View Full Version : Phantasy Star Universe DLC weapon and clothes design CONTEST!!

Jun 17, 2010, 11:49 AM
just wonder if this has been posted yet.
but I think everybody who has JP account should already received Email from SEGA regarding to the new contest. (since I know the link from Email too)

the contest period is from : 6/24 to 8/10.

here is the official website : http://phantasystaruniverse.jp/event/itemdesigncontest2010/

Although last time we haven't won any prize, I hope there are still people here who gonna try it again. I think it would be cool if we could post all the picture/process related to the contest here and discuss!


Jun 24, 2010, 12:11 PM
I'd like to...but be careful, you MUST NOT post the real contribution anywhere other than the official contribution form.
This time, it's officially announced that you can be deprived of the prize by violation of this.
(Even if contest deadline is over, it is still forbidden until the results are publicized. Instead, this time some of the contributions will be shown at the official contest site.)

I won't show the real design, but write about some ideas, which will be actually drawn or not.
They are just some vague ideas, and I don't want to monopolize them.
(In fact, my drawing skill is way bad, and it's highly likely few will go into actual drawing.)

# Cigarette-disguised-gun(not for actual smoking, but can kill anyway)
# Grinna Bete-S enemy-weapon(can be a gun, an axe, or a claw...maybe many more)
# Kitchen mixer spear(Butcher of Battlefield a la Blade Cusinart)
# Twin rotor-blades double-saber(spins frantically when swung)

# Parum punk outfit with pseudo-rogues style(looks like Moatoob but has right sleeve)
# Neudaiz jungle wear(protect skin but keeps body dry)
# Moatoob ragtag armor(dates back to Beast Revolt, has some CAST armor incorporated)
Maybe more...

Daemon Gildas
Jun 24, 2010, 01:20 PM
How about just being able to acquire Sonic's Shoes for your character? You could even base them on the shoes from "Sonic Adventure 2", just to make them seem more futuristic.

Likewise, you could have a "shirt" that's inspired by Knuckles. For instance, you have the big, spiked gloves, but underneath is a long-sleeve red shirt. The "crescent" symbol on the chest (which is normally white, on Knuckles) could reflect the attribute of you Shield Line, as well.

As long as we're on the subject, you could make a pair of pants (perhaps simple, demin jeans?) that have a two fox-tails attached, to represent Tails.

If you combined all three, you would would still have a fully-clothed character, but also be representing all three of the main Sonic characters. You could also throw in some Eggman-themed Glasses, or an Amy-inspired hairband (Females-only), and you'd have a complete look.

Jul 21, 2010, 09:29 AM
Here comes the first wave of applicants:

You can try with 3-piece (Top/Bottom/Shoes, or Arms/Torso/Legs) costume, but so far most are whole-body sets(pity it rs). If only I had some skill to draw...

Daemon Gildas
Jul 21, 2010, 10:12 AM
I know exactly how you feel. I actually used to be a great artist back in high-school (when I was actually hoping to do it for a living), but it's one of those things that if you fall out of practice, it can be very difficult to just "pick up and do".

Although, has the entry-date already been established/closed? I dunno, if not, I might actually see about pounding a few ideas out.

Daemon Gildas
Jul 21, 2010, 10:12 AM
I know exactly how you feel. I actually used to be a great artist back in high-school (when I was actually hoping to do it for a living), but it's one of those things that if you fall out of practice, it can be very difficult to just "pick up and do".

Although, has the entry-date already been established/closed? I dunno, if not, I might actually see about pounding a few ideas out.

Jul 21, 2010, 06:48 PM
I submitted this to the site news in early June but I guess it wasn't important enough as it really only pertains to residents of Japan.

Edit: Forgot to mention that this contest counts for PSP2 as well. That's why you can see some items that would only work in PSP2 in the designs. Unless they are eventually planning on bring the changes from PSP2 to PSU...

Jul 21, 2010, 06:50 PM
i'm going to try. no really i am. :)

Jul 21, 2010, 07:21 PM
A lot of people seem hell bent on more Lavis weapons. Kinda hoping that Lavis Shield wins.

Jul 21, 2010, 07:46 PM
Lavis Spear, prease. D:

Jul 21, 2010, 08:01 PM
A lot of people seem hell bent on more Lavis weapons. Kinda hoping that Lavis Shield wins.

