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Apr 1, 2009, 04:59 AM
Now this isn't a discussion of whether you beleive it or not, moreover just something for me to get off my chest.

Seriously, what the hell? It's been bugging me for months, but now it's just getting awful, and it's ONLY in my room, until now. now I'm just paranoid.

It sounds "unmanly", but I'm getting increasingly terrified of some things that are going on. I've talked with my sister who has much expertise in this subject, but to clearly no avail thus far. I've considered psychological help and therapy because I think it might be something along the lines of "crazy", though I've been thinking the situations through so rationally that it just doesn't seem that way.

So far I've seen a man in a fireman jacket with a hat and a sturn look on his face pop up then disappear, a winged figure in my window that apparently taps (don't feel threatened at all by it.) The worst is this fucking girl in the corner of my room, I swear to god it's driving me fucking crazy. I'm getting chills and am terrified just typing this issue out. She looks lonely and depressed, and I constantly feel uncomfortable and watched, I always peek from under my covers over there. Today I just couldn't take it, so I went to sleep on the couch downstairs, because practicing some tabs on my guitar with the lights on CLEARLY didn't stop me from seeing a female figurine stand up in the corner of my eye, and then when I fully glance, sits back down in the corner.

So I'm thinking, "Holy shit, fuck that." I walk downstairs, try to fall asleep on the couch, nothing. All lights on, TV on, bro in the next room. Cat is staring at me for a long ass time, then stares at the wall, wide eyed. I close my eyes again thinking "Ok, that's fucking weird." Until of course I feel like I'm floating and being dragged momentarily, in which I open my eyes and WOW, there's that chicks figure, grabbing through the wall, sucking itself back in as to present itself of innocent of bringing me back.

Well here I am typing this, sleepless. Seriously, what the hell? I know I'm paranoid, no need to state the obvious. And as much as I'd love to just "get over it", it's pretty fucking hard to shake. I can't deal with this. I've read extensively on 3 "Psyche protection" books ALONE tonight, because knowledge is power, and I want to know as much as I can, obviously. Not to mention I spent all of last week researching the hell out of basically every Paranoia and anxiety disorder known to man to see if I could trace any of my symptoms for it.

Looks like another sleepless night for me. ;/ I guess it doesn't help the scenario that my house is surrounded by 3 graveyards.

Apr 1, 2009, 05:17 AM
Things like this are only as real as you let them be. Perhaps you should consort with them.

Or find the nearest Belmont.

Apr 1, 2009, 05:30 AM
I agree, and as I've stated, I'd absolutely love to just get rid of it again, because clearly you're invulnerable to "paranormal attacks" if you doubt their existance entirely anyway. But as I've said, I've been completely logical about this whole thing and how they WOULDN'T POSSIBLY be able to harm me, so why the hell is this still going on?

Going to have to punch some ghosts in the god-damn nose soon.

Apr 1, 2009, 05:37 AM
well there maybe something stressful that is making these things appear.

the human psych is something that has its own way of showing problem(believe me: you could be having far worse things happening to you!)

think about anything that has been happening lately: there maybe something you are not seeing clearly or you may have some chemical imbalances in your head. like someone said before seek professional help before you really go into the deep end to where you may not be able to return.

Apr 1, 2009, 05:39 AM
I know what you mean man, I just wanna get rid of this. and I'm the only one that convinced myself I should seek help, that's why I did lots of research.

Apr 1, 2009, 05:42 AM
yeah that is the best way but if you wish to sleep better for at least a night try self-hypnosis, it is what i do when i am at the point of losing all sanity....which is about everyday it seems

if you want to try this let me know i will find some scripts in one of my books(which will be a while considering i got to threw my collections of junk, tarot decks, and tarot books to get them.)

Apr 1, 2009, 08:38 AM
think about anything that has been happening lately: there maybe something you are not seeing clearly or you may have some chemical imbalances in your head. like someone said before seek professional help before you really go into the deep end to where you may not be able to return.

Especially if this has been going on for months. Try to stay away from drugs though. Therapy might help you get to the root of your problem (though I only ever did the first screening, me-self).

