View Full Version : PSO2 Data mining

Aug 24, 2011, 01:39 AM
Got some approval and conditions on posting this, and didn't see any comprehensive lists anywhere. Saw a few bits here and there in the PSO2 info thread but that's a bit lengthy and mostly stuff seen from just gameplay videos, so here goes:

Mob types
Another Dimensional


Dropship events
ObjectHelicopterType_DropEnemy (Trololol)
ObjectHelicopterType_DropDogMachine (Wat)



Wind: None apparently







PA descriptions (feel free to translate)
SwordPA01 大剣を抱え込み、飛び上がりつつ攻撃する。 打ち上げ効果があり、空中コンボへの連携が可能。 また、最大二段階までチャージを行うことが出来る。
SwordPA02 空中に飛び、回転攻撃を行った後に地面への 降下攻撃を行う。降下攻撃時に発生した衝撃波は 直撃した相手を浮かび上がらせる。
SwordPA03 大剣を展開し、周囲を旋回するように勢いよく 回転しながら攻撃を行う。吹き飛ばし効果を持ち 囲まれた時に有効なフォトンアーツ。
WlancePA01 ターゲットを捕獲したまま持ち上げて、思い切り 地面へと叩きつける。離れた場所に居るターゲットを 一方的に攻撃することが可能。
WlancePA02 ターゲットを捕獲し、ワイヤーを縮める勢いを 利用して、強烈な蹴撃を繰り出す。 攻撃を行いつつ、距離を縮めることが可能。
WlancePA04 ターゲットを捕獲し、そのまま振り回す。 ターゲットだけでなく周囲の敵にもダメージを 与えることの出来る広範囲攻撃。
GunslashPA01 片刃剣を用いて、素早く前方を切りつける。 短い挙動ながらも攻撃可能範囲が広く、汎用的に 使いやすいフォトンアーツ。
GunslashPA02 素早い突きを繰り返した後、銃による追撃を行う。 単一のターゲットに対して、大きなダメージを 与えることが可能。
GunslashPA03 ターゲットを打ち上げた後、そのまま空中にいる 相手に向かって射撃による追撃を行う。 荎つ威力が高い。
RiflePA01 弾倉を付け替え、貫通性能のある弾丸を発射する。 連射されないぶん、集束された一撃の威力は高い。
RiflePA02 弾倉を付け替え、着弾と同時に炸裂する弾丸を射つ。 爆発にも攻撃力があり、多くのターゲットを 巻き込むことが出来る。
RiflePA03 一点に向かって集中的に射撃を集中させる。 攻撃方法がシンプルな分、単純な火力は高い。
Fire01 初級の炎属性テクニック。 フォトンを熱量変換し 火の玉として放出する。
Ice01 初級の氷属性テクニック。 フォトンを媒介にして、大気を冷却し 射線上に氷柱を走らせる。
Thunder01 初級の雷属性テクニック。 フォトンを励起し、放電現象を生みだすことで 任意の場所に落雷を落とす。
Thunder02 雷テクニック02の説明文
Thunder03 中級の雷属性テクニック。 フォトンを励起し、放電する球状の電気体を生成。 放出された電気体は周囲を巻き込む放電を起こす。
Light04 体力を回復させるテクニック。 フォトンの働きかけにより、新陳代謝が促進され 失われた体力は戻り、傷は癒える。
Light05 状態異常を治療するテクニック。フォトンの浄化効果によって、身体に害なす異常を 取り払い、健康な状態へと引き戻す。

Aug 24, 2011, 01:47 AM
Saw this list on a certain other site but it is still rather interesting.

Aug 24, 2011, 02:06 AM
Nuuuuu, wheres my diga! >.<

Seriously though. pretty interesting. I'm kinda suprised theres no "machine" mob type.

So they have a Wind tech list but no techs listed in it? that's just weird..... but it's one element i've been hoping they would add for the longest. I like how they did add the Sa- techs, and wheres earth techs?

Pretty interesting indeed

These are just my random thoughts

Aug 24, 2011, 02:07 AM
AWESOME. I'm liking the names/themes of some of those areas. ^_^

This is just the alpha build, I think there's alot that will be added to either to the final build or in updates.

Aug 24, 2011, 02:09 AM
Espio already translated some parts.

