View Full Version : ATTENTION!!! LUCKY'S INFO

Apr 4, 2011, 02:28 PM
Hey so we all know **lucky** is a ;agswitcher/scammer but did you know that he lives in Louisville, Kentucky and that his phone number is zxy. So anyone who has been scammed by this guy or just dislikes them in general give him a call, he really is just a nerd with no friends once you sit down and talk with him lmao.
Btw lucky if you're reading this, i did a reverse number lookup ande found out your address and your name and your parents names, i go to eku also so i will be stopping by your house soon...see ya there!! ;)

Apr 4, 2011, 03:42 PM
I have never heard of this "Lucky", I have never come across him, nor do I wish to. However, I do find this quite funny, how you managed to trace him back that in-depth is beyond me 'wouldn't mind leaning myself'. In my opinion, all scammers/hackers/glitchers deserve their penises served to them on a silver platter, that's to say their male of course. :-?

Apr 4, 2011, 05:03 PM
His ID is :abc
to blacklist him all you need to blacklist him without running into him, type in this command in the chat window /bl30131992
then just check your blacklist and it should show his id number under your blacklist.

Apr 4, 2011, 05:15 PM
Hey so we all know **lucky** is a ;agswitcher/scammer but did you know that he lives in Louisville, Kentucky and that his phone number is xyz. So anyone who has been scammed by this guy or just dislikes them in general give him a call, he really is just a nerd with no friends once you sit down and talk with him lmao.
Btw lucky if you're reading this, i did a reverse number lookup ande found out your address and your name and your parents names, i go to eku also so i will be stopping by your house soon...see ya there!! ;)

Now record it and put it on a website and claim fame as the person who beat someone up over a video game!

Apr 4, 2011, 07:57 PM
If you have in-game issues with certain person, report to Sega, or learn to deal with it personally. Do not name or give personal info of such people here.