Edit: Oh, and if it's an April Fools thing like Gunslinger pointed out, then, uh, good for you.

Apr 1, 2009, 08:45 AM
Assuming that it being April 1st doesn't have anything to do with this, therapy would seem to be the right direction.

Apr 1, 2009, 08:51 AM
dude, making friends with the fireman is your best bet. he'll be able to axe that winged tapping thing and punt the little demon girl back into hell. then you just gotta put up with a ghost fireman guy for the rest of your life, which actually isn't that bad and could have it's benefits.

btw drex, check general! I just resubbed!

Apr 1, 2009, 09:35 AM
then you just gotta put up with a ghost fireman guy for the rest of your life, which actually isn't that bad and could have it's benefits.

Plus, he can put out ghost fires!

It's win/win!

Apr 1, 2009, 09:41 AM
you could always call ghost busters?
na but seriously. im a strong believer in ghosts and the such.

i also feel my house has a little bit of a haunting going on. nothing compared to what your saying though.
i hear a lot of sounds that freak me out to fuck at night and i always feel like im being watched. i havent saw any visually though...yet. i also hae a graveyard next to me :S

this might sound stupid but you say you can clearly just look at the little girl without her disappearing which usually happens to most people. try talking to the ghost girl. by talking i mean don't actually say anything out load. say it in your mind. ghosts etc are meant to be able to speak telepathicly.

other options are try a wigi board for communications. yea i know the story's about these. a lot of people go crazy and stuff because they sometimes see stuff. your seeing stuff already so it shouldn't be as much a deal to you as the rest though.

if all else fails you can always get a psychic in and see if they can get rid of it.

Apr 1, 2009, 10:04 AM
I think it's a mind over matter thing. I'm incredibly susceptible to that. I could probably convince myself there was a spider on the wall in front of me right now, if I wanted to. (But I don't, really.)

Sometimes I see odd colors in my peripheral vision that could look like anything, as well. You probably thought it was a female figure at one point and now your mind is totally convinced that there's a female figure there. Also, do you find yourself staring at that corner for long periods of time while in the dark? That can really screw you up. If I stare at ANYTHING for too long in the dark, it begins to morph into something hideous.

But by the same token, I'm somewhat expecting it to morph into something hideous, and that's probably why. The way I learned to deal with it is to just keep my head under the covers and my eyes shut, and that way I don't see anything.

If it persists, though, then you should definitely, definitely get help (especially if they begin to persuade you to kill your family in the name of the Lord).

Apr 1, 2009, 10:17 AM
I would second the "get medical analysis" option before the "get a priest" option, even being the big fan of ghosts and hauntings that I am. Did all this stuff just start recently, Drex? Not to freak you out, but if so, you might want to find out if there's some kind of screening or test you can have done to pick out early signs of schizophrenia. I won't pretend that I'm qualified to diagnose you over the internet without anything resembling a degree in medicine, but I do believe schizophrenia can appear unexpectedly in males in their late teens or early twenties, and its symptoms can include things like auditory and visual hallucinations and weird paranoia.

Apr 1, 2009, 10:28 AM
Just to throw another possibility out there...
There have been several cases of "hauntings" in homes caused by carbon monoxide poisoning. I don't know enough to say how localized such things could be (as in, just one room vs your entire house), but I think it's quite a bit more likely than actual ghosts. And even if you aren't seeing things, a CO detector is a good precaution.

Apr 1, 2009, 10:29 AM
Well, at least you're not seeing an old hag's head floating and circling above your bed as you sleep...

Apr 1, 2009, 10:36 AM
Well, at least you're not seeing an old hag's head floating and circling above your bed as you sleep...

i lol'd. i dont mean that in the haha funny way though. it would freak me right out. its just that its only the head that gets me lol.

Apr 1, 2009, 10:42 AM

...Okay, frankly, if you can stare at something that's not supposed to be real, and it doesn't go away, you've got problems.

Either go seek help, or stop with the silly April Fools' posts. I can't be sure which it is, hence why I despise this "holiday" with every fibre of my being. (Unless it's actually genuinely funny. Which this isn't.)