Photon art and technique descriptions
* SwordPA01: A jumping sword attack. Can launch, making mid-air combo links possible. Can also be charged up to two times.
* SwordPA02: A mid-air rotating attack which finishes with a landing strike at the ground. The landing attack creates a shockwave which can send enemies flying.
* SwordPA03: A charged sword attack which builds up energy as you spin around an area. This photon art can blow away enemies in the circumference of the attack.
* WlancePA01: Latches on to a target to throw it in the air and then smash it into the ground with all your strength. Can perform a single attack on targets which are far away.
* WlancePA02: Retracts the wire with incredible force after latching on to a target, then sends it back out with a powerful kick. You can shorten the range during the attack, as well.
* WlancePA04: Latches in to a target and swings them around. A wide-ranged attack that will damage not only the target, but also enemies in the vicinity.
* GunslashPA01: A quick, frontal slash with the blade. An all-purpose, easy-to-use photon art with a wide range despite its shortness.
* GunslashPA02: Follows up quick repeated thrusts with gunfire. Can heavily damaged a single target.
* GunslashPA03: Fires shots at your target after launching it into the air. Very powerful.
* RiflePA01: Replaces the magazine with piercing bullets. Though they are not capable of rapid-fire, they offer high power as a focused attack.
* RiflePA02: Replaces the magazine with bullets that explode on impact. The blast radius of the explosion can also damage nearby targets.
* RiflePA03: Concentrates fire into a single point. A simple, but very powerful attack.
* Fire01: A basic fire technique. Releases a fireball by converting photons to fire.
* Ice01: A basic ice technique. Using photons as a medium, freeze the air to fire a line of icicles.
* Thunder01: A basic lightning technique. Charges photons in order to cast a bolt of lightning in any location.
* Thunder02: Description of lightning technique 02.
* Thunder03: An intermediate lightning technique. Charges photons to generate a sphere of electricity. This sphere releases its energy to affect its surroundings.
* Light04: A technique which restores health. Heals wounds and restores lost health with through photon energy.
* Light05: A technique that cures status ailments. Through photon's purification effects, removes impurities from your body to return you to health.

Photon art and technique names
* ライジングエッジ - Rising Edge
* ツイスターフォール - Twister Fall
* ノヴァストライク - Nova Strike
* バインドスルー - Bind Through
* グラップルチャージ - Grapple Charge
* アザーサイクロン - Other Cyclone
* トライインパクト - Tri-Impact
* レイジダンス - Rage Dance
* エインラケーテン - Ein Raketen
* ピアッシングシェル - Piercing Shell
* グレネードシェル - Grenade Shell
* ワンポイント - One Point
* フォイエ - Foie
* バータ - Barta
* ゾンデ - Zonde
* ラゾンデ - Razonde
* レスタ - Resta
* アンティ - Anti Also there was actual Japanese naming for some monsters:

oa_jellyfish_mine ブルフ
oa_enebomb_tent ベイゼ触手
oa_enebomb ベイゼ
SoldierAnt ダガン
SoldierAntElite エル・ダガン
QueenAnt ブリアーダ
AntEgg ダーガンエッグ
Snail カルターゴ
NativeBeast ウーダン
NativeBeastThrower ザウーダン
FishShield ガウォンダ
DragonMagma ヴォル・ドラゴン
PterosaurA アギニス
WolfA フォンガルフ
WolfB ガルフ
ArmadilloA ガロンゴ
BigBeastA ロックベア
RagRappyA ナヴ・ラッピー
RagRappyB (yeah, it's not here)
Rappy ラッピー
DragonRaptor ディッグ
DragonRizardmanA シル・ディーニアン
DragonRizardmanB ソル・ディーニアン
DragonRizardmanC ディーニアン
DragonWolfA フォードラン
DragonWolfB ノーディランThough missing some monsters there that are definitely in like:


Also may as well remove my 2 comments on the dropship section there. :wacko:

Nuuuuu, wheres my diga! >.<

Seriously though. pretty interesting. I'm kinda suprised theres no "machine" mob type.

So they have a Wind tech list but no techs listed in it? that's just weird..... but it's one element i've been hoping they would add for the longest. I like how they did add the Sa- techs, and wheres earth techs?

Pretty interesting indeed

These are just my random thoughts

This is Alpha, very probable they don't have plans to go any further than the Volcano area with it, thus no 'Machine' type.

Also I belive Earth techs was replaced with Wind. (Game doesn't reference anything Earth tech related.) It was already similiar to Fire in my opinion anyway.

Soul Guardian
Aug 24, 2011, 02:11 AM
I can just see that dropship screwing people over with an enemy when they aren't expecting it...

On another note, that Falz Shrine area sounds interesting.
Too bad wind techs aren't in the alpha though, would be cool to know if they used any of the old PS ones or made up new ones.

Aug 24, 2011, 02:15 AM
Nuuuuu, wheres my diga! >.<

Seriously though. pretty interesting. I'm kinda suprised theres no "machine" mob type.

