View Full Version : Ano relic?

Nov 9, 2009, 11:50 PM
I just saw one in someones and another one for sale, but when i look it up in the database it doesn't say where it drops and how, so i was wondering if anyone knew how to get it? thanks.

Nov 10, 2009, 01:52 AM
That room decoration dropped from the last event in The Protectors α+. It can drop in Parum Relics LV150 creatures, supposedly.

Nov 10, 2009, 01:54 AM
This is all i can find about the location of this item from PSUPedia:

"This item can drop from containers in Ambition of the Illuminus missions which take place in the RELICS."

No mention in which Relics it drops at. My guess is probably any
Relics site. You can try doing the Citidel of Sand and see if it
drops there. The last time it drops was during an event in a Relic

edit: @Yusaku - oh...so it drops at the Parum Relics Lv.150 from containers. Of all the times i've done
Protectors a+, i've never seen one Ano Relic drops at all even though i wasn't looking for it. : (

Nov 10, 2009, 02:04 AM
I just saw one in someones and another one for sale, but when i look it up in the database it doesn't say where it drops and how, so i was wondering if anyone knew how to get it? thanks.

I think Ano Relic dropped from Protectors α+ S2 Block C (right route) clear boxes. It currently does not drop. It should someday drop from The Dual Sentinel S3 normal boxes. It seems to be a normal box drop from Ambition of the Illuminus version RELICS areas on Parum or Neudaiz.