View Full Version : PSU Tv Show?

Mar 9, 2009, 10:35 AM
Didnt PSU used to have an anime series? and if not why not? I would totally watch it if they put some effort into it. That would probably get the attention of people that dont play psu and get them to buy the game to raise prophit and make the psu population larger and a whole lot more fun.

Mar 9, 2009, 10:46 AM
Nope, as far as I know the only games that had anime series based on them were:

Star Ocean EX (based on Second Story, the PS1 Star Ocean)
Final Fantasy (which had a couple of different things "animed" for it)
The "Tales" Series (though I think they were little animated things made as promos or something)

There's a few others, but as far as I know, no Phantasy Star-related anime. Which kind of sucks, seeing as how the story from 1, 2, or 4 would make AMAZING anime serieseseses.

Mar 9, 2009, 10:58 AM
Yes, i would love to see an anime serie based on Phantasy star 1-4.
But anything would work if they put their heart into it.

Mr T 13
Mar 9, 2009, 11:03 AM
I think a anime series has some great potential, however I don't think it would go over well. They would have to make it just right in a technical sense. Would it be actual anime or would they want to make it some sort of computer generated stuff. How would they make the weapons look? Would techs be like the ones in the games? Would there be weapons like the Koltova Gun? Would there be PAs? Would techs be like the ones from PSO or PSU? Would people ever even get techs to a higher status? Would there be Beasts? Anyhow, you get the point. I think it would take some serious thinking to make it decent. As for audience, if anything is done well enough it will get the audience that it needs to stay around for multiple seasons. I just hope it would be in English.

Mar 9, 2009, 11:27 AM
I donīt think P.A and stuff like that would be implented.
More like the sci-fi theme, laser and more laser weapons.
Space-ships, Cast characters hopefully. They could make them cold and heartless.

They hardly would take it to litteraly, but more like similiar at the least.

Mar 9, 2009, 11:46 AM
These are just my thoughts (or things I would do if I were making the series):

Well, I doubt they'd have PAs that would level up (if they were doing a more literal version of the game PSU in anime-form). At most they'd have the characters use the Skill PAs as like special moves, the bullets would be actual cartridges they throw into the guns (much like guns nowadays, but with photon cartridges, maybe like batteries?), and the techs would probably be more like "Foie is a fireball (i.e. weak), while Gifoie and Rafoie are powered-up versions of Foie (since they hit around and do multiple targets)." As for the types... well, they'd probably have specific characters use specific weapons, much like the NPCs in the game - each character would use like two or three weapons, and not stick to types in the literal sense ("Ethan's using a Kan-Yu when he's supposed to be an acrofighter, that's not possible!!!!!").

I don't know, those are just my thoughts. I wouldn't have the people yell out the different moves, either. They'd just do it - except for some of the really really huge spells, like Megiverse, or Grants (yes, I would have Grants in it somehow). Then there'd be a little spell-casting-chant or something, like the Dragon Slave in Slayers.

Then again, I'm not Japanese, or even French for that matter (they make that weird pseudo-anime stuff, I think), so I'd most likely have no say in the matter, and it'd turn into a Pokemon-wannabe series ("Let's go, Rapplay the Rappy! For love, and juice boxes for kids everywhere!")

Mar 9, 2009, 11:47 AM
Yea but you got to admit it would be pretty cool though! And it wouldnt be to hard because they already have a story line. All they would have to do is expand it and just put some more reasoning in to what happens in the story.

I was thinking around the same thing as you and exactly the same with the battery cartridges.

Mar 9, 2009, 11:58 AM
My opinion on how to do skills from a game in an anime wrong? Just look at the Xenosaga anime - totally cool anime, follows (basically) the plot of the first game, but the only time they do that crap is when they go into the Encephalon - nothing kills the "seriousness" more than a little red-haired kid going "LUCKY SHOT!!!!!!" while shooting money he threw in the air. He could have just shot the guy from the get-go, saved himself a lot of trouble....

Mar 9, 2009, 12:04 PM
I never watched it so i wouldnt know. But it does sound like that would make a joke out of it.

