View Full Version : Game Shoptime Stories

Apr 9, 2010, 04:51 PM
Alright, even though FKLites have seen it all [wonder how many times this thread has been done] and are much too jaded for this sort of activity, my boredom has reached a new high, so here goes.

A while back, an associate of mine was assigned a project for a digital media class to 're-purpose social media', so it was decided to set up a flickr account and use shopped images to create a communal narrative.

Example launch point:


Player 2 comes in to establish a new direction in the narrative:


...the familiar rasp of the radio shattered the quiet hum of the idle MS, jolting me out of an all-too brief moment of calm. It was the Captain with the news I had hoped wouldn't come.

"RE-COM confirms we are go for the operation. Proceed at your earliest opportunity, Lieutenant."

"Confirmed... targets acquired. Proceeding."

Tapping the RI/O screen, I signaled my wingman and gingerly pulled back the loading arm of the ZMP-50D.

"Gaim, we're go. Suppressing fire to the left flank on my mark... three... two... one..."

I knew what the brass told us about this mission, that one operation could save thousands, or hundreds of thousands, of Zeon lives. I know how it will be painted for the tear-stained eyes of the public, and what the Feddie grunts will tell their children about us, and how my actions will inevitably lead to my disgrace... I know these things... and still I pull the trigger." [/spoiler-box]

Thus it continues with each player modifying the previous player's shop until you get something to the effect of:


In this case, the narrative didn't really work out, but the contributions were entertaining anyway.

To my estimation, you lot can do much better than this group. So please feel free to post, ignore, or re-purpose this thread at your leisure. Good day.

Apr 9, 2010, 04:56 PM
Wild Things + Fragonard = strangely compatible.

If you like this kind of thing from a spectator point of view, check out this "official" Layer Tennis site (http://www.layertennis.com/).

Apr 11, 2010, 04:11 AM
Maybe when most of FKL graduates into PaintShop Pros.
Then we'll see Discko House 2010, from the ground up, not a buncha remakes and covergirlups.

(Tigers don't have much for the knees, silly bald one eyed Thai fighters)

Oct 22, 2020, 02:18 AM
I demand.

Nitro Vordex
Oct 31, 2020, 11:29 PM
I demand.

I deny.

Nov 2, 2020, 04:13 PM

We didn't help on the homework. Hope it still worked out.