View Full Version : Playing on 360

Jan 22, 2011, 11:37 AM
I finally got ahold of a hard drive for my 360 and was thinking about picking up PSU again (over time I've had it on PS2, then PC right up until they got shut down) on my 360. My biggest question is whether or not it's worth it at this point.

I've downloaded the demo to try and get a feel for the gameplay, but as it keeps sending me interrupts after trying to get a mission, I'm uncertain.

I guess what I'm wondering is, would it be worth it to get a license again (never got my 2 months on PC either at the end...) and start anew?

Jan 22, 2011, 11:46 AM
The demo has some sort of bug where if you start a mission, it crashes your game (and the entire Universe, I believe). So don't go by that.

As for the full game, do whatever you want. I would say it's worth it, due to the fact that it seems like Sonic Team is finally starting to give us regular, substantial updates (at least for the time being). So, I would take advantage of it.

Jan 23, 2011, 09:18 AM
I'd say get it. There is still a community in PSU. There has been events going on and what not.

Jan 23, 2011, 10:52 AM
If you played it on PS2 I'd say it is still entirely the same game. The question is do you want to start over from nothing?

Jan 23, 2011, 12:07 PM
OK, so I went ahead and got it last night (dirt broke now too, but oh well).
My GT is RoninGrey and my toon is Ranji.

Asking Alexandria
Jan 23, 2011, 12:39 PM
just got back psu yesterday as well i'm only a lv 11 so if u wanna play with me then add GT: ASKING Jeffro

l Silverwolf l
Jan 28, 2011, 05:24 PM
i played a long time ago and im lookin to get back into it, send me an invite
GT: l Silverwolf l

Jan 29, 2011, 02:07 AM
Add me too just started playing a few week ago.

Gamer tag: Sigma Spartan

Jan 29, 2011, 06:41 AM
welcome back to psu if you decide to get it add my GT WREKtos if you like to do some runs together

Mikoto Saionji
Jan 30, 2011, 09:43 AM
Add me as well. I'm always looking for more people to play with. GT is Mikoto Saionji.

Jan 30, 2011, 10:40 AM
Add me as well. I've started leveling a 4th character. I'll help you out. He's around level 45 though. GT: Ethateral

Jan 31, 2011, 08:46 AM
I've already got you from playing with Jeffro Mikoto, will add Ethateral later... up to 50 WT now.

Feb 1, 2011, 05:11 AM
If you played it on PS2 I'd say it is still entirely the same game. The question is do you want to start over from nothing?

That's about as good a response as you need. It's the same game, minus your progress. It's not too hard to earn the money to buy most of your old equipment back long before you'll be able to use it since the economy still seems to be pretty reasonable. Though it'll still take you a bit to earn the cash and trade stuffs for high % weapons, if a pimped out pallet was how you always rolled. Easy starting cash when I resubbed a few months ago was hunting Scrolls on Neudaiz. They were going from about 400 to 600k a piece then, but the Neudaiz GBR going on now might drop more of them than usual into the market and making the price dip.

Getting your levels back is not much of a problem with just a little bit of extra catch-up effort now that the updates have removed much of the grind. Being constantly reminded of the progress you lost due to the shutdown might be bothersome, but if you enjoy the game for what it is, then you shouldn't have a problem. Especially if you find a group of people to run something other than WB with regularly. You'll want to find a group like this quickly, because random games tend to be filled with punk-ass kids you can't even say "what's up" to without stirring up some high-school grade drama-rama, and have them trying to impress you by being able to use more pejoratives in their speech than they do actual words. Sometimes, it's just 10 minutes of someone screaming "fuck" at the top of their lungs... because they can. You can of course mute them, but if you run a lot of random games then chances are you'd just be better with a keyboard anyhow. You will likely eventually end up muting a good chunk of the people playing WB regularly given enough time, and there are a fair amount of players who still use keyboards because their mics are busted, or they just want to use that excuse so they don't have to deal with the people who can't handle having the freedom to be a total douche without having to deal with the usual consequences.

So basically, pretty much like the PS2/PC version on that... except that now you have to actually hear these howler monkeys screech incessantly and fling their crap.
(Yeah, I'm embellishing quite a bit here. Most of the people you'll meet will be fairly laid back and quiet. Maybe that's why those sentient genetic disorders seem to stand out so vividly by contrast.)

The only other real problem I'm having on the 360 side of things is the horrendous amount of slow-down, which is about on par with what I was getting on the PlayStation 2 version. That's kind of game-breaking to me, since your JA/JC moves are reliant on precision timing it can be frustrating to pull off the moves you want when the frame-rate fluctuates the way it does. I had to give up on most Support Techs on my GT & WT because it became too cumbersome to swap out quickly, or not have the game register your equipment selection because pallet icons were slowed by the frame rate and didn't register your last button input.

I don't know how your PC ran the game, but my POS had very little problems with slowdown provided you turn post-effects off and set at a lower resolution. So if you've been spoiled by your game not viably and painfully chugging every time something exciting happens (or you pan the camera the wrong way), you're going to have get reacquainted with compensating for again. It doesn't make the game unplayable or unenjoyable, but combined with my lost progress, and the reduction of PSU into one long never-ending White Beast marathon... it's just sapped my ability to give a damn about trying to put any sort of serious effort into building my characters back.

Still, just being able to relax and run a few missions online when the occasional mood hits, makes it worth the price I paid for a used copy. If you've played PSU this long and are still getting the itch to play, then there's no real reason why you should regret picking up a copy for the 360. You just might not be finding yourself caring about it as much as you thought you would at the time.

Feb 1, 2011, 12:01 PM
Already been done, and so far I would have to agree with you except on one crucial point....

Those things are sentient? When in the Profound Darkness did we lower the standards THAT far???