So they have a Wind tech list but no techs listed in it? that's just weird..... but it's one element i've been hoping they would add for the longest. I like how they did add the Sa- techs, and wheres earth techs?

I'm glad they got rid of the earth spells. They were all just knockoffs of the Foie spells... And pretty much every one looked like molten lava, so they probably could just incorporate some of the diga spells into the Foie ones.

And yeah. There's definitely a Wind element in the game, but apparently no spells exist for it in the Alpha.



Aug 24, 2011, 02:27 AM
Nice, I want to see old urban area.

Aug 24, 2011, 02:31 AM
im so scared for forces. looking too much like psu/psp2.

Im glad we're back to only the 3 basic and light/dark. PSP2i had far too many useless ass spells.

Aug 24, 2011, 02:31 AM
Espio already translated some parts.

Also there was actual Japanese naming for some monsters:
Though missing some monsters there that are definitely in like:


Also may as well remove my 2 comments on the dropship section there. :wacko:

This is Alpha, very probable they don't have plans to go any further than the Volcano area with it, thus no 'Machine' type.

Also I belive Earth techs was replaced with Wind. (Game doesn't reference anything Earth tech related.) It was already similiar to Fire in my opinion anyway.

Can you PM me where the translations are coming from? I don't want to have to mine something that's already been done and would rather focus on the music files which are annoying me to no end.

Aug 24, 2011, 02:38 AM
type "pso datamine" in google.

Aug 24, 2011, 02:41 AM
type "pso datamine" in google.

Yea that pulls up a bunch of shit about algorithms and swarm intelligence...

Edit: thanks for the PM

Aug 24, 2011, 02:53 AM
Oh right, not the hardest thing to find out, but PSO2 uses Physx.

Aug 24, 2011, 03:58 AM
Can you PM me where the translations are coming from? I don't want to have to mine something that's already been done and would rather focus on the music files which are annoying me to no end.

Uh, same here? ^^;

Aug 24, 2011, 04:39 AM
Got some approval and conditions on posting this, and didn't see any comprehensive lists anywhere. Saw a few bits here and there in the PSO2 info thread but that's a bit lengthy and mostly stuff seen from just gameplay videos, so here goes: ---

This is awesome. Thanks for putting this together.

Any chance of mining some info on the skills tree as seen here:


Aug 24, 2011, 04:42 AM

----------> Area_DarkfalzSeal <------------


Aug 24, 2011, 04:46 AM
lol all these years, you guys are still at it. I rather just find out on my own and then look for things I might have missed.

Aug 24, 2011, 04:49 AM
they have a Wind tech list but no techs listed in it? that's just weird..... but it's one element i've been hoping they would add for the longest. I like how they did add the Sa- techs, and wheres earth techs?

Pretty interesting indeed
same here

Aug 24, 2011, 07:01 AM
the recent FO info, and now seeing the sa- techs, and possibly the return of -zan. must resist urge to FOcast.

Aug 24, 2011, 07:26 AM
Found these... :wacko:


These 2 are found next to each other.
You probably know Arcs/Arks are this game's 'Guardians' and probably know JP PSU has Guardians Cash which is a cash shop... Hmm.

Of course though this could just mean the game has another currency besides Meseta, but eh it's sounding awfully familiar.

Aug 24, 2011, 07:32 AM
Yeah...lets hope its for something else...

Aug 24, 2011, 08:56 AM
Real money auction house

Aug 24, 2011, 11:22 AM
See my thread about micro-transactions. This could be a good thing if used correctly.

Having a separate currency most likely means they look to be trying to keep things separate, so you won't be spending cash on items you normally get with meseta, and vice-versa.

So, in theory, there won't be an easy way to buy a 10/10 SN/G anytime soon :D It could just be for room decks and novelty items.

Nitro Vordex
Aug 24, 2011, 12:50 PM
Honestly, I wouldn't mind if it was payshop, but only if it was for cosmetic features, nothing that gives you an unfair advantage.

Aug 24, 2011, 01:42 PM
Micro transactions aren't acceptable EVER in a P2P game.

And if the game is F2P with Micro Transactions (cash shop)....well, lets just say i probably wont be playing very long, because in the end the game will only have issues.

Noel Vermillion
Aug 24, 2011, 01:45 PM
Micro transactions aren't acceptable EVER in a P2P game.

And if the game is F2P with Micro Transactions (cash shop)....well, lets just say i probably wont be playing very long, because in the end the game will only have issues.

I'm 90% sure PSO2 will be subscription based.

I'm 80% sure that it will have a cash shop of some kind...

