View Full Version : What's on your ITEM palette?

Aug 22, 2009, 02:48 AM
Always wondered if most people use the same setup or not. For me it's pretty much the same on all four characters, regardless of class:

- Dimate
- Trimate
- Photon Charge
- Star Atomizer (switch this with googles when needed)
- Megistaride
- Antimate when soling, Sol Atomizer when in party

Please post your setup and what class you are using it with.

Aug 22, 2009, 04:26 AM
Quick tip regarding the Goggles - as you're on the 360 version, you can click the right analog stick to go into first person, and then press the right 'bumper' button on the pad to activate your goggles. it's a bit fiddly, but I personally find it better than messing around with your pallete constantly.

My items consist of the following: Dimate, Trimate, Star Atomizer, Photon Charge, Sol Atomizer, and Megistaride. With items and cash being so plentiful at PSU's endgame, I don't particularly see the point of using anything less than Atomizers, unless I've dumped all my cash in the common box in a tizzy and I have an abundance of solo healing items.

The real problem is when you're either playing a mission where you and your comrades are lacking in Scapes (in which case, Moon Atomizers in place of Megistarides), or you're rolling as a Protranser (normally switching Sol Atomizer and Megistaride for Stun and Freeze Trap EX).

There's always the option of bunging in Photon Charge Cosmo instead of Megistaride if I'm PA Levelling, but I would have to be really lazy or broke for that to happen.

Aug 22, 2009, 04:31 AM
Thanks for the tip Siri, i didn't know that :D
I hate switching for googles so this is a great help :P

Aug 22, 2009, 04:44 AM

All: Dimate, Trimate, Sol Atomizer, Photon Charge
MF: Defbaride, Retaride
FM: Freeze Trap G, Megistride
GM: Star Atomizer, Megistride
AT: Antimate, Photon Charge Cosmo(was using for Debuff leveling and haven't taken off yet)

Aug 22, 2009, 06:30 AM
On my Masterforce, I use the following: Dimate, Trimate, Antimate, Photon Charge, Retaride, and Goggles.

Aug 22, 2009, 06:41 AM
- Trimate
- Sol Atomizer
- Megistaride
- Photon Charge
- Freeze/Sleep Trap G*

- Trimate
- Sol Atomizer
- Megistaride
- Photon Charge
- Burn/Virus Trap G*

- Trimate
- Sol Atomizer
- Megistaride
- Photon Charge

*These items are only put on the pallet if they are needed for the mission.

Aug 22, 2009, 07:01 AM
People use Antimates? why exactly? >_>

Gunmaster, Fortegunner or Acrofighter:
-Star Atomizer
-Sol Atomizer
-Photon Charge
-Virus or Burn Trap G

-Star Atomizer
-Sol Atomizer
-Photon Charge
-Burn Trap G

-Star Atomizer
-Sol Atomizer
-Photon Charge
-Burn Trap G
-Freeze Trap G

-Star Atomizer
-Sol Atomizer
-Photon Charge
-Shock Trap G
-Silence Trap G

-Star Atomizer
-Sol Atomizer
-Photon Charge
-Freeze Trap G

-Star Atomizer
-Sol Atomizer
-Photon Charge

-Sol Atomizer
-Photon Charge
-Freeze Trap EX
-Stun Trap EX

Aug 22, 2009, 07:21 AM

Sol Atomizer
Star Atomizer
Confuse Trap G
Burn Trap G
Photon Charge


Sol Atomizer
Stun EX(or megistaride- normally just pop it from menu on PT))
Burn EX
Freeze EX
Photon Charge


Dimate(swap out for G trap if I feel its needed)
Sol Atomizer
Photon Charge
Star Atomizer


Photon Charge
Freeze Trap G
Sleep Trap G
Sol Atomizer


Photon Charge
Sol Atomizer
Star Atomizer

Aug 22, 2009, 07:50 AM

Star Atomizer
Sol Atomizer
Photon Charge


Star Atomizer
Sol Atomizer
Photon Charge
Freeze Trap G


Star Atomizer
Sol Atomizer
Photon Charge


Star Atomizer
Sol Atomizer
Photon Charge
Freeze Trap G

Aug 22, 2009, 10:26 AM
I use Antimates mainly for when I get silenced as AT, though I usually use Slience / Resist if its the only SE in a given mission.

