View Full Version : Anyone else having bad luck synthing?

Jun 22, 2009, 07:02 PM
I was talking to a few people about synthing and whatnot, and they were telling me how they were having bad luck synthing weps and armor.
Well, I synthed 3 serafi-senba last night, and 2 failed :( and the one that did work came out 12% (lol).
I was just wondering if anyone else was having this bad luck?
If not, oh well, maybe it's just me and those few people.
I know it's all random, I'm not saying I deserve better or anything, but I synthed a few other things too and came out under 20%.
Anyway, what are your thoughts PSO-W-ers?

Jun 22, 2009, 07:05 PM
Personally, I synthed 300 50% Crea Doubles yesterday.

Yes. 300 of them. Multi-elements also.

On a more serious note, I've always had luck like that with ALL my synths, except like one Crea Doubles that came out at a 38% and an A-rank dagger that came out as like 42 or 46% ice. The rest have been barely above 20%, and that's on a "good day."

Jun 22, 2009, 07:06 PM
I always have bad luck synthing. Once in a blue moon I make something good, for instance I made a 46% Vish Feara last time I synthed and failed a bunch of better things :/

Jun 22, 2009, 07:08 PM
Chance is chance, even if it's slim. I'm getting nightmares remembering previously failed Psychowand and Agito Repca synths...(not mine of course :wacko:)

Jun 22, 2009, 07:09 PM
Well for me it's only been recently.
I seriously synthed over 40 Serafi-senba (have pics to prove) and ALL of them have been at or over 30% with the exception on 3 (12%, 10%, and 22%). I only have bad luck with things that have %....I mean I synthed a 46% Vish Feara, but who uses that lol. I synthed it just to get rid of the board in my pm, and it was cheap to make. I ended up selling that for 10 mil lol.
Anyway, I was just wondering what people's synths have been lately.

Jun 22, 2009, 07:11 PM
That's unfortunate. I haven't synthed anything in a while, I'm still patiently waiting on the synth boost to mass synth most of the good stuff I've been collecting over the past few months.

Jun 22, 2009, 07:13 PM
Personally, I synthed 300 50% Crea Doubles yesterday.

Yes. 300 of them. Multi-elements also.

no way u made 300 50% crea doubles.

Jun 22, 2009, 07:13 PM
Yea, I should have waited to synth the 3 serafi's I just made. Luckily I found the boards, and had the mats to make, so I didn't have to spend meseta on them. 2 of the Serafi failing kinda sucked, but I could have lived with another 30%+...but it came out 12...(in my shop for 7 mil btw lol-J5B-10)

no way u made 300 50% crea doubles.

That was a joke lol.

Jun 22, 2009, 07:19 PM
I know Bigs has either failed or had less then 20% on every ank zagza he's synthed since before the beginning of StD. Aside from that I haven't synthed anything other then A rank daggers lately so I couldn't say how my luck for S ranks is.

Jun 22, 2009, 07:21 PM
Don't forget my failing 5/15 Granahodorac's
This was epic fail. I was sooo mad/sad.

Jun 22, 2009, 07:22 PM
I geuss synthing luck is changing for some people then. Because ever since Shred the Darkness my luck with synthing has been off kilter. I really dun synth all to much but when i can i do do it. But as it stands about every 5-10 Synths i get a 40%+ weapon and this only started in about the 2nd last of Shred the Darkness.

Jun 22, 2009, 07:43 PM
It's just random luck. The only way I know to offset it is to mass produce weapons as often as you can. You'll eventually have a nice pallette of high % equipment if you can do that for a year or two. >_>

Jun 22, 2009, 07:44 PM
Hahah, in a year or two. I don't use melee, and my armor is great, not 50%'s yet, but close.
I just been having a rough time with serafi :/ lately. Failing or coming low %'s the last few times I mass synthed em.

l Zero l
Jun 22, 2009, 07:49 PM
Yeah, i was having bad luck making weapons a couple days ago
came out 12% 25%
but i got lucky by getting 46% dark Grand cross

so i say keep trying Lol! not gonna kill you!

roardova lengths
Jun 22, 2009, 08:49 PM
I don't synth elements, unless I'm synthing armors... But then again, I be synthing over 30%'s on what I really dont' think I can get. Shura-hiken & Blackheartic both came out at 38% fire last night... Don't ask... If I don't synth things in pairs or bulk, they break when I synth them alone. But if I have stuff already cooking in the mix and it's not below yellow star rarity, it pretty much synths... I'll never synth another Gekitsnata by itself cause the two neutral Gekitsnatacs I synthed last night, both synthed...

