View Full Version : T/O milla 10/10 + 50% fighmaster weps + more!

Aug 4, 2009, 12:53 PM
Ok so i have the following im either looking to sell or trade

Milla 10/10
Mugunruk lightning 50% 8/8
Gekitsnata dark 50% 7/7
Svaltus sword dark 50% 10/10
Kan yu dark 50% 9/9
Pakudac 10/10
Carriguine-rucar light 0/10 46%
Carriguine-rucar dark 5/10 46%

I am looking for high % armas lines or rucars 50%, however offer me whatever and if i like the offer then the item is yours, thanks all

Also i will trade any of the spears for the equivalent grinds and same wep on a different element