Aug 22, 2009, 10:35 AM
I say we should get more item slots for PT's >_>

Seriously, they need it.

Aug 22, 2009, 10:40 AM
I rather be lazy and just use sols, so any antimate in my inventory is instantly dropped. Sure sols costs more but its only what, 300 meseta? I never use all 20 anyway. >.>

And I agree with the item slots for PT, but I can still manage.

Aug 22, 2009, 11:38 AM
Wow, i have very similar arrangements for all my classes, even the force classes, mainly because there is nothing else to put on the pallet outside of healers.

My PT has the hardest time. I want her to have all 3 EX traps readily available, but that means chargers and moons have to be excluded. i am new to the PT world, so i am trying just using one trap but it is not always the best option. fire traps are no good against robots, for example...

that cast named kai
Aug 22, 2009, 12:00 PM
all classes:

sol atomizer
moon atomizer x
photon charges

Aug 22, 2009, 12:43 PM
All classes:

Sol Atomizers
Photon Charges

Last two slots vary according to what class I'm playing

FM: Megistarides, Star Atomizers
MF: Defbaride, Retaride
GM: Megistarides, Star Atomizers

Moons I just use from the menu since I normally don't have to revive people that often, and I'll occasionally swap an item out for a Trap if I need it for a given mission.

Aug 22, 2009, 12:46 PM
-Sol Atomizer
-Photon charge
-Moon Atomizer
-Burn Trap G

Aug 22, 2009, 02:26 PM
Photon Charge

xx's filled with different items depending on my class.
In general: Megistrade, Trap 1, Trap 2. i.e. Freeze/Sleep/Confuse for FM, Burn/Virus G for GM/AF, Freeze/Shock/Silence for AT, etc, etc. If AT then Megistrade slot is replaced with Star too.

MF the last three are just Megistrade, Stars, and Dimates since nothing else to really fill them the slots with anways. MF HP so low that Dimates aren't that bad for general healing.

PT: Burn EX or Virus G, Freeze EX, Stun EX. I use buff item from item menu. Kind of a hassle but I've gotten used to it really good now. I rather have all useful traps available to me at all times.

Aug 22, 2009, 03:19 PM

Freeze G
Photon Charge

I play solo mostly so no need for silly Sol Atomizers; suck it NPC's.

Aug 22, 2009, 03:45 PM

Fire Trap EX
Sol Atmomizer
Ice Trap EX
Photon Charge
Stun Trap EX

Pretty basic... :D

Aug 22, 2009, 04:03 PM
Many people don't seem to use Dimate's, or do you use them from the menu?
Seems a waste to pop a Trimate/Star Atomizer if you just get hit for 1/4 of your HP, but if you don't heal you could get killed if the next hit is a critical etc

Many also seem to use Agataride instead of Megastaride. Is this because you don't need the ATA up etc or because you don't want to get damaged by using it?

Aug 22, 2009, 04:52 PM

Freeze G
Photon Charge

I play solo mostly so no need for silly Sol Atomizers; suck it NPC's.

I don't know how it works on the PC/PS2 version, but I know on the 360, to can use your goggles anytime you want by going into first person view with the right stick and pushing the left bumper, which would be strafe. Maybe you could do the same on your version, free up a item slot.

photon charge

Aug 22, 2009, 05:05 PM
Seems a waste to pop a Trimate/Star Atomizer if you just get hit for 1/4 of your HP, but if you don't heal you could get killed if the next hit is a critical etc

Well, as MF, since I'm usually well back from the fray I tend to let my HP hover between 10-20% to give Nosmegid a boost. Usually people heal me because they don't know that I'm fine with low health, but it's not a big deal, just Regrants back down and Megiverse to heal when necessary. However, I do go through more Scape Dolls than anyone else I know.

