View Full Version : PSU latency on PS3

Dec 6, 2009, 12:32 PM
Is it just me or is there a major connectivity issue with the PSU servers right now?

I am experiencing 1 minute+ loading times on any zone-in, from lobby to room, world to world, etc.

Related to this, the mini-site doesn't load at all for me...are things just basically down, and no one is commenting about it?

If anyone is experiencing the same thing, please let me know...incidentally I ran an internet speed checker through the web browser on the PS3 and I'm getting an 82 ping, 20mbps down and 900k uploads...

Please help!!!

Dec 6, 2009, 01:06 PM
It's probably PSU's servers. I've been going really slowly lately too, since before G. Colony GBR, and my internet speeds seem to be just fine too.

I've been getting damage lag on both myself and enemies, and Mission Counters are taking quite awhile to load.

I haven't had any problems with the site loading though.

You should try the PC version if you own both though, and double check the lag. I know several people have trouble running PSU on the PS3 anyway.


CJ Johnny
Dec 6, 2009, 01:55 PM
It's been like this 'Since last night 8:00PM PST'

Or it's been longer.....
Low population = 'No staff's are paying attention'S'
(Nobody Complaint = No Problems)

I've sand a direct massage to SoA last night. Most likely it will be igone or deleted.

3 weeks without maintaince. Should see this coming......

Very .... very much like the direction that "PSOX" was

PS: Just got booted off by server

Dec 6, 2009, 04:39 PM
It's been like this 'Since last night 8:00PM PST'

PS: Just got booted off by server

Ah, makes sense then...the time was about like that for me when I logged in, prolly no one in the office until Monday morning...

Stupid thing is, the subscriptions are still making them money, but apparently they don't care (nothing new there of course.)

To the previous poster: Yeah, this is an isolated problem, I am running a 60gig PS3 with the Emotion Chip, so its not something I normally encounter...framerate issues alone (the PS2 RAM was always an issue) the PS3 doesn't suffer from any more lag than I was accustomed to on my PC, which, saddly, is about 1300 miles away from me at the moment.

I am saddened, but I will continue to play until its dead, in the hopes that others will as well. =)