Mar 9, 2009, 01:21 PM
Blue Dragon also has an anime based on it.

Oddly enough, despite my initial reservations about it, it's not that bad.

Mar 9, 2009, 01:36 PM
This year is Valkyria Chronicles anime, last year was some Shining game, sega makes anime series, but only one every year :P

Mar 9, 2009, 01:42 PM
Woah - they made an anime based off of a Shining game? You don't happen to know what it's called, or what series it's based off of (if any), do you?

Mar 9, 2009, 01:49 PM
maybe this year they should base one off of psu.

Mar 9, 2009, 01:52 PM
if xenosaga had a anime series release onto dvd then we should too!

Mar 9, 2009, 01:55 PM
Yea i think it would be cool.

Mar 9, 2009, 01:56 PM
I heard the Xenosaga Anime sucked...(never watched it myself)

Mar 9, 2009, 01:59 PM
Neither did i but dont you think a psu series would be cool. cause the story line is good.

Mar 9, 2009, 02:04 PM
I'd watch a PSU anime. Can't get enough of the awesome character that is Eth...err...Hyuga! :D

Mar 9, 2009, 02:09 PM
I think it was Shining Tears anime, and this month is the release of the Valkyria Chronicles anime in japan.

Mar 9, 2009, 02:17 PM
Oh, shining tears? That makes me kind of not want to watch it, wasn't a big fan of that game too much...

And the Xenosaga anime, it was alright. It didn't follow the game's plot exactly, but it was close enough that it was still interesting to watch (except that Encephalon part, that was so corny, and made to be like that, too). There's a lot of non-action in it at parts, but that's the same as in the game so if you played (watched?) that, you'd know what to expect in the anime. It's one of those things that was pretty much made for fans of the game.

Mar 9, 2009, 03:44 PM
Funny enough. A Shining Tears-based anime doesn't appeal to me; but a Shining Force-based anime would.

Mar 9, 2009, 03:47 PM
A PSU anime might be interesting enough for me to watch. I'd give it a chance.

Mar 9, 2009, 07:06 PM
If you can find it, watch Red Photon Zillion, its an old Sega anime with 31 episodes and a movie. Phantasy Star Online is actually a crossover between Zillion and Phantasy Star 3. Photon Technology, The Ruby Bullet weapon, and the Opa Opa mag comes from Zillion. The "mar" in Humar, Humarl, Ramar, Ramarl Fomar, and Fomarl may also be a reference to the "Marisians", the human colonists of the planet Maris in Zillion.


In the year 2387, Humans have expanded beyond Earth and have established a colony on a planet named Maris. An alien race, the Noza use the planet as their spawning ground and return every thousand years or so to lay their eggs. The Noza attack the humans and start a war. The Noza are seemingly invincible and the Marisian Defense Forces are severely outclassed. A special team of rangers dubbed the White Knights is formed to assist the humans in defeating the Noza. White Knights members J.J., Champ, Apple, and Amy are equipped with new Photon technology said to have been created by an ancient civilization found by the colonists and dubbed the "Zillion Weapon System". They have been specially trained to use these weapons and are the last hope of survival for the colonists.

Mar 9, 2009, 07:30 PM
Which kind of sucks, seeing as how the story from 1, 2, or 4 would make AMAZING anime serieseseses.

A Phantasy Star III series could actually be very good too, but it would have to be done in that late 80's early 90's anime style Toyo Ozaki used.


and the Opa Opa mag comes from Zillion.

Eh, didn't Opa-Opa and Fantasy Zone become popular in arcades before Zillion was produced? I thought having him in Zillion was a cameo role to play on the arcade game's popularity.

Mar 9, 2009, 11:33 PM
Hmm ... an anime? I would give it a try. I do believe it has some good potential, but not for very long (unless they deviated from the game story line after a few seasons). As for PAs and such? No. Just no. Something technical like that usually kills a series becuase it is much too close to the game and kills the fluid motion of the show. However, keeping the weapons the same would be great (with the more story-oriented weapons claimed in the series after battles or some other plot twist or whatever). Sadly, it is far more likely to be made in Japanese than English.

