View Full Version : Selling nd Buying List

Feb 5, 2010, 03:58 AM
Selling:42% Dark Carriguine-Rucar,0% 2/10 melan Knuckle,22%ice 7/10 Agito Repca

Buying:Ank Bico+ (preferably Neutral) myb a 0/10 if not sumting good,Ank Buti 0% 5^/10,Vijeri Resist

2 reach me more easily..msg my gamertag..xEmoxArchAngelx..msg me about any of thiese things...nd well see about a deal..prefeably msg my gt..ill respond 2 it quicker:-D

Feb 6, 2010, 10:59 PM

btw he asked me to edit this the rucar is 42% dark 8/8 and he is no longer looking for a bico+

Lumpen Thingy
Feb 7, 2010, 02:30 AM
grind the repca 10/10 and i will buy it