View Full Version : Protectors Zeta: PSU Disc No.4 (Kill 87 Enemys) how?

ymaOka benOire
May 5, 2011, 09:25 AM
Protectors Zeta: I want to success PSU Disc 4 but i found nothing (web). Yeah i know, i have to kill 87 Enemys @ 30 Minutes Run.

But how i open that doors? :-?

May 5, 2011, 09:29 AM

ymaOka benOire
May 5, 2011, 11:05 AM
Thanx so far. my problem is @ Minutes 3 Minutes and 53 seconds.

May 6, 2011, 04:31 AM
Thanx so far. my problem is @ Minutes 3 Minutes and 53 seconds.

Basically with that spawn you HAVE to kill the robot that spawns 2nd from the right you'll know you've hit the right one because a brown robot will take its place. Kill the wrong blue robot and another blue one appears. If a blue robot spawns then you messed up... restart the mission.

Study and follow the video exactly and you'll get your disc. I got my disc 4 with this video. Keep trying and you'll get it eventually.

If you lose track of the robot my suggestion is to go back to the lobby via the crystal, come back to the 3rd block and keep an eye out for the robot that you need to kill, kill it, kill its brown cousin afterwards then advance. Hope this helps

May 6, 2011, 08:27 AM
Theres also a wierd glitch where Shield vanda's do not have a shield in their name macro.
The same goes for the shield, shoes, cane Deljeban in B4.... however observing the left hand of the creature will show you which one he is... he will have a shield.