I don't mind cash shops, but if they give paying players an unfair advantage then.. hmm :/

Aug 24, 2011, 01:50 PM
What's the point of "SUBSCRIBING" if you still have content that isn't available to you? That was the whole point of "subscribing".

Them adding a cash shop layer on top of a subscription is them just being greedy as all shit.

Hey Noel, i know this is a redundant question, but do you play blazblue on PS3?

Aug 24, 2011, 02:11 PM
What's the point of "SUBSCRIBING" if you still have content that isn't available to you? That was the whole point of "subscribing".

Them adding a cash shop layer on top of a subscription is them just being greedy as all shit.

Hey Noel, i know this is a redundant question, but do you play blazblue on PS3?

Exactly my thoughts, finally some common sense...

We already pay for access, blocking content and it can be whatever, is just rude and greedy how i see it.

Be P2P, or be F2P with cash shop, its just not right to have both how i see it~

(unique cases are acceptable, like paying for extra character slot. We subscribe and pay to access the servers, and if we want additional character to access the server its reasonable to pay more...)

Aug 24, 2011, 02:24 PM
Maybe you must pay to have mags but they don't have stats. Wait, I might just give them ideas...

Aug 24, 2011, 02:30 PM
Could end up being a cash shop for cross-over DLC like PSP2 had for stuff that just doesn't really fit PSO.

Noel Vermillion
Aug 24, 2011, 02:32 PM
What's the point of "SUBSCRIBING" if you still have content that isn't available to you? That was the whole point of "subscribing".

Them adding a cash shop layer on top of a subscription is them just being greedy as all shit.

Hey Noel, i know this is a redundant question, but do you play blazblue on PS3?

Video games are a business model before they're made for peoples entertainment :/ its a sad truth we all just have to accept. Look at Warcraft... :(

I play on 360 D: sorry

Aug 24, 2011, 03:27 PM
Honestly, I wouldn't mind if it was payshop, but only if it was for cosmetic features, nothing that gives you an unfair advantage.

Looking at what Guardians Cash became, I wouldn't hold my breath on that last point, homie. But hey, I'm still hoping for your sake that my pessimism is unfounded.

Aug 24, 2011, 04:04 PM
I play on 360 D: sorry

Oh well. Always fun to find another punching bag : 3

Aug 24, 2011, 04:44 PM
It is hilarious how everyone assumes F2P or a cash shop means P2W.

Aug 24, 2011, 04:48 PM
Is "Wind" a valid element in the game? I hope not, otherwise it will be PSU all over again as far as forces are concerned. The lack of offensive light techs in the game made forces suck against dark creatures.

RE: Free to play... this game should be free to play. All of its competition (Diablo 3, Guild Wars 2, etc) is going to be not to mention the portable Phantasy Stars. I'd be fine with a pay-shop of some sort but there should be no subscription fee.

Aug 24, 2011, 04:56 PM
Yay! Zan is back! Now we just need Gra!

Aug 24, 2011, 05:07 PM
Hey just wondering what all the drops are.

Sword/Gun/Staff for respective weapon drop.

Disk (green)- Techniques

Canister- Items

Some sorta Computer Chip thing (Purple)- Units or Armor????

Aug 24, 2011, 05:14 PM
Is "Wind" a valid element in the game?

Yup. Made a post in the info thread like 2 days ago proving it.

I hope not, otherwise it will be PSU all over again as far as forces are concerned. The lack of offensive light techs in the game made forces suck against dark creatures.

And wat. How does a Wind element make Forces suck? :l

....As the OP clearly posted, there are 3 offensive Light spells.... Every other element only has 4 offensive spells.

Aug 24, 2011, 05:21 PM
And wat. How does a Wind element make Forces suck? :l

....As the OP clearly posted, there are 3 offensive Light spells.... Every other element only has 4 offensive spells.

Because it is the same situation as forces/light techs in PSU.

In PSU, force started off without any offensive light techs....so when fighting dark creatures they sucked because they could not exploit those creature's elemental weakness.

If, in PSO2, forces don't have any offensive wind spells then they will suck against whatever creatures are weak to wind (presumably lightning creatures) because they will not be able to exploit their elemental weakness.

Aug 24, 2011, 05:22 PM
It is hilarious how everyone assumes F2P or a cash shop means P2W.

Like how PVP mini games automatically mean a bad community.

That's right, I went there.

Cephei Mordred
Aug 24, 2011, 05:47 PM
I used to be 100 percent anti Play To Win

But if a game is good enough, I'll allow for a minor bit of it.


Aug 24, 2011, 06:36 PM
Because it is the same situation as forces/light techs in PSU.