Apr 1, 2009, 10:44 AM
remember that part in ghostbusters where ray gets it on with a ghost?

yeah...that was pretty hot.

Apr 1, 2009, 10:46 AM
Thanks for the help guys. It's a fairly recent thing, but not too recent. I've basically just been keeping it from everyone, logically knowing that the possibility of a girl just being there isn't high at ALL. I do the whole under-the-cover thing but feel the need to continue to look in the corner. I feel watched, whatever "it" is, it probably does want to communicate, but I shouldn't let it.

On the other hand I agree with Tessu's point that it can be "mind-over-matter". As a matter of fact, that's been my thought process this whole time, that if I fear it and stare at it in the dark, I'll start to perceive that that is what it is since when we fear, we try to relate things to something else, and creepy little girls are quite cliche. Having this knowledge though, it makes me wonder why I'm not at ease?

And no offense taken, Cup. I know these things can happen at any time and the next time I visit a doctor I will definitely mention these auditory abnormalities and strange sightings.

I know it seems ironic, but this isn't anything April Fools. This is a serious concern, and I wouldn't be staying up and denying my sleep just to pull a prank on people.

Nitro Vordex
Apr 1, 2009, 10:46 AM
Why not trying to talk to the fireman? Sounds like he was confused or something.

Ask the girl what's wrong, or what she wants. They're not stupid, probably just lost souls.

As for the angel thing, better start learning how to do a hadouken. It's energy, so it probably would affect a ghost or sommat. :wacko:

Apr 1, 2009, 10:49 AM
The Fireman hasn't appeared since, and from a psychic self-defense standpoint through research, I shouldn't let the girl sap any of my energy as she's causing harm, and ritualistically I'd need to get rid of her (still very, VERY skeptical on all this junk.)

The angel thing never feels threatening and is hardly available. The girl, however, has been lingering. It wasn't even in the dark, I had my light on, and I was playing my guitar as stated in the OP, and the figurine outlined through light was that girl that I kept seeing there.

I'd also like to mention that I refrain from the use of any drugs, aside from the occasional caffeine.

Apr 1, 2009, 10:57 AM
um do you feel like that girl is trying to cause you harm?

since im interested in all this stuff i do look into it a lot. if you think shes trying to cause harm but hasent yet then its probably because she doesnt have the strength.
ghosts take energy from power supplys. eg. when ever your pc or tv is on she will be feeding off its energy and then maby one day will do something.

if you feel it is trying to cause you harm then i highly advise you to get it checked my a medium.

Apr 1, 2009, 11:00 AM
Well I do have an awful lot of electricity in this room and I know what you mean, it's probably a power source. I don't really know if it's trying to cause harm, I just know of the extreme discomfort of being obvserved. Also noting that the room I am posting this in is not the room I sleep in.

Apr 1, 2009, 03:58 PM
This thread was not what I expected. I don't know. I don't really count anything out, and that would include paranormal activity. In fact, I've felt things before, but I'm still not sure. Well, if this stuff's not just in your head, I'm certain none of us could hope to understand it or explain it, so I can't offer any advice. Oh, except this: call Ghostbusters.

Apr 1, 2009, 04:17 PM
Old priest, young priest.

Apr 1, 2009, 04:42 PM
I think it's all in your head, but what's causing it may or may not be in your head. There are a number of things which could cause hallucinations--stress, invisible fumes, you name it. I don't want to guess because I don't know your situation that well, but what you should do is start narrowing down the list of causes. For example, have you ever had these 'visions' outside of your home? If so, the problem is within YOU. If not, it may be related to your house somehow (and I don't mean your house is haunted--I don't believe in ghosts). Also, does it happen at random times or recurring times? Is it associated with any specific activities?

Apr 1, 2009, 06:33 PM
To answer Stukasa:

Random, any given activity, and only in that house and until yesterday, only in that room. I've stayed at a friend's lately and at his house it's NEVER come up.

Apr 1, 2009, 07:48 PM
ITT: Creepy rant.

Apr 1, 2009, 08:21 PM
I call April Fools BS.