Jun 22, 2009, 10:45 PM
my fail PM has failed every Rattlesnake I've ever tried to synth. Even failed a Pakuda/couple of Crossbows/Longbows.

Naturally it fails at what its not good at synthing(its a ranged PM) but it also fails at what its good at synthing. =/

roardova lengths
Jun 22, 2009, 10:49 PM
Treat your PM to some robot smashing at AMF Platform, that should clear that up Akihito!!

I just wanted to tell everyone, I just synthed a Soda Riban 50% Ice... Sorry... XD

Not really much to brag on, but I just wanted to put that out there...

Jun 22, 2009, 10:53 PM
if your on pc/ps2, I want that riban....:D

Jun 22, 2009, 10:58 PM
hey Vol, we should l/kk hunt sometime :p

Jun 22, 2009, 11:00 PM
Sure, I'll be on tonight, sometimes after 1am EST.
Do I have your card, or you mine? If not, when I get on meet me in my room so we can exchange lol.

roardova lengths
Jun 22, 2009, 11:02 PM
if your on pc/ps2, I want that riban....:D

What do you have to offer for it Vol?

Jun 22, 2009, 11:03 PM
1 mil meseta....lol.
I don't know, what you want for it?

roardova lengths
Jun 22, 2009, 11:06 PM
Well I have it up in the shop for 10 million at the moment, ummm... Dang, ever since I got my Bajuracs and currently synthing my neutral Agito Repca; I honestly don't know what I want. Damn, oh I know, I want a blue Voloyal Set for a female human! That might be out of your reach, but if the riban doesn't sell. When the boosts come and I get it to 5/10; it's goin to sell for 10 million!! XD

Jun 22, 2009, 11:10 PM
Good luck, I wouldn't pay too much more than that. Try to max it's grinds.
I need some Agite Edges to synth my repca. :/
No one seems to have those to trade or sell.

roardova lengths
Jun 22, 2009, 11:18 PM
Tell me about it, basically put myself at 1.5 million rich getting those edges tonight. If I would mess with elements, that Riban would be mine to keep. But I'm not into all that, just the neutrals. Oh yeah, do you happen to have a 0/10 Pushan laying around?

Jun 22, 2009, 11:21 PM
I have enough badges to get a 0/10 Pushan.
I need edges real bad. I want to synth my repca ASAP.

roardova lengths
Jun 22, 2009, 11:41 PM
Would you trade a Pushan for that Riban?

Jun 22, 2009, 11:44 PM
No, I would keep it for a better trade. Melee is not my main class (guns are).
So I wouldn't spend an arm and a leg to get melee weps.

roardova lengths
Jun 22, 2009, 11:48 PM
OK, that Riban, I guess will collect dust! Going back to IG to ge tthe res tof my golds for my second Pushan... Be good Vol!

Jun 22, 2009, 11:49 PM
You too lol. Good luck.

Jun 23, 2009, 07:34 AM
I hate to be the one that always says "I told ya so," but why don't you guys just wait for when we get our StD boosts before synthing/grinding anything?? I've got a buttload of stuff, including a Love Inferno and a Melan Knuckle, that I'm not even gonna touch until Segac gives us our boosts, which I'm HOPING will be this Friday... >_<

Jun 23, 2009, 08:01 AM
Sure, I'll be on tonight, sometimes after 1am EST.
Do I have your card, or you mine? If not, when I get on meet me in my room so we can exchange lol.

I'll be on later today hopefully :p

Jun 23, 2009, 03:50 PM
I hate to be the one that always says "I told ya so," but why don't you guys just wait for when we get our StD boosts before synthing/grinding anything?? I've got a buttload of stuff, including a Love Inferno and a Melan Knuckle, that I'm not even gonna touch until Segac gives us our boosts, which I'm HOPING will be this Friday... >_<

its a safe way, but making them now makes money. too many are waiting to synth in the boost so prices will be cheap.

melan is 99% success at the moment :p

as for the bad luck in synthing, ive only failed 3 out of 80 or so pakuda's.
ive pulled these from my striking bot in the last 2 weeks.