In PSU, force started off without any offensive light techs....so when fighting dark creatures they sucked because they could not exploit those creature's elemental weakness.

If, in PSO2, forces don't have any offensive wind spells then they will suck against whatever creatures are weak to wind (presumably lightning creatures) because they will not be able to exploit their elemental weakness.

With that logic, RA must have been useless too since light/dark bullets weren't out for a good while after launch (oh jeez, reminded myself of the days of marseline, 6k. Even then I recall 2-3 shotting those dark mobs with foie anyways..

And as said before, this is alpha. it's not complete. We don't know what will be at launch.

Bulgereek Nookstain
Aug 24, 2011, 06:40 PM
Because it is the same situation as forces/light techs in PSU.

In PSU, force started off without any offensive light techs....so when fighting dark creatures they sucked because they could not exploit those creature's elemental weakness.

If, in PSO2, forces don't have any offensive wind spells then they will suck against whatever creatures are weak to wind (presumably lightning creatures) because they will not be able to exploit their elemental weakness.You see, the flaw in this line of thought is that you seem to have overlooked the fact that this is an alpha where a significant portion of the game's features have not been implemented. Notice that there are no wind techs listed at all. This is not because they won't exist, but because they just aren't in the alpha. You know, like MAGs, subclasses, certain class costumes, and the majority of the game's content.

Aug 24, 2011, 06:42 PM
At that time, Diga was the best DPS for a force even against earth-element monsters, so...

Aug 24, 2011, 06:46 PM
In my opinion, Wind techs should focus on controlling enemy movement rather than dealing damage. For instance, launching them into the air or send them flying away.

Aug 24, 2011, 06:50 PM
Yeah, we totally need MOAR KNOCKBACK.

Aug 24, 2011, 06:59 PM
Reguarding the ArcCash or w/e it is called, durring some interupt events, I would see enemies sometimes drop badge looking items. it could it be that the cash is dropped from interupt events or by some other means. I mean, PSU was full of badge type items that were used to trade to NPCs for other items. Also, this data mine was from the alpha right? Why would SEGA include data about a cash shop in an alpha test?

Bulgereek Nookstain
Aug 24, 2011, 07:03 PM
Yes, it is possible that the Arks Cash could end up being a trading currency similar to PSO's Photon Drops or event items in PSU. It is too early to say for certain one way or another, but the similarity in name to GUARDIANs Cash cannot be overlooked.

Aug 24, 2011, 07:08 PM
Yes, it is possible that the Arks Cash could end up being a trading currency similar to PSO's Photon Drops or event items in PSU. It is too early to say for certain one way or another, but the similarity in name to GUARDIANs Cash cannot be overlooked.

Yeah, but how illogical it would be to add the data of a cash shop into an alpha cannot overlooked either.

Does anyone know what those badge-looking items were that were dropped in the videos?

The looked exacly like the Arcs emblem.

Bulgereek Nookstain
Aug 24, 2011, 07:11 PM
Considering the data pertains to an actual visible icon, it does lend some credence to the non-cash shop currency theory.

As to why it would be in the alpha, well that question is really valid for both theories. I wouldn't think much of it, though. As the datamining has shown, there is a lot of data in the alpha client that is not currently accessible in any form.

Aug 24, 2011, 07:15 PM
Yes, it is possible that the Arks Cash could end up being a trading currency similar to PSO's Photon Drops or event items in PSU. It is too early to say for certain one way or another, but the similarity in name to GUARDIANs Cash cannot be overlooked.

Better HOPE that's what it is...

If Arks are the new Guardians, then it's technically the same name. e_e

If they did guardians cash before and JP players were cool with it, I dunno what's stopping them from doing it again, Just because most of US hate it.

At this point... I don't care anymore. e_e

I have a job.

Aug 24, 2011, 07:16 PM
Like how PVP mini games automatically mean a bad community.

That's right, I went there.

Eat it.


Aug 24, 2011, 07:17 PM
Yeah, but how illogical it would be to add the data of a cash shop into an alpha cannot overlooked either.

Does anyone know what those badge-looking items were that were dropped in the videos?

The looked exacly like the Arcs emblem.

Care to point any of these out? I haven't noticed anything like that.

Aug 24, 2011, 07:18 PM



Aug 24, 2011, 07:23 PM
Not currently accessible, but has a chance of being accessable in the last stage of the alpha, while a cash shop has no chance of appearing in the alpha.

On a side note, I rewatched the video with the item with the strange icon. I think it was a unit, and it actually does not look much like the Arcs emblem.

