View Full Version : Haven't played this game in one year, whats changed?

Apr 10, 2009, 12:43 AM
I stopped playing about a year ago, and I was wondering whats changed in this game? I must have missed a whole slew of updates, the last thing I remember is... UBWAAA lots of UBWAAA.
Has there been any adjustments to the classes? Rebalancing? What ever happened to masterclasses? Are wartechers and guntechers still completely gimped by other classes? Whats new guys?

Apr 10, 2009, 01:22 AM
Oh, there's plenty of rebalancing done... On the JP servers.

Which hopefully will come over within a month or two, but personally, I'm really looking forward to the new Advanced Style stuff. There's a link around here that explains it all, but I can't remember where it is and search is particularly less-than-helpful...

Apr 10, 2009, 11:33 AM
Master Classes are out. They're kinda neat. People are still spamming Jabroga and Majarra, but faster.
Really, not much more than that...

Apr 12, 2009, 10:52 AM
Slicer nerf, visual tech nerf, master classes, carnival and pub exchange missions on Moatoob, rare missions added to Parum and Neudiaz, and a few new free missions through-out. That covers the last year or so.

Sorry I don't know anything about gun and wartechers.