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DeeJayy :D
Jul 31, 2011, 01:58 AM
Anyone that helps me renew my psu subscrition i will give my whole pallete everything 7^ or higher a couple 10/10 most ranger weps plus 8-9mil GT-GeT LiKe DJ

Recon Tactical
Jul 31, 2011, 05:33 AM
So, what the hell are you gonna do for weapons if you're giving up your palette? Unless you're making a new character, that seems kinda silly. Unless you've got better weapons as back up.

DeeJayy :D
Jul 31, 2011, 06:00 AM
i have friends that will lend or ill just make a new char im probally not gonna do missions the first week anyways so it should give me time to think and yes really i will even give u the info to my 2nd account till i give u my stuff for trust issuess if u have any please message my gamertag if u will be willing to help GeT LiKe DJ thanks.