50% melan knuckle dark. <--- i almost collapsed.
26% melan dark.
46% ice agito
46% dark zagza x 2
36% dark rucar
50% light blackheart
42% light blackheart

and some other's nothing special really compared to the above.
as for grinding, ive failed everything ive ever grinded.

Jun 23, 2009, 04:07 PM
I am.

My first Rattle snake board = Doll
First 12 star Grenade gun. = Doll
First Baret shot gun board= Doll.

Some of these are like 9% chance to fail and I wonder if the game is etup to allow more fails, than what the percentage is listed at. So even though it says, "91% to make" it is really 45%. I just sell range boards for the most part and buy the made thing since my PM does not make the stuff.

But, if the market is flooded with the stuff like Battlestoppers, she makes them everytime.

Jun 23, 2009, 04:24 PM
I hate to be the one that always says "I told ya so," but why don't you guys just wait for when we get our StD boosts before synthing/grinding anything?? I've got a buttload of stuff, including a Love Inferno and a Melan Knuckle, that I'm not even gonna touch until Segac gives us our boosts, which I'm HOPING will be this Friday... >_<

I'm not worried about the % of making things, I'm worried about the % they come out. Making is not really a big deal, other than synthing the repca [b] I have, I have no other things that cost a bunch to synth, so it's not a big deal.
With the serafi, I find em all, so they are free. I don't make melan knuckles or anything expensive like that, so it's not like I spend a bunch of meseta on anything.

Jun 23, 2009, 04:38 PM
I hate to be the one that always says "I told ya so," but why don't you guys just wait for when we get our StD boosts before synthing/grinding anything?? I've got a buttload of stuff, including a Love Inferno and a Melan Knuckle, that I'm not even gonna touch until Segac gives us our boosts, which I'm HOPING will be this Friday... >_<

No problem synthing common S ranks like Gudda Hons or Double Agitos since those boards are more or less disposable anyway. I'm only waiting to make my Love Inferno since I can't exactly replace that so easily.

Jun 24, 2009, 07:39 AM
Add a 12%:dark: Agito Repca that cost me over 50 mil to make.
Ugh....first a 12%:light: Serafi-Senba yesterday, and now a 12%:dark: Repca....
More fail. It's in my shop Enzylon-2 if you want it....0/10 as of this post. I wont grind it, it's too much fail for me to want to look at it.

Jun 24, 2009, 10:21 AM
Well, even if they ARE common boards like Gudda Hon, I'd rather have a 100% synth rate on them so I can successfully mass-synth them, and MORE LIKELY get some high %'s out of the ones I make, since there is no chance of getting an Okiku Doll or the like from them... it's just not worth it, even if it IS common as hell now. Common or not, they're still good S rank weapons.

Jun 24, 2009, 11:17 AM
Add a 12%:dark: Agito Repca that cost me over 50 mil to make.
Ugh....first a 12%:light: Serafi-Senba yesterday, and now a 12%:dark: Repca....
More fail. It's in my shop Enzylon-2 if you want it....0/10 as of this post. I wont grind it, it's too much fail for me to want to look at it.

I would take your repca off your hands if I had lots of meseta... I only got like 5 mil :/

roardova lengths
Jun 24, 2009, 11:58 AM
I didn't wait for the synth boos, since the StD has been over I have synthed: Crea Doubles, Shigga Pakudas, Gur Hanabs, Ryusaikanohs, Carriguine-Rucars, Okarods, Battlestoppers, Gekitsnatacs, Tesbras & high percentages like 38%-50% on 77% of the striking and ranged mags I have been synthing. Naw, no bad luck at all with that... But I synth in bulk though, and always synths the first major item in groups of four first. The third pretty much seems to fail always, so I never synth anything super important on the third. Good luck everyone...

Jun 24, 2009, 12:01 PM
Well, even if they ARE common boards like Gudda Hon, I'd rather have a 100% synth rate on them so I can successfully mass-synth them, and MORE LIKELY get some high %'s out of the ones I make, since there is no chance of getting an Okiku Doll or the like from them... it's just not worth it, even if it IS common as hell now. Common or not, they're still good S rank weapons.