On said MF, the item palette is as follows:

Photon Charge
Sol Atomizer
Star Atomizer

Aug 22, 2009, 05:26 PM
Many people don't seem to use Dimate's, or do you use them from the menu?
Seems a waste to pop a Trimate/Star Atomizer if you just get hit for 1/4 of your HP, but if you don't heal you could get killed if the next hit is a critical etc

Trimates + Stars = 30 Full HP recovery heal items, don't need any more than that in any mission. Maybe if they release Military Subway S3 then one may find a true use for extra healing items but no current mission is long or difficulty enough to warrant using patch heals to save up full recovery heals. Things are too easy.

Mono/Dimates are just a waste of inventory space to me.

Aug 22, 2009, 05:30 PM
i find it kind of odd that most MF's dont just use megistaride. you know that zodial helps with the evasion boost? it frees up a space for whatever else you want to put on your pallete and inventory space.

also on PC/PS2 you dont need to put your goggles on the palette either. you can just go into first person and hit R1 i believe (or L1 i cant remember off the top of my head) but there's no need to put them on your palette it just wastes space

For all my classes with the exception of traps on AF (if i bother to use them)
Photon charge/traps(AF)
Sol atomizer

as for using dimates. i use them depending on the mission. if its a pretty long or annoying mission where i'm soloing, then i'll use up dimates as well. or something like the last room of ill cabo base with all the magashis and i'm solo then dimates come in handy.

Aug 22, 2009, 06:04 PM
I'm surprised that there are few users that actually have moon atomizers in their palettes.

Aug 22, 2009, 06:22 PM
Star Atomizer
Sol Atomizer
Photon Charge

Star Atomizer
Sol Atomizer
Photon Charge

Star Atomizer
Sol Atomizer
Photon Charge
(Burn/Poison/Virus trap depending on mission)

Star Atomizer
Sol Atomizer
Photon Charge
(various trap depending on mission)

Star Atomizer
Sol Atomizer
Photon Charge
Freeze Trap G (nice for setting up a Jabroga, best for solo)

Star Atomizer
Sol Atomizer
Photon Charge
Freeze Trap EX
Stun Trap EX
(I throw burn in if mission needs or if out of another EX trap)

I don't really play the other jobs that often
I try to have as few items on the palette as possible so I scroll less when the need is dire, and I ALWAYS make sure that Trimate is the first item ready, so even after I use something else, I put it back to the next item ready when I open the menu.

Aug 22, 2009, 06:24 PM
In this order, I have used it for quite a while and its been working out for me.

Sol Atonimizer
Freeze EX
Burn EX
Stun EX
Star atonimizer

Some things I explain. I put burn in the middle of the two other EX traps because the Freeze and Stun are good for stopping mobs but burn falls into the catagory of SE damage so it goes in the middle of the other two. Sol is on top because that way either way I switch from there I can heal myself, I press down I use trimate I press up and I an heal the group. Basically the setup you choose grows on you and I have been using this for quite a while now. Sometimes I switch the Burn EX with Virus G's

Aug 22, 2009, 06:28 PM
Also one other quick note on items. I use /items to have access to my inventory quick. I just hit the d pad right and boom right into my weapons list and from there I can just click on the item and photon charge when needed. However I usually do not need to use photon charges so long as I use my traps properly. You can also use that / technique to access the map as well. I use it as my F1 shorcut by the way, if that helps anyone who does not use that already.

Aug 22, 2009, 06:55 PM
I don't know how it works on the PC/PS2 version, but I know on the 360, to can use your goggles anytime you want by going into first person view with the right stick and pushing the left bumper, which would be strafe. Maybe you could do the same on your version, free up a item slot.

Cool tip, didn't know that. I'm on 360 servers, but I'd imagine it would work the same on PC/PS2. Guess I can start packing more traps. :)

Aug 22, 2009, 06:59 PM
Also one other quick note on items. I use /items to have access to my inventory quick. I just hit the d pad right and boom right into my weapons list and from there I can just click on the item and photon charge when needed. However I usually do not need to use photon charges so long as I use my traps properly. You can also use that / technique to access the map as well. I use it as my F1 shorcut by the way, if that helps anyone who does not use that already.

I thought that these shortcuts only worked on PC, but i never tested them until now :)
Nice tip thanks!