Mar 10, 2009, 02:08 AM
If an anime of PSU were to be made, I'd greatly prefer to create entirely original characters instead of following the story of the game. I mean, we've already seen the story of the game, and we already know the characters, so what would the point be in watching them in anime form?

It'd be cool to see it go through things like "A day in the life of a Guardian", with a different subject for several episodes, and then converging on major things like the SEED virus attack on the colony and such. In my experience, if you want big events to have a big impact, you've gotta care about the characters first.

Mar 10, 2009, 02:17 AM
If an anime of PSU were to be made, I'd greatly prefer to create entirely original characters instead of following the story of the game. I mean, we've already seen the story of the game, and we already know the characters, so what would the point be in watching them in anime form?

It'd be cool to see it go through things like "A day in the life of a Guardian", with a different subject for several episodes, and then converging on major things like the SEED virus attack on the colony and such. In my experience, if you want big events to have a big impact, you've gotta care about the characters first.

Hmm, I like this idea a bit better. ;-)

There would need to be a main character that is prevailent in most episodes.

Mar 10, 2009, 02:30 AM
it'd be cool if they used real player characters, i know a few RPers who'd love to have their characters story animated.(and it'd save sega some work :P)

Mar 10, 2009, 03:54 AM
A PSU anime would be too cheesy to be taken seriously IMO. I'd watch it for the same reason I played story mode though :wacko:

Mr T 13
Mar 10, 2009, 09:46 AM
I hope if they did make one they would consider how some of the weapons look and not include them. Some of the weapons seen in a anime would be wierd. I don't really want to see someone running around with a Rabbit Wand and see the ears flopping around when someone is talking. Also, I think the Gudda Skelas with their bubbles would be wierd. Flaming weapons and weapons with lightning around them cool, but one with bubbles, I'm not so sure. Now that I'm thinking about weapons, would they be on the character or would they go in a nano transformer and disappear?

Mar 10, 2009, 11:36 AM
Since it is an online-game, they can work it as dot hack kind of story too. (story of those people who playing game, instead of just in-game story)

Since all the PSU story is already known, and people who played it before will get bored.

Mar 10, 2009, 11:57 AM
They could, but I'm not too sure how well it'd go over. In the .hack series, the story emphasis was always on the players, not on the plot of the game they played (as far as I know). Then again the only .hack stuff I've read / seen / heard about was AI Buster, Sign, and the original game series, but I've heard that the next.... two or three series still focused on the players playing the game, not the "plot" of the game world they played in. Long story short, I think it'd be getting a bit too far away from the source material. If they did it with some other Phantasy Star game though, maybe a made-up one, and focused on the players in THAT one, then I think that'd be better.

But that's just my thoughts on it. It should probably be something new plot-wise though, even a whole new series that just exists in anime-form completely independent from any of the games (save the sci-fi influence, and the names of the techs and such, the "PS" trademarks).

Mar 10, 2009, 01:14 PM
What about if I make a manga on it, would you all love me then? :3

Mar 10, 2009, 10:15 PM
If you can find it, watch Red Photon Zillion, its an old Sega anime with 31 episodes and a movie. Phantasy Star Online is actually a crossover between Zillion and Phantasy Star 3. Photon Technology, The Ruby Bullet weapon, and the Opa Opa mag comes from Zillion. The "mar" in Humar, Humarl, Ramar, Ramarl Fomar, and Fomarl may also be a reference to the "Marisians", the human colonists of the planet Maris in Zillion.


In the year 2387, Humans have expanded beyond Earth and have established a colony on a planet named Maris. An alien race, the Noza use the planet as their spawning ground and return every thousand years or so to lay their eggs. The Noza attack the humans and start a war. The Noza are seemingly invincible and the Marisian Defense Forces are severely outclassed. A special team of rangers dubbed the White Knights is formed to assist the humans in defeating the Noza. White Knights members J.J., Champ, Apple, and Amy are equipped with new Photon technology said to have been created by an ancient civilization found by the colonists and dubbed the "Zillion Weapon System". They have been specially trained to use these weapons and are the last hope of survival for the colonists.

Looks a bit like Genesis Climber Mospeda.