View Full Version : HELP HOW TO

Jul 31, 2010, 08:23 PM



I don't see. :(



Don't do this kids:


musica el terrible

Jul 31, 2010, 10:20 PM
Silly CvS. Roll cancels eluded me for the most part, especially since I've always been a pad player. Learned how to RC FB motions pretty well shortly before I quit years ago. Talk about a wasted skill. :E

Jul 31, 2010, 10:57 PM
Yeah, those fireball ones!
Makes Sakura an even bigger B word. Super lv 2 plus Super lv 1 = BIG damagu~

Silly me playing the version without it, how the developers intended and fixed. 1st online fighter on XBOX console, replays - not very long though.

Jumped over taunt fool's Chun Li Kikoshou and Shinryuken'd dat chicken thigh azz, did not save up to that part, only the first 4 characters - our match was too long for the memory? :( XBLOX is huge and has all those BLOX of memory you'll never use!

Fighting Game Gods, Why?!

Aug 1, 2010, 03:04 PM
I'm Magneto!

Aug 1, 2010, 08:15 PM
The only PSdouble sticks on the eBays all have problems.

Should have not been cheap and got the messed up box but supposedly brand new inside the box Tekken 4 stick. Now they make knockoffs of those. Which are capable of tech mod AKUMAHAX for goodness.

There's a Guilty Gear stick, 5 button style. Maybe drill it up and use select button for MK there on the bottom row?

CVS PRO characters on the box, "microswitch version," but reading online it is a toughie, 2 PCb's?! freakin Skynet double chipset, be careful with it. Tough to mod. Lots of palm space, simple grey, some weird cart slot looking thing up top though.

Sayara should come here answer this question help too.

Like why the HRAP2 so expensive, Nihon -go? NO, I'm not paying full retail plus import price plus shipping. U crazy.