The item name was リア/ケーナュエンテ (I think, was a poor quality video). I can usually read katakana pretty well, but that name for the item really makes no sense to me, but the / between リア and the rest leads me to believe it might be a unit.

Aug 24, 2011, 07:28 PM
Care to point any of these out? I haven't noticed anything like that.

Here you go, sorry about the poor quality. This item was dropped off one of that spiders from an interupt event.



And here is one when he gets close enough to see the item name. Sorry it is .png..


Aug 24, 2011, 07:31 PM
..Yeah I think that's a unit.

Aug 24, 2011, 07:37 PM
Oh, come on, really? That is some of the most facetious reasoning I've ever seen!

Look, just because it is in alpha doesn't mean Arcs Cash has to appear at all. In fact, there is a lot of content in the game that is not going to be seen in the alpha.

To answer the question "Why would Sega include information about a cash shop in an alpha test?", the simple answer is because they don't cut out EVERYTHING that isn't going to be used during the alpha! Just like, y'know, how we have all these different techniques we know exist but don't show up in any form within the alpha.

Arcs Cash is in there because they plan on having a PSO2 equivalent to Guardians Cash. Period. End of story.

Aug 24, 2011, 07:46 PM
Oh, come on, really? That is some of the most facetious reasoning I've ever seen!

Look, just because it is in alpha doesn't mean Arcs Cash has to appear at all. In fact, there is a lot of content in the game that is not going to be seen in the alpha.

To answer the question "Why would Sega include information about a cash shop in an alpha test?", the simple answer is because they don't cut out EVERYTHING that isn't going to be used during the alpha! Just like, y'know, how we have all these different techniques we know exist but don't show up in any form within the alpha.

Arcs Cash is in there because they plan on having a PSO2 equivalent to Guardians Cash. Period. End of story.

You're right, you just provided so many facts and logic that there is no way I can think otherwise now. It's nice to see that someone is actually thinking things through and making conclusions based on things other than personal opinion and not puting that opinion in the form of a statement.

Btw, you feeling like you need to explain why my reasoning is incorrect contradicts calling my reasoning "facetious".

Aug 24, 2011, 08:01 PM
Hmm, I Can't tell if that's sarcasm. :wacko:

In case it is;


Only 3 of those are expected to show up in the Alpha.

Aug 24, 2011, 08:10 PM
Knew falz was the last boss...

(Nah SEGA can't be THAT sloppy, it's gotta be A boss)

But no, he's gonna be the last boss.

Interested in those urban areas for sure.

Aug 24, 2011, 10:28 PM
was it really a doubt in anyone's mind about Falz being the final boss? That's like playing a Mario game and wondering who the final boss is gonna be >_>;

Aug 24, 2011, 10:30 PM
was it really a doubt in anyone's mind about Falz being the final boss

No, but I was the first one to call it. You know, calling the obvious. I called the obvious. I called it first. I called the obvious first.

Aug 25, 2011, 12:00 AM
new bosses and dungeons get added to old mmo's all the time though; so dark falz may not be the hardest boss.

would be rad if they had an alignment system.

Aug 25, 2011, 12:07 AM
new bosses and dungeons get added to old mmo's all the time though; so dark falz may not be the hardest boss.

would be rad if they had an alignment system.

I already said he's at least "A boss" so hah!

Aug 25, 2011, 05:09 AM
Why does my thread have this thick smell of speculation to it?
Oh... that's why...

So yea how bout we get back to the actual info?

Several pages back someone posted a skill tree that had HP bonus and other stuff for certain level ranges. Anyone able to translate that?

Aug 25, 2011, 06:28 AM
Espio already translated some parts.

Also there was actual Japanese naming for some monsters:
Though missing some monsters there that are definitely in like:


Also may as well remove my 2 comments on the dropship section there. :wacko:

This is Alpha, very probable they don't have plans to go any further than the Volcano area with it, thus no 'Machine' type.

Also I belive Earth techs was replaced with Wind. (Game doesn't reference anything Earth tech related.) It was already similiar to Fire in my opinion anyway.

Me too, earth and fire were very musch alike, i cant wait to see what wind is like . its gonna loook coooowaaaall :P

Aug 25, 2011, 06:33 AM
Several pages back someone posted a skill tree that had HP bonus and other stuff for certain level ranges. Anyone able to translate that?


EDIT: Struck me that text is hard to read after Photobucket resize. Bigger version: http://awakenlucretius.com/storage/hunter-skill-tree-PSO2-8.jpg

Aug 25, 2011, 06:37 AM
im so scared for forces. looking too much like psu/psp2.

Im glad we're back to only the 3 basic and light/dark. PSP2i had far too many useless ass spells.

