View Full Version : Decisions

Aug 13, 2010, 11:04 PM
i have a newman male thats level 93 and is a masterforce but i have heard that females have better tp and everything thing else a techer needs is it worth it to restart

Aug 13, 2010, 11:14 PM
MF: http://psu.amesani.org/db/character/statsim.php?act=calc&type=1&server=2&gender=3&race=2&charLv=180&charLv2=180&job=15&jobLv=20

FT: http://psu.amesani.org/db/character/statsim.php?act=calc&type=1&server=2&gender=3&race=2&charLv=180&charLv2=180&job=6&jobLv=20

Less than 100 TP difference in either case. Play whichever you like more.

Aug 13, 2010, 11:37 PM
With a bit of work, you can make any class/gender/race work for you, dont worry with having some perfect stats or anything, not worth the trouble.