Anyhow, I'd seek professional help. If nothing else, at least you got a chance at getting some good drugs if you play your symptoms right. Otherwise, sounds kinda like temporal lobe epilepsy. That's been linked as responsible for certain cases of religious or paranormal apparitions like demons, angels, ghosts, etc.

I've talked with my sister who has much expertise in this subject, but to clearly no avail thus far.

That's because "experts" on the paranormal or supernatural are all just hucksters, charlatans, or just plain gullible.

Apr 1, 2009, 08:46 PM
To answer Stukasa:

Random, any given activity, and only in that house and until yesterday, only in that room. I've stayed at a friend's lately and at his house it's NEVER come up.
Then probably something about your house is causing it. I don't think the explanation is a paranormal one but I don't know enough to offer a different one.

Apr 2, 2009, 01:56 AM
I'd absolutely love to beleive it's all just fake, but I don't know, the fact that it's not a flash and it just STAYS. *Shiver*. I've been trying to conceive in every way possible that there's no way it can be real, it just is working horridly.

Apr 2, 2009, 12:03 PM
I can't help but find this intriguing...

A friend of mine, as well as his mother, said that they have a ghost of some sort (I'm thinking a poltergeist, judging on how it tends to behave) in their old house, supposedly of an old woman who died there ages ago, and is sticking around to supposedly watch over or protect the property. I was skeptical at first, but one day when I and another friend were visiting him, he and his mom said that it tends to close their bathroom door if they leave all the main doors in their house open. I was with them the whole time as they did it, and we waited for a while, no fans, worn hinges, or mechanisms to move the door, and it just closed by itself on its own while it was wide open... no way to really explain it. O_o; He and his mom have also said they've seen instances where the same door would fly open while they were bathing, or their TV would turn on and off randomly. Probably the worst was when he had another friend over to spend the night, and while they were trying to fall asleep, he saw the ceiling fan in his room glow red... I wasn't there to see it, but seeing that door close by itself without any noticeable forces acting on it creeped me out enough to believe there was a ghost of some sort there. I haven't seen or heard anything really drastic going on while I was up there... just little, random, mischievous stuff. O_o;

Having your house surrounded by 3 graveyards, as you say, seems creepy enough, and gives me reason to believe that ghosts would likely reside there; and usually they do so due to some unresolved circumstance or "unfinished business," if you will, that keeps them bound to the world of the living, I guess you could say. If I were you, I'd try to research into any past owners of your house, if any, and if there were any deaths or murders on or around that property. A fireman, a lonely girl, some winged figure tapping on a window... sounds to me like that girl you mentioned might've been a victim of a house fire or something and was unable to be saved. If the house you live in was built recently, maybe there was an older house on the same land that may have burned down...? It's just speculation of course, but that's what I'm getting out of all this.

As far as trying to communicate with these ghosts... I'm not sure if I'd go that far personally, but if they don't really seem threatening, I guess you could... not sure exactly HOW though. =x If anything, as strange as all this sounds, you might could pick up on their motives and what keeps them bound to your house. I'm by no means a medium or a psychic of any sort, but I might look into trying to find a person who dabbles in that sort of study if they're really bothering you this much... or else, move somewhere else, lol. Has anyone else you know been able to see these ghosts, or is it just you?

Apr 2, 2009, 12:12 PM
My sisters have felt a presence and also lived in that room before I have. My eldest sister had it worse.

The fire story you provided is intriguing, but I'm not too sure on that one considering this house is pretty damn old and hasn't been rebuilt to my knowledge. :P

Apr 2, 2009, 12:16 PM
I'd absolutely love to beleive it's all just fake, but I don't know, the fact that it's not a flash and it just STAYS. *Shiver*. I've been trying to conceive in every way possible that there's no way it can be real, it just is working horridly.
Has anyone else seen these images, or is it just you? You said your sister 'felt' a presence but I wouldn't count that.

Apr 4, 2009, 11:49 AM
As far as seeing I guess not, yeah.

Apr 4, 2009, 12:33 PM
Just to throw another possibility out there...
There have been several cases of "hauntings" in homes caused by carbon monoxide poisoning. I don't know enough to say how localized such things could be (as in, just one room vs your entire house), but I think it's quite a bit more likely than actual ghosts. And even if you aren't seeing things, a CO detector is a good precaution.Try this, and check EMF levels:
You should be able to buy a detector for less than $100, which I would think would be much less than starting with a medical/psychological diagnosis.

