View Full Version : Huge weapons sale

Aug 28, 2009, 12:25 PM
34% ground 9/9 Mugunruk
10/10 33% ice crea doubles plus
42% dark 9/9 Crea Doubles
14% light 7/10 rucar
42% light 0/10 double agito
42% light 2/10 double agito
30% light 8/10 crea doubles+
0% 10/10 mugunburga
38% dark 9/9 bil de axe
36% light 9/9 zagza
3/10 promora x3
9/9 psycho wand
6/6 bajura
10/10 serdote

Aug 31, 2009, 04:55 PM
the dark crea dubs sold
both double agitos and the rucar sold
the neutral mugunburga sold
the bajura sold
the promoras and the serdote sold