If the spells are balanced and fair then i say more the better, if theres 2 spells that just do the same but one looks cooler ( to someone else then the other) then its adding more customization to skills.. e.g i want to make a full fire based Force, I can do that and not have to worry needing other elemental techs to be any good .

as long as its within reason ^^

Aug 25, 2011, 06:47 AM
What's the point of "SUBSCRIBING" if you still have content that isn't available to you? That was the whole point of "subscribing".

Them adding a cash shop layer on top of a subscription is them just being greedy as all shit.

Hey Noel, i know this is a redundant question, but do you play blazblue on PS3?

do you think the subscription is going to be like psu where it come out every month? or u have to update it like with the hunters licence on pso for CG ?

Id very much like it to be the same as the pso for GC as if i knew i wasnt going to be playing much that month and could w8 untill i was going to be playing untill paying for it.. so im not wasting money every month.

Anyone get what i mean ?

Aug 25, 2011, 07:58 AM
PSU PC actually had bundles for subscriptions. I expect we'll be seeing monthly (auto renew) 3 month (one time) and 6 month and maybe a year (one time). The bundles were of course cheaper overall.

Aug 25, 2011, 08:08 AM

EDIT: Struck me that text is hard to read after Photobucket resize. Bigger version: http://awakenlucretius.com/storage/hunter-skill-tree-PSO2-8.jpg

That was me! Thanks Asai for bumping, and thanks Kanashimi for the translation!

Aug 25, 2011, 08:37 AM
PSU PC actually had bundles for subscriptions. I expect we'll be seeing monthly (auto renew) 3 month (one time) and 6 month and maybe a year (one time). The bundles were of course cheaper overall.

Hopfully the bundles have quite alot of discount , cus if its anything like psu then its going to be hard to pay for .

Im wanting to beleive, they have realized theres alot of good mmo's out there that are at a low cost (even wow is free untill certain lvl ) and not put the game at a high price.

ps. wow sucks =D

Aug 25, 2011, 10:08 AM
WoW is amazing, i just started playing last week because some friends dragged me into it.

At first i was like "this game is just an ugly version of these other MMOs", but as i kept playing i slowly realized why it's so popular. It just has so much stuff, and doesn't bullshit on content or quests.

This is from someone who doesn't even glance at MMOs because of how similar they all are to eachother. Also coming from someone who absolutely hates WoW's ugly ass characters.

Aug 25, 2011, 10:54 AM
WoW is amazing, i just started playing last week because some friends dragged me into it.

At first i was like "this game is just an ugly version of these other MMOs", but as i kept playing i slowly realized why it's so popular. It just has so much stuff, and doesn't bullshit on content or quests.

This is from someone who doesn't even glance at MMOs because of how similar they all are to eachother. Also coming from someone who absolutely hates WoW's ugly ass characters.

i played wow for a year or two, was a gm for prvt server aswell. now it sucks.. its too old tbh

Aug 25, 2011, 11:54 AM
It is quite dated. But i still think it has what so many other MMOs lack that its enough for me to overlook most of it for now. Im only on trial now, im not sure if i'll pay to keep playing.

I'll say one thing though, if they ever decide to make a World of Warcraft II, it's going to blow most of these other MMOs off the map. If WoW was more modern in the graphical department, then i dont think there would be anything that newer MMOs offer that WoW doesn't.

because man WOW's characters are fugly. Took me a while to get over that.

Bulgereek Nookstain
Aug 25, 2011, 12:03 PM
Now if only WoW had enjoyable gameplay, then maybe it would really be good!

Stop talking about WoW; no one cares about WoW.

Aug 25, 2011, 12:03 PM
WoW II better have Crysis graphics... (That would be ridiculous processing in a busy city)

Aug 25, 2011, 04:54 PM
With that logic, RA must have been useless too since light/dark bullets weren't out for a good while after launch (oh jeez, reminded myself of the days of marseline, 6k. Even then I recall 2-3 shotting those dark mobs with foie anyways..

And as said before, this is alpha. it's not complete. We don't know what will be at launch.

Well yes, rangers did suck without those bullets....but there is a bit of a false equivalency here....rangers had to wait 3 months to get those bullets compared to the YEARS that forces have had to wait for decent light based techs. And no, Regrants isn't decent. They just got them in Japan and they will probably never see the light of day on US servers.

You see, the flaw in this line of thought is that you seem to have overlooked the fact that this is an alpha where a significant portion of the game's features have not been implemented. Notice that there are no wind techs listed at all. This is not because they won't exist, but because they just aren't in the alpha. You know, like MAGs, subclasses, certain class costumes, and the majority of the game's content.