100% can fail. Had a RL buddy fail a huge cutter during the MAG rewards.

Jun 24, 2009, 12:41 PM
100% can fail. Had a RL buddy fail a huge cutter during the MAG rewards.

Waitaminute, did he start the synth BEFORE the bonuses hit and then took it out DURING the boost? I've heard that the boost only applies the moment you START the synth, NOT when you pull it out. Personally, I've never encountered this problem...

If my Love Inferno somehow fails with a 100% success rate, HEADS WILL FLY.

Jun 24, 2009, 05:59 PM
I would take your repca off your hands if I had lots of meseta... I only got like 5 mil :/

We can work something out :D I put it in shop for way under the next 12%:dark: price so if it hasn't sold by the time I get on there, I'll take it out.

100% can fail. Had a RL buddy fail a huge cutter during the MAG rewards.

Your crazy I tell ya, 100% usually means 100% Then again we are dealing with SEGA on this. Pics?

Waitaminute, did he start the synth BEFORE the bonuses hit and then took it out DURING the boost? I've heard that the boost only applies the moment you START the synth, NOT when you pull it out. Personally, I've never encountered this problem...

If my Love Inferno somehow fails with a 100% success rate, HEADS WILL FLY.

I've synthed stuff BEFORE the rewards before, and pulled them out with the % the rewards gave us. I promise you it counts when you pull it out, NOT when you start. (unless we don't have a boost to begin with of course)
But we do have one coming, so you have nothing to worry about.

Jun 24, 2009, 07:44 PM
Well I mass synth quite often...so I just don't see the point in waiting.

But I just put in 15 things....no update to the post means they all came out shitty.

UPDATE: 46 Hon, 42 Grand Cross....had about 4 more 30+...everything else was poop

Dark Phoenix5
Jun 24, 2009, 07:50 PM
yeah dude before std started i made 50% crea doubles(not 300 lol only 2)

ok just now i pulled out a mugunruk(24%) and a ank zagza(16%) WTF!!!!!!!!!I never go that low

Jun 24, 2009, 07:56 PM
haha at least you didn't spend 50+ mil on making those....

Dark Phoenix5
Jun 24, 2009, 07:59 PM
i spent the money i recieved by selling my gur hanab board.The only good drop i got in innocent girl T_T

Jun 24, 2009, 10:59 PM
I tried to synth a Blackbull, 2 buccaneers (light attribute) during StD and failed. >.<

At least those were cheap too. If your on pc/ps2 I'll give you a 5/10 blackbull or two. I got like 6 lol.

I appreciate it but I had some luck just before the event ended. Thanks anyways.

Jun 24, 2009, 11:00 PM
At least those were cheap too.
If your on pc/ps2 I'll give you a 5/10 blackbull or two. I got like 6 lol.

Powder Keg
Jun 25, 2009, 12:37 AM
I have bad luck seeing updates.

No, I have actually had good luck with synthing in the recent parts of my PSU career.

roardova lengths
Jun 25, 2009, 09:13 PM
Got my second Gur Hanab board today, this one I tried synthing, came out. Putting it on the market for 25 million meseta. Today's accomplishments: [b] Crea Doubles x2, [b] Gur Hanab, Neutral Crea Doubles x2, Gur Hanab synthed, Alterazscreen synthed; x3 Flowery Pursuit rare maps in a row, none dropped Igg Crown though and got a fourth in the next two missions. I will say, my account was hella lucky today, HELLA LUCKY!! XD

BTW, both Crea Doubles boards dropped in same mission on same block after getting the Rare Mission...

Jun 25, 2009, 09:24 PM
3/3 on Synthing Gur Hanabs now Im on a roll =o

First sold for 30m

Jun 26, 2009, 04:40 AM
lol i failed two gur hanab boards that i hunted for a whole day. I failed it with a 100%range bot and megaholy too. I got two cladorians instead which i fed to the npc in all me rage. After, i managed to make a shigga pakuda but still was'nt enough to compensate for me loss.:-?

Jun 26, 2009, 06:22 AM
luck does not affect the outcome of synth items. its 100% down to your bot's precentage rate.