Aug 22, 2009, 11:41 PM
photon eraser(since firebreak)
sol atomizer
photon charge

Aug 22, 2009, 11:46 PM
I have pretty much what everyone else has.
For my techer-Dimate, Trimate, Sol Atomizer, Defbaride, Retaride, Photon Charge.
Gunner-Dimate, Trimate, Sol Atomizer, Agteride, Zodiaride(spelling?), Photon Charge.

Aug 23, 2009, 05:51 AM
Firework =)

Aug 23, 2009, 08:30 AM
Sol Atomiser
Star Atomiser

Aug 23, 2009, 11:58 AM
Sol Atomizer
Agistride (or Megistride)

Star Atomizer
Agistride (or Megistride)

Star Atomizer

Star Atomizer

Aug 23, 2009, 12:08 PM
Sol Atomizer
Star Atomizer
Photon Charge
Agtaride (or Retaride)

Aug 24, 2009, 12:26 AM
Photon Charge
Sol Atomizer
Star Atomizer

PS: I don't carry moons, if you don't have scape dolls.......then like wtf
(I know some newer players may not have em, but I am a 160 and since I'm running with 160's usually, they should have no excuse lol) Sawy for long post : 3

Aug 24, 2009, 01:53 AM
Photon Charge
Sol Atomizer
Star Atomizer

PS: I don't carry moons, if you don't have scape dolls.......then like wtf
(I know some newer players may not have em, but I am a 160 and since I'm running with 160's usually, they should have no excuse lol) Sawy for long post : 3

its not always the case of just not buying scapes.

i've seen people lose all 10 scapes trying to solo the magashi room doing split runs during delta. so its not like they forgot scapes >.> they just died enough to warrant a moon.

Aug 24, 2009, 05:53 AM
Surprising that there are no PTs out there?

I've been toying around with the PT item palette lately. Trying to outsource everything that i can afford to use out of the menu, I basically came down to this:

on my Human 110 PT level 7 (low HP hurts)
Dimate, later in mission Trimate
Photon Charge
Ice Ex, later in mission Stun Ex
Ice G
Virus G / Burn G

on my Beast 160 PT 20

Ice Ex, later in mission Stun Ex
Ice G
Shock G / Silence G / Chaos G / Sleep G
Shock G / Silence G / Chaos G / Sleep G
Burn G / Virus G

The fire EX traps have that horrible knockback effect, which makes them pretty useless on non-big targets once a single fighter is in the party. In long-range-only parties that trap is still pretty good.
Silence / Shock / Chaos / Sleep is pretty situational and in most of the cases just attacking or using Ice G is better.

Since everything is status'd all the time i can heal via the menu in the mean time. Same goes for megistaride and photon charge.

It should be obvious that i usually play in big parties ;)

Aug 24, 2009, 10:04 AM
its not always the case of just not buying scapes.

i've seen people lose all 10 scapes trying to solo the magashi room doing split runs during delta. so its not like they forgot scapes >.> they just died enough to warrant a moon.

If they die that much, they shouldn't be soloing. Period.
Also, how can you see people use 10 scapes, if they are soloing? :o

Aug 24, 2009, 11:30 AM
NiceOnes FT

Star Atomizer
Photon Charge
DeRagan Breath
Photon Eraser

I love settin' off Fireowrks and DRB's as well as blasting enemies with my photon eraser.. Really seems to upset people in the party doing these things. Hence the reason I do it.

Aug 24, 2009, 12:02 PM
Sounds like you're a big time Ghostbusters fan; because that's probably what it looks like. Photon Eraser and traps with lights coming out.

Let's see. My layout.

Usually. And usually being my usual Guntecher item palette.

Photon Charge
Star Atomizer
Burn Trap G
Freeze Trap G
Confusion Trap G

Aug 24, 2009, 01:45 PM
I do like Ghostbusters actually... Been a long time since I've watched those movies.. I'm going to put the original on my torrent d/l list right now.


Aug 24, 2009, 01:54 PM
If they die that much, they shouldn't be soloing. Period.
Also, how can you see people use 10 scapes, if they are soloing? :o

you should probably re-read my post...

soloing while doing "SPLIT RUNS" on delta. meaning 3 people take one route each. have you been to the magashi room in delta? those can kill you in one to two hits depending on what class/race you are and there's three of them. also consider the person was on a PS2 so slow down + lag is also a factor.