It goes without saying that this is an Alpha and that certain things have been left out such as mags and whatnot. It is peculiar though that they listed the names of techs for every element, (many of which aren't present in the alpha), except wind. I'm just saying that I would not be surprised for them to screw forces over. They have done it before and as Arande pointed out they did it to rangers too! Its not as if my suspicions are completely unfounded. Having said that, I hope I am wrong.

Aug 25, 2011, 05:09 PM
Ok, so instead of trying to open up the multiple encrypted/compressed/whatever ADX music files in a media player, how about changing what PSO2 plays at the title screen instead?

Unfortunately not that simple as you need to know the name of the CPK/MUS file. The only other one that you can not hear past the login can easily be found in the Game's memory is character creation, so I recorded it. :wacko:


Also to those interested,

These are the only 2 found 'actual' names for the CPK files.
If others, say ones for the forest or such levels are discovered we will be able to listen. :>

Aug 25, 2011, 05:24 PM
Ok, so instead of trying to open up the multiple encrypted/compressed/whatever ADX music files in a media player, how about changing what PSO2 plays at the title screen instead?

Unfortunately not that simple as you need to know the name of the CPK/MUS file. The only other one that you can not hear past the login can easily be found in the Game's memory is character creation, so I recorded it. :wacko:


Also to those interested,

These are the only 2 found 'actual' names for the CPK files.
If others, say ones for the forest or such levels are discovered we will be able to listen. :>

Thank you! downloading~

Edit: wow im loving the BGMs a lot so far... they're really good!

Aug 25, 2011, 05:34 PM
Thanks so much :D

Aug 25, 2011, 05:42 PM
No problem.

...Oh hello there.




Just awesome.

Aug 25, 2011, 06:15 PM
Also Misc stuff found today that is kinda noteworthy.

rarity_15 (Goes from 1 to 15, so 15 is the maximum rarity.)


quest_multi (Probably means the 3 of 4 player party quests.)
quest_single (Probably means single as in a single party.)
quest_solo (Possible it's like PSOBB where you can play single player quests here.)

warehouse_01 (Goes to 09)

By the sound of this it's possible it could be storage that you get "1 free", then possible have to pay for more with Arcscash, or something like PSU with Nanotransformer X. (Or it could be something else completely unrelated, ha.)

Also mail is in.

BlackList_Error_GM < Lol.

Aug 25, 2011, 11:07 PM
Lol, I listen.

But I don't agree. :D

/slaps a bunch of shit off the table in frustration

But yeah, still hoping they erm... I dunno how to explain it...

Fill in this huge gap that I'm feeling from these alpha videos before the beta happens.

Enforcer MKV
Aug 25, 2011, 11:13 PM
/slaps a bunch of shit off the table in frustration

But yeah, still hoping they erm... I dunno how to explain it...

Fill in this huge gap that I'm feeling from these alpha videos before the beta happens.

Yeah, I know....I'm kinda worried about a few things myself.

Aug 26, 2011, 02:39 AM
"Initiating Code... Arrest!!!" xDDDD GO GO GO!!! Mr. Drama Police Officer Sir! =P

Data... Mining... @.@; Cool!

Aug 26, 2011, 04:07 AM
I'm surprised there is no rip of the music files.

Aug 26, 2011, 05:33 AM
Thats true.

Aug 26, 2011, 05:39 AM
If you don't mind ear rape while they are playing and that they are split into many smaller files, yes they have been 'ripped.'

They are ADX files that are encrypted or something.

Aug 26, 2011, 09:56 AM
/slaps a bunch of shit off the table in frustration

But yeah, still hoping they erm... I dunno how to explain it...

Fill in this huge gap that I'm feeling from these alpha videos before the beta happens.

OOOO cant w8 to see the beta , does anyone know if the beta is going to be open ? or any info on the future beta ? or even a guess following on what sega normaly do ?

Aug 26, 2011, 10:00 AM
They are ADX files that are encrypted or something.

I've looked at the ADX files. The part that bothers me is that the standard encryption flag is 0x08 (and this encryption method has been documented extensively, as on Wikipedia), but the flag that appears in these files is 0x09. I haven't tried the original decryption method on the audio files, but that little detail is enough to prevent me from being absolutely certain that it would bear fruit anyway.

Aug 26, 2011, 12:57 PM
They're broken into many smaller files because of how the music system is setup just like PSO. If you looked at the music files for PSO, you will understand.

Aug 26, 2011, 12:58 PM
Yes, I realized that the moment I saw it, it's for the music transitions. Though that can be stitched together rather easily, the real problem is the encryption.