View Full Version : Oh crap

Aug 8, 2010, 05:16 AM

Possibly the best 20seconds the simpsons has ever produced. Certainly my favourite anyway! =)


* the* simpsons* oh* crap* funny* krusty* secret* illegal* account* too* hot* fat* guy* with* fan

No offshore bahama kingpin da clown FED gov'ment.

At least I can find it under, "funny illegal account"

That's super PSO three words chosen at the bottom of all words master list, word select make your own phrase style.
Or maybe as well "too hot fat guy."

Funny secret illegal crap fat guy account! with Krusty!


Aug 8, 2010, 12:09 PM
I couldn't help myself.


Aug 8, 2010, 10:10 PM
That's the Simpsons' also 20 second long, mature audiences but they take it too far, and also infight with their cousin, cousin!

Why they go from mad scientist evil gadget take over the world baby to gay jokes baby, we'll never know