View Full Version : 42 Rynapril Playfools F5:Return of the Dhyguy

Apr 1, 2011, 09:23 PM


Check that space on the doubles, time'm.

Hot, maybe. Cloud cover tho so no direct rays needin that Pimp wear seriousness, in all, and Serious, y of Fry.

I got a lot of strikethrough but didn't save it. Sad ;( ly
Once after quick reply went through, everyone else stayed in reverse text, mine was a strikethrough. Double formattinness in one topic with no refresh!


Okay, see this is one of the reasons we disallow big text. Your message isn't so big and bad...

[spoiler]Plotline in Persona 4, everyone is a jerk with crazy angry hidden motives passive aggressive feelings, even to TV shows, fake ones too even, Even Stevens makes them pretty angry too. Reverse Spirit Bomb, overspunky sister at HSchool, GRRR

[spoiler]..disallow small text, big text, cheat text(books) here. Back to your regularly scheduled Ethans

it was just shortstuff really, like Leviatha(n)ur ashy guy Donald phase ons


Yeah and "shyguy ;o" didn't exist out there, I had to make him.

Apr 1, 2011, 10:29 PM
I'd say one of the roughest ones is when a repeating Rappy image shows up behind your text.