View Full Version : how do EX devices work?

Apr 11, 2010, 10:22 PM
psupedia says that once u get b stat 15 u can give it anything that requires just a b stat of 15 but when i try to give it a EX device GH424 it wont take it. i dont understand.. is psupedia just wrong? or am i misinterpreting the information? please help

Apr 11, 2010, 10:41 PM
What is the requirements for EX Device 424? Your PM can take any EX device as long as it's requirements are met. A GH Device on the other hand it can't take unless it's of that model type. IE: GH420 can only take PM Device 421-424, where opposed to GH420 taking an EX Device 470 with a B.Stat of 15 as the requirement.