View Full Version : Someone talk some sense into Anime

Aug 15, 2010, 11:43 PM


Wolverine, take it away


Stay til the end:

Magneto needs Logan > Xavier. You don't have to think he's better, he just is.

Aug 16, 2010, 11:37 PM
Wolverine transportation:

Colossus throw me that way please. Faster than a Kenyan running to a corner store, 5 miles away.

"Why drive when you can slice, the air" almost made a 'cut the wind' uh and not realize it, joke.

He removes the coined by someone: "space hooker boots" part flaring out to be more streamlined, wind resistance, and thus go faster. Marvel vs Capcom 3 Marvel people also brought that up. He's less 90's (iconic though) now more in line with his newer looks, which isn't too different. Less Samurai / Megaman Elecman?

Aug 18, 2010, 01:17 AM
I love one-liners. Especially aggressive one-liners. :wacko:

Aug 18, 2010, 01:22 AM
Here's one

AlexCraig to Rena(but not the -ko mod stylin) style one liner:

Skuda, (read ur) PMs...

you going to cheat on me/Meira/Veira cosplayer :bunny: 's with PAX instead? That :witch: gonna get it. :x TYCHOBITXH and GABE gonna get it, gurl!

Aug 18, 2010, 01:25 PM
Seen this shit?

Aug 18, 2010, 05:49 PM
Ya. I don't like it. :(

They made naked Chinese lady :witch: warlock possessed in Tony Stark the Invincible Iron Man too.

Which is like a ShinMaruku version.