View Full Version : Fan Fic Dark Revolution

Sep 29, 2009, 04:55 PM
(Notice: These are all based off my Offline Universe characters, as well as Portable One and customs. So I won't be using any Online names, nor take any requests for one. If and when I can get my subscription, that might change, but probably not.)

PROLOGUE: Confusion at the Colony:

There was a ticking from somewhere in the Colony. More specifically, in the TOP-MOST SECRET, NO-ONE ALLLOWED room... at least, to most people.

But it was actually an ancient research center... or looked like one. Inside was a capsule. Despite being 3000 years-old, it looked perfectly normal.

Except for one frozen, hissed at, sleeping boy which was also 3000 years old... 3016, actually. It was a test from the ancients' planet, and it was still ticking a timer. 10 minutes left. The president looked at the timer, then at his PD watch. He smiled. "Just about time," he whispered. He quietly left.


5 minutes left. The president was sitting in his office, sorting papers. A Male CAST, who looked to be near 200, had appeared. This was a top-secret, invitational meeting. Only the Headmaster, Nav, had been invited, and he looked genuinely concerned.

"Suppose this doesn't work?" he asked. The president of the safe haven "GUARDIANS" smiled.

"It will."



A sudden explosion rocked the room as the capsule door was blown off its hinges. The boy that was in it was instantly thawed. But, for a moment, he didn't wake up. Then he spat out the taste in his mouth. That's the last time I trust scientists to send me in time, he mused, realizing, only now and with great sadness, he may never see his family again. A look out the window (Plus looking at his watch from the ancients planet, still working and read 4:50 PM) seeing stars confirmed this.

"Where am I?" he wondered. He was bewildered, but also confused. Had the research center been sent to space? But no. Seeing further out, he could see warships, cruisers, and all sorts of spacecraft. "Where am I?" he asked again. He hadn't expected an answer.

"You're on one of the finest Colonies in all of Gurhal," a voice said. Brett turned to find a man, formally dressed, step out from a concealed door. "Follow me," he said. "The ceremony's about to begin in your honour of surviving a 3500-year experiment."

"THREE THOUSAND..." the boy stammered. But he was too astounded to finish. He was only 16. Shouldn't he be... DEAD, by this time? But then, he realized something, something he saw in a cartoon once, where someone about his age was frozen for only 1000 years. The same must've happened to him.

Testing his step, he followed the man out of the room.


(Yeah, not much but an exploding capsule and time travel. Stay tuned for more.)

Oct 1, 2009, 05:35 PM
Chapter 1: Anti-SEED-Vigilance

The boy walked slowly forward and took his place in the back of the crowd. There seemed to be some sort of vibrant celebration happening. The man he met, the president, stepped up on the platform along with the Divine Maiden, although the rumors told him that this was the Maiden's successor.

The president stepped to the holo-microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen," he began. "For a long three thousand five hundred years, a project had been established. The project was completed successfully, but I won't name who's in the capsule."

That'd be nice, the boy thought.

"On another matter, now that the remnant SEED have finally been brought down, this will be two celebrations to remember by!"

The crowd cheered. The boy stood quietly by... he actually looked much more of a young man, just about taller than the president, but his silence throughout the celebration was more of an order from the president than a request.

Then the Maiden stood to the microphone. People either "Maiden!" or "Karen!", supposedly the Maiden's name, repeatedly. Brett didn't feel comfortable saying anything at all.

Suddenly, almost without warning, a warship exploded from the view of a window. This was repeated three more times before the Maiden addressed the crowd. "Don't panic, everyone! We will escort you back!"

The crowd showed little fear. After what was faced many eons ago, there was little to be afraid of. Besides, this couldn't be SEED... could it?


A Beast was directing the citizens of the Guardian's Colony to safety. His real name was Leogini S. Berafoot, but his friends call him Leo. Then he saw the boy.

"Mighty young to wander off on your own," he said. "The citizens are farther ahead than you."

The boy said nothing. Leo escorted him down to a room. This room looked like a miniature garden. The center had a big, grassy containment center. That exploded just like the warship: Without warning.

To another boy or girl not familiar with the series, it would like an ugly, dull pike that can shoot bolts of lightning. To this boy, though, one word popped in his mind: Dilla Griena... followed by, So, even though the SEED are gone, rogues can still attack at any time.

Leo was already active, drwaing out a Saber and a Machinegun. The saber had a yellowish-orange hilt: A Durandel. The machinegun looked more like a steel Uzi: Beam Vulcan. Both looked menacing, and he had experience in using it.

But the Dilla Griena was prepared for this. It shot an Energy Bolt at Leo, who had no time to react. He was knocked off his feet. The boy took the Durandel. It felt slightly heavy in his hand. "I hope you don't mind if I use this," he muttered. He charged.

The Dilla Griena had taken a swipe at him. This one also connected, but the boy had already done his task: Throwing the Durandel just over the creature's head. It bounced down and dug into the creature's neck. With a digital yelp, it collapsed. The boy shoved the Durandel out of the neck. Then he turned to Leo. "You okay?" he asked.

"No," Leo replied softly. "I've been paralyzed... I can't move, and I didn't call back-up in time." Then he added, "Who are you?"

"I'm Brett," was the answer. "Nice to meet you. I think I'll scout ahead. If the Rogues DID plant a Dilla Griena, there could be more, and..."

"Hold on," said Leo. "How did you know what they are?"

"I simply follow the Guardians, Leo," was the reply. Then Brett took off. "Call for reinforcements when you feel better!" he added.

Leo watched him go, wandering what the Rogues were up to.

And who Brett really was.