Either of these things could probably be fixed if they are found to be the cause.

Apr 4, 2009, 03:46 PM
Thanks for the advice, I actually used my sister's EMF and she found a very high level of it from my alarm clock (Odd...) which is right above my head where I sleep. This could be a major factor in it. It is however, odd that the "attack" i felt the one time we went upstairs together was far away from that and after she had done a weak banishment ritual.

Apr 4, 2009, 04:10 PM
Start by eliminating the scientific possibilities. CO would definitely top the list, if its only in your house, and as stated before, you REALLY should have a CO detector anyways.

Following that, other measurable quantities, and/or psychological causes.

I'd go with paranormal causes last. If you make it to this point... well, frankly, I don't know what to say.

Apr 4, 2009, 04:18 PM
Remove the alarm clock. I know a case where such a thing let one girl being raped plenty of times in her imagination. EMF can play ugly tricks with your head. Remove it, for your own sake.

I am also pretty religious. I will pray big-time for ya.

Apr 4, 2009, 07:30 PM
I recommend opening up communication with those haunting you. If it's all in your head, then you'll be confronting what's troubling you. If it's not, then you'll be confronting what's troubling you (the repetition is not a typo).

As for explanations of it... It seems to me that there's far more in this universe that we don't understand, than that which we do. The concept of a "ghost" is ubiquitous; it is present in, as near as I can tell, every culture on Earth. Ghost stories are included amongst the oldest of folklore, and the descriptions and abilities of such beings don't vary much. Given that, we can assume that there is indeed, something occurring consistently around the world (and for many centuries).

You can blame it on electromagnetic fields scrambling your brain, as such fields are (apparently) known to be present around ghost sightings, sure, but it is important to remember that correlation does not indicate causation. The EMF may be causing the paranormal activity, or the paranormal activity may be causing the EMF-- Fields of this sort aren't a subject that we totally understand to begin with (while we are aware that electronics can create, manipulate or be manipulated by them, the Earth has fields of its own, which perform many phenomena that we've yet to work out). It's not clear to me, that a satisfactory explanation of something we don't understand, can be found in something else that we don't understand. At this point, we still don't understand what's happening, and frankly, you're still looking at a creepy young woman on the other side of your room.

Apr 5, 2009, 12:31 AM
Well, I moved the alarm clock because of what Misty said..perhaps out of further paranoia. My sister came over and did her cleansing of the house and such with supposedly potent Native American herbs. I guess I'll update everyone on how I sleep tonight.

I'm not claiming it'll prove much, considering there's the possibility of me presuming the spirit is gone in my head due to said ritual happening. You know, mind over matter. "I learned this scares it away so it shouldn't be here anymore" when it really could not have been there in the first place.

Apr 5, 2009, 02:59 AM
I'm not claiming it'll prove much, considering there's the possibility of me presuming the spirit is gone in my head due to said ritual happening. You know, mind over matter. "I learned this scares it away so it shouldn't be here anymore" when it really could not have been there in the first place.
As long as it's gone, I don't think you'll care much about the reason. :p Either way, I hope it works!

Apr 5, 2009, 04:11 AM
Make sure to let it stay removed for a while. I am not sure how long EMF affects you.
But I hope it will help.

As for ghosts, I do not believe in such things.

Edit: I just discussed about it with my mother, and she told me that back then when my grandma had hallucinations about seeing her dead husband she took too much of certain pills that raise the functionality of the brain's EMF.

Apr 5, 2009, 01:59 PM
Hmm, well after the casting away of the spirit rituals that had been done and the removal of my alarm clock, I could fall asleep relatively early and slept a good 8 hours. You guys should never take a good night's rest for granted, it's so incredibly important and nice. I'm glad that problem is rid of for now.

I only noticed a few weird things going on in my room, but none of them was a creepy chick >>.

Apr 5, 2009, 03:02 PM
That is great, Drex. =)