Aug 24, 2009, 03:05 PM
you should probably re-read my post...

soloing while doing "SPLIT RUNS" on delta. meaning 3 people take one route each. have you been to the magashi room in delta? those can kill you in one to two hits depending on what class/race you are and there's three of them. also consider the person was on a PS2 so slow down + lag is also a factor.

Oh, I didn't know what you meant, I haven't played the event.
I apologize.
Also, lag+slowdown from a PS2 doesn't effect game play as much as you think.
The internet connection matters the most.
There are plenty of people that play on a PS2 (Alpal, Grimmace for two) and they play great.
I also used to play on PS2 before I got the PC version.
I don't want to start a debate about that though. Sometimes it's worse for others than some, I understand it.

Aug 24, 2009, 03:28 PM
Oh, I didn't know what you meant, I haven't played the event.
I apologize.
Also, lag+slowdown from a PS2 doesn't effect game play as much as you think.
The internet connection matters the most.
There are plenty of people that play on a PS2 (Alpal, Grimmace for two) and they play great.
I also used to play on PS2 before I got the PC version.
I don't want to start a debate about that though. Sometimes it's worse for others than some, I understand it.

dont worry about it.

i'm on a PS2 myself. so i know the effects of a PS2 in a run with three over powered magashis. the night in question though we had major lag issues server side. and the slowdown caused when two magashis are using damfoie or rafoie and a third is flying at you or shooting double foie from the back is enough to be a hindrance lol.

i'm not going to blame PS2 for deaths of course but the difference in frame skip 0 on PC really puts the game into easy mode compared to some of the things we have to deal with on PS2. doubleshotting for one is much easier on a PC as well as not getting stuck in svaltus legs (since AotI came out) that you have to deal with on PS2. which made roar of flames a bit annoying on some parts.

i still dont understand why ever since AotI came out that you get stuck in svaltus legs on PS2... really makes no sense

Aug 24, 2009, 03:38 PM
dont worry about it.

i'm on a PS2 myself. so i know the effects of a PS2 in a run with three over powered magashis. the night in question though we had major lag issues server side. and the slowdown caused when two magashis are using damfoie or rafoie and a third is flying at you or shooting double foie from the back is enough to be a hindrance lol.

i'm not going to blame PS2 for deaths of course but the difference in frame skip 0 on PC really puts the game into easy mode compared to some of the things we have to deal with on PS2. doubleshotting for one is much easier on a PC as well as not getting stuck in svaltus legs (since AotI came out) that you have to deal with on PS2. which made roar of flames a bit annoying on some parts.

i still dont understand why ever since AotI came out that you get stuck in svaltus legs on PS2... really makes no sense

Yea, I noticed the Svaltus thing before I switched to PC.
(I didn't switch to PC until August last year, so what, 1½ years on PS2?)
I couldn't stand playing on a PS2, or even PS3 after I played PC for so long.
Most likely I forgot what it was like to play on a PS2 for long periods of time :/

Aug 24, 2009, 09:55 PM
If they die that much, they shouldn't be soloing. Period.
Also, how can you see people use 10 scapes, if they are soloing? :o

That Post made me lol.

Also, That's true about Magashi, but then again, he's not that hard tbh. Unless Your a techer that is.

Aug 24, 2009, 10:53 PM
It's a sad fact that I have gone through a full stack of Scape Dolls in the Magashi room. I couldn't stop laughing as the rest of the party continued into the next block while I was KO'd; about 8 minutes later someone realized I was still down and rescued me.


Aug 25, 2009, 12:38 AM
- freeze trap g
- Trimate
- Photon Charge
- Star Atomizer
- Megistaride
- Sol Atomizer

Gotta love the g trap jabroga combo

Aug 25, 2009, 01:42 PM

Photon charge
Freeze trap G

Aug 26, 2009, 07:20 AM
- General palette -

Sol Atomizer
Photon Charge
Megistaride / Traps* (PT only, i just use buff through meny then)
Star Atomizer / Traps (both rarely needed so not top priority)