The Lavis Arrow did get a prize last time so it's only natural that more imitators would show up. I think the Lavis Lance looks pretty good though. The SEED corrupted sword Dark Bringer is also neat, concept-wise.

Jul 21, 2010, 08:06 PM
Hmm... And I think I just saw a Lavis Shadoog/Madoog? Mag? Looks like an interesting concept.

Jul 21, 2010, 11:13 PM
Is this enter-able by anyone?
(obviously win-able only by japan) but I'd like to get back up to my contest entering shenannigans with this one too. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this... Has anyone figured out the entry form/if any fudge-ing needs to be done with it to jimmy in entries they don't want?

Jul 22, 2010, 03:46 AM
You can submit entries from this page:


Daemon Gildas
Jul 22, 2010, 06:49 PM
Someone with a JP account really should do a concept of "Sonic clothes". Here's what I'm thinking...

Eggman Shades - 'Nuff said.

Knuckles Shirt - A red, long-sleeve shirt with the "swoosh" on the chest, the color depending on your Line Shield attribute. Maybe have the sleeves pushed-up to just beneath the elbows.

Tails Pants - Just a simple pair of denim jeans (maybe with flaired-legs, or stylish "rips" at the knee), but sporting either a Belt, or Embroidery to evoke the "Two fox-tails" image.

Sonic Shoes - Simple. I would either use the classic Sonic Shoes, or better yet, use the "SOAP Scorchers" design from Sonic Adventure 2; on top of being stylish, it looked very "Phantasy Star" inspired.

Also, Maybe some new hair-styles to finish it out. Have a "Hedgehog" hair-style (obviously being based on the "new-school" Sonic look from recent years), and then an "Echidna" style, obviously based on Knuckles, although I might also add the "hair-bands" that Tikal wore in Sonic Adventure.

Jul 22, 2010, 10:13 PM
I don't like this costume much, since we already have enough KOS-MOS-like costume, But I 'd love to have this kind of head in PSU. I always want PSU to have a mask that cover only top-half for Caseal.


Jul 23, 2010, 01:42 AM
That retro-robot outfit for male CASTs is AWESOME!

I hope it wins.

Jul 29, 2010, 05:38 AM
Sorry I'm late(but I hope it's not too late)...

Although, has the entry-date already been established/closed? I dunno, if not, I might actually see about pounding a few ideas out.

The entry deadline is 08-11-2010, 04:00 PM((JPN timezone, be careful), so you still have some time to do so.

Is this enter-able by anyone?

It is. Only if you can send comments in 2-byte letters.

Has anyone figured out the entry form/if any fudge-ing needs to be done with it to jimmy in entries they don't want?

Entry form data, top to bottom:

お名前 * = Real Name(requisite)
Eメールアドレス * = E-mail Address(requisite)
クッキーON/OFF = Cookie ON/OFF (ON if checked)
キャラクター名 (もしくは、ペンネーム) * = Character Name(or Pen Name) (requisite, can be made public)

応募するイベント名 * = Which Event To Apply (requisite, can be made public)
部門選択 * = Which Genre (requisite, can be made public) 武器部門 = Weapons 服・パーツ部門 = Clothes/Cast Parts)
カテゴリ = Category (can be made public)(From PSU category, If necessary)
作品へのコメント * = Comments (requisite, can be made public)(Spirits, Themes, About Designings...No more than 400 letters, Needs to be written in 2-byte letters, Can be modded when made public)
投稿作品のアップロード * = Upload Picture (requisite, can be made public)(JPEG Only, No bigger than 1MB)

I hope it helps...

Aug 23, 2010, 08:03 AM
lol. and here, the villain in "Koltova Ranger" appear, it is Distova suit!


Aug 23, 2010, 08:21 AM
LOL, I guess that's the closest they can get to Protoman without copyright infringement! xD

Aug 23, 2010, 09:42 AM
I thought the Double Saber that could be a spear, was a really good idea.

Aug 23, 2010, 09:53 AM
SEGA would like that idea. it is a saber + spear = double saber.

It mean that SEGA only need to make graphic of double saber, and they can reuse it as saber and spear.

Aug 23, 2010, 01:38 PM
Here are some clothing that I found that I really liked. That I thought was well done. My favorite out of the four, I think is the second one. I think the people who has drawn them, has done a really great job. ^_-