View Full Version : JP PSU I'm so tempted to join

Jul 16, 2010, 10:50 PM
I wasn't on the PC servers for long before it was shut down, only for 3 months. But it was enough to get me hooked.

Playing offline is no fun. And I've been seeing posts of people showing off these awesome items and weapons and adorable clothes, and most of all: playing with other people! It's really making me want to join in as well.

The only thing that had kept me from doing this is the fact that I don't know a lick of Japanese, but I'm nearing the point where I'm going to just look past that.

So, I was wondering if anyone could give me the low down on what I would need to know and do to join the JP servers? The temptation is really starting to get to me.

Jul 16, 2010, 11:31 PM

read thru the topics that you think has information that you need about the JP servers.

Jul 19, 2010, 06:57 AM

Yeah I'd recommend joining I don't know any JP either but there's multiple websites that can help so you can find the stuff you're after in game etc. For item searching and purchasing ists all about checkign stats on here or PSUpedia to find the right item, its a bit more long winded and a daunting game at first but there's lpenty of english speaking players to help out :)

I noticed the above link in the previous post didn't work. This should contain all info you need to get started:


