View Full Version : What are the % for buff and debuff techs

Apr 26, 2010, 01:00 PM
Im trying to determine if these are actually useful does anyone know the percentages as in at this level it lowers or raises the stat by (insert amount here)

Apr 26, 2010, 01:37 PM
http://pszero.wikiwiki.jp/?%BE%F5%C2%D6%B0%DB%BE%EF%A1%A6%BE%F5%C2%D6%CA%D1% B2%BD

if you don't no JPN, the charts near the bottom contain the %'s you are looking for

Apr 26, 2010, 01:54 PM
What if we can't read jp? Because I still have no idea what the percentages are for at the bottom..

Apr 26, 2010, 02:25 PM

posts 38-40 contain translated analysis of the data found in the previous link

or just run the previous link thro babelfish or google translator. you need a little common sense to navigate as terms such as "Sheefuta" make arise

Apr 26, 2010, 02:54 PM
I believe it's 10% for levels 1-5, 15% for 6-10, and 20% for 11-15.
High level Jellen really does wonders.

Apr 27, 2010, 04:08 AM
Alright here's are the levels for buffs from the Japanese wiki. I got some jargon with translator, so meh. Better to take a look at the But here's the numbers. I assume that L4 and L5 are gotten through boosted Midgul, their respective elements and/or chaos.

L1: x120% (*1.2)
L2: x125% (*1.25) <- Highest tech-castable level (Rangers/Hunters)
L3: x130% (*1.3) <- Highest tech-castable level (Forces)
L4: x140% (*1.4)
L5: x150% (*1.5)

L1: x90% (*0.9)
L2: x85% (*0.85)
L3: x80% (*0.8 ) <- Highest tech-castable level.
L4: x75% (*0.75)
L5: x70% (*0.7)

Lasting time for all buffs:
L1: 30 seconds
L2: 45 seconds
L3: 60 seconds
L4: 75 seconds
L5: 90 seconds

Seth Astra
Apr 27, 2010, 08:22 AM
Hmm... What are Lv. 4&5 from? I'm guessing Midgul and wepon elements.

Apr 27, 2010, 12:32 PM
Yeah Seth, Some weapons are able to use a higher debuff than FO can cast but I am sure not many people use them. Also Boosted Midgul for the buff part of it.