
Sorry, Spike. I generally check PSOW away from the home base, so YouTube videos (especially ones that I need the sound for